Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Strength and mobility log for Tuesday, November 1st

Had a rushed visit to the Y today to work on mobility and a bit of strength work.

I should have done my full gamut of shoulder/thoracic mob work but short on time and wanting to do some strict press, I mostly worked my my hips and hams with a bit of work on my shoulders/thorax.

Then I did my presses.   5 sets of 3 at 85%  115#,  I toyed with the idea of 120#, but my last "warm-up" set at 115# was clearly going to be my first working set.

I used 135# as my max, which I'm not even sure I could hit if I tried.  I've lost quite a bit since my year of strength ended 20 months ago.

Once I get my mobility worked out I'll have to find a balanced program to keep everything progressing, if more slowly, but not moving backwards.

So set 3 was rough, like, I-don't-if-I'll-get-through-set-4 rough. But I attacked it, really braced my core and it was easier than any of the previous sets.

Same for set 5. Pretty happy.  I didn't think I'd make set 5 let alone get through it.


Crossfit log for Tuesday, November 1st


Way back on April 14th 2014 I wrote:
Then it was time for the WOD: Grace. 30 clean and jerks for time. Rx is 135#, I've been doing 115# (I may be due to go up to 125# perhaps).

Going in I decide to use the 1 lift every 10 seconds strategy.  It worked really well, I was on pace at 2:30 with 15 reps done.  Took a break for 30 seconds hoping to repeat that, but I was getting winded, I did 1 every 10 seconds for another minute, taking me to 4:00, and another 30 second rest, leaving 9 reps to go.  I just hammered them as fast as I could and finished and finished in 6:01.

PR by 2 minutes, plus 2 reps!  Gotta be happy with that, especially given the amount of work we did before.

After the warm up of 5 push ups, 10 wall balls and 15 ring rows for 5 minutes and the dynamic stretching, which we substituted the figure 4 sit for a some gorilla walk nonsense we started warming up our clean and jerk.

In my mind I had done Grace at Rx, using the 1 lift per minutes, and it went well, so I vocally decided to try Men's Rx at 1 lift every 7 seconds.  Yeah, mistake.

I wish I had read the above beforehand.  I legit attempt at Rx on 0:10 would have been a good test.

Two downsides with 7 seconds, the obvious, not enough rest, but also time math. After 7 or 8 reps, figuring out the next split time is impossible.  Next time 10 seconds.  then if anything left hammer the last reps to get in under 5:00.

First 20 reps were okay, but I was already over 4:00. Slugged away at the last 10 and finished in 6:29.

6:29 @ 135#  compared to 6:01 at 115#, I'd call that a win.

The good thing about my vocal aggressive strategy is I think I pushed a couple of people to some pretty good times. 

Friday, 28 October 2016

CrossFit log for Friday, October 28th

Thankfully lower volume today, but it looked way easier on the board than in real life.

Warm-up:  2-4-6-8-10
Squats, push-ups, kettle bell swing.

I kicked up into s handstand against the wall again leading with my right and it was okay again.  Still afraid to lead with my left.   Held it longer than usual.

First part was hang power clean + power clean, for 1 rep max. 135# was easy, so was 155#. 165# was less easy and 175# was hard.

First attempt at 185# failed. Second attempt i caught the hang power clean, but didn't have enough from the floor. Oh well, I'll take the 175#

The WOD was 3 rounds for time:
- 30 ab mat sit-ups
- 10 clean& jerks 185#/135#

Did women's Rx and even that was brutal.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Strength and mobility log for Thursday, October 27th

Went to the Y at lunch and did my mobility as usual.

I don't log those, but since I also did some squats, it warrants a blog post.

I did my archer post with the band and weighted bretzel then the two variations of the "triangle pose" with a kettle bell.  One kneeling and one standing.

Kinda like this:

Then I did some back squats.

3 sets of 5 at 245# 

After a warm up with empty bar, 135#, 185# and 225#

Crossfit log for Thursday, October 27th

Another successful workout, no back issues, which is pretty good if you consider my injury was 3 days ago.

Partner WOD and partner warm-up.

While partner if rowing 250m do burpees, switch, then switch and do lunges, switch again.

Dynamic stretching. I kick up to a handstand against the wall, leading with my right foot instead of left, no problem, the wall may have helped. Did 2 holds for 10ish seconds.

Worked with new guy Ralph.

For time, share the work:
-150 cal row
-125 burpees
-100 power snatch 75#/55#
-75 toes to bar

We split the row by time 1:00 each, bring a bit taller and more experienced, had we dive equal calories, he would have gotten way less break, do tune made now sense, and we weren't that far off calorie-wise.

Burpees with did 80, 4 sets of 10 each, except the last one i did 12, leaving him 8. He was starting to hurt. His 2 first rounds were to fast and he was paying the price. Lesson learned.

Power snatch at 55#, i did 12 he did 8, third set, I was starting to hurt, and we had only 6 or 7 minutes before the cap, so we decided 80 troops would be enough.

We finished off with the 75 knees to chest with less than 2 minutes left.

It was good. Ralph worked really hard.


Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 26th

So Monday I did go to Crossfit, but I didn't make it past the warm up.

Kicking up into a handstand after the dynamic stretching, i tweaked my back.

Seems that going for flexion to extension can jam my L5-S1.

Luckily I got in to see Rob the same day, before my back got site from compensating, mobilized the joint and got me upright again. Took Tuesday off and was back at it today.

It was a good workout to come back to. Low volume, hardly any flexion except the pull ups (which gravity is not compressing the spine) and no load.

Warm-up was squats, box step ups and kettle bell settings for 5 minutes, and dynamic stretching, which went okay. Didn't even try a handstand.

Did some great pull up drills. Started with Hollie hold then arch hold, then alternating then killing.

After that we did the 1 pull up 1 kip drill. For this I tried doing 1 butterfly/1 kip and it went really well. Even coach Alex said so.

The wood was a15 minute AMRAP
- 10 pull ups
- 10 wall balls 20#/14#
- 10 box jumps 24"/20"

I decided to make it about the pull ups, did women's Rx, for the med ball and the box. Still used the 10' target though.

Did the same as the drills at first 1 butterfly/1 kip until I got 10 butterfly, and it went remarkably well. This may be my new goto.

Went unbroken the first 4 round, round 5 had to break them in two, the switched to regular kip do I could resume unbroken, last round had to break the regular kip. Getting tired.

Wall balls were all unbroken, box jumps were mostly step down with a few jump down. Some were step up. I was a bit nervous for my back on these.

Did 6 full rounds, plus pull ups and 5 wall balls.

Very happy with that.

No issues with my back.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, October 21st

What a week.

Arms were still sore from Mondays push-ups. Hammies were still tight from Tuesdays today and RDLs, and I didn't get to the gym since.

Finally made it this morning despite the drinks and pub food and the late appointment with the social worker.

After the 5 minute warm-up of burpees and wall balls, the dynamic stretch was okay, but the handstand work was a bit scary the way my stomach felt. But I survived

Part 1 find 1 rep max thruster, 12 minutes

3 minutes rest/out you extra weights away.

3 rounds for time
- 80-60-40 double-unders
- 20-15-10 thrusters 115#/75#

Hit 165# no problem, jumped to 185#. No go. Clean was off and didn't have good position for the push press. Still front racked, tried to square and go again, but no.

Tried again. Better position but still no. With time running out i peeled back to 175#. Couldn't lock it out


WOD went well.

For the double-unders, which I've been struggling with I abandoned the numbers, I planned to go to failure 4 times in the first round, 3 in the second and 2 in the last wherever that got me.

First round I got like 19, then 18, not even half way of well. Third attempt I made it to like 67, then made it to 80. Sweet. 

Used women's weight, 75#, did 10 and 10

Round 2 Dane deal. Third attempt took me to 60 double-unders.  Thrusters were 10 and 5.

Round three again, made 40 in two tries.  And 10 unbroken.

I'll take it.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Yoga and strength at the Y for Tuesday, October 18th

Forgot my gym clothes again.  Gah.

So I left early, went to Winners and bought some lame capris, they had no shorts (WTF) and a t-shirt.

Arrived earlier than expected at the Y had half an hour before the yoga class, so I did my physio homework and mobilized my hips and stretched my hamstrings in anticipation of the class.

Went way better than last time.  For one I wasn't rushing to catch up, as I arrived on time.  I was limber, thanks to the early arrival.  I used a block to improve my position on the trickier poses.

All added up to better mobilization of hips/thorax/shoulders.

Afterwards I did some side sits to mobilize my hips, a couple of minutes each side.

Then I did some RDL's to further murder my hammies.  Next couple of days may suck.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, October 18th

I was kinda hoping for another heavy day like last Tuesday, but it was not to be.

I was also expecting more leg intensive after all those push-ups yesterday. Wrong again.

After the 6 minute warm-up of box step ups, hanging leg raises and shuttle runs we did a less than fun WOD

7 rounds
- 7 hang per cleans 135#/95#
- 7 handstand push-ups

So much for leg day.

Women's Rx, bear push-ups.


After that we did bench. 15-15-10-10

Worked with John. We did 75#-85#-95#-105#

Last few reps sucked each time. So i guess we got it right

Monday, 17 October 2016

CrossFit log for Monday. October 17th

Woke up at 2am and took forever to fall back to sleep.

5am rolled around to quickly. And I'm sure that glass of wine didn't help one bit.

But I managed to roll it is bed.

Kept it simple this morning, which doesn't equate to eat by any measure.

Warm-up: 10 side lunges, 10 burpees, 10 kettle bell swings.  For 6 minutes.

Then the WOD:
4 rounds for time
-20 push-ups
-15 front squats 115#/75#
-15 push press 115#/75#
-20 sit-ups

So a push-up workout. Did women's Rx, no sense killing myself on the rest, it was all about the push-ups. Even splitting the difference at 95# was appealing, but I wisely decided against it.


Push ups feel apart at the end of round 2, then it was chip away until the end.

Front squats were easily unbroken. Push press were two sets each time.

Sit-ups were sit-ups.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Mobility and strength at the Y log for Thursday, October 13th

Quick session at the Y.

Did my physio homework, tomorrow's my appointment, so gotta cram.

Then did strict press  3 sets of 5 at 115#  Rough.  Just like in October 2014 in the middle of strength development.

So good.  Feel like I'm on track

Did some door stretch on my hammies,  progress being made there too.

Crossfit log for Thursday, October 13th

Interesting workout.

Warm up was partner rows 250m while you do burpees, switch, then partner rows 250m while you do sure squats, switch.  Not bad

Hamstring/adductor on the right felt tight.

WOD was teams of three, one at each station, advance only when all 3 are finished.

For time- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
- hang power clean 75#/55#
- row for calories
- wall balls 20#/14#

Worked with Heidi and Sawyer. We all used the same equipment, only difference was i hit the 10' target on the wall balls.

Turned out we were pretty evenly matched that way. Every round we waited for whoever was on the rower. I never felt like I was holding them back and i never felt held back.

Finished in 19:57. Can't complain one bit.

It was good.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Yoga, mobility and Strength at the Y log for Tuesday, October 11th

A yoga instructor at the Y has been pestering my to try her class, so today I finally did, a bit late, but I went in.

It was okay,  maybe once this round of mobility is done and I spend a bit of time on my hamstrings it'll be better.

Some of the poses I did really well at, thanks to all the thoracic rotation I've been doing no doubt.  Others weren't so great, most thanks to my tight hammies and what's left of my shoulder/thoracic end range limitations.

After words I did some of my physio homework and enjoy 5 glorious sets of 5 back squats at 225#.

I think, I'm back at it.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, October 11th

Heavy day.

After a 5 minute warm up is 10 squats, 5 burpees, 5 pull ups and 30 double unders we did clean and jerk

2 sets of 3 c&j @ 70%
2 sets of 2 c&j @ 75%
3 sets is 1  c&j @ 80%

4 singles heaviest weight for each

Wasn't stellar, but i haven't worked heavy in s long time.

145# for triples was okay. Got better with each set.
155# doubles was solid
165# singles were okay, jerks were wobbly.

Hit 185#. Clean was sold, jerk was very wobbly. Stopped there. No point hurting myself and we still had deadlifts to go.

Deadlifts, 6 sets of doubles at 70%

Felt good to lift heavy.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, October 8th

With only 2 workouts this week, I negotiated a Saturday WOD.

It was pretty good to.

Warm up was half Jackie,  500m row, 25 thrusters, 15 pull ups.

That was awesome,  made the dynamic stretching feel way different.

WOD was from the Team Series so require 4 participants.  We were 5.

So the three better athletes went as a unit and Linda and I were the other pair.

20 minute AMRAP
5 partner clean and jerk (not synchro but together)  185#/135#
10 synchro toes to bar.

Linda did 105#, her daughter Katrina did 135#, not sure what the other guy did, but one did Rx.

I started at 115# (the official scale) because that's what John did and at the end it wasn't looking fun. 

It was clearly too little and after 2 rounds I went to 125#, then 135# the round after that.  Women's Rx.  I should have known better.

We also did knees to chest instead of t2b. 

It was a good workout, we got through 6 rounds. 

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Strength and mobility log for Thursday, October 6th

I may be starting my strength cycle. 

I've done two sessions of strict press, last week and this week, but I didn't log either.  First one was 5 sets of 5 at 95# and Tuesday was 4 sets of 5 at 105# and one set of 5 at 95#

Today, after doing my physio homework, I did 5 sets of 5 front squats at 185#.

Thought that was closer to 75% of my 1 rep max, but I guess my current max isn't 285#.  So I'll take what I can get for now and see how things shake out in a couple of weeks.   Because I sure wasn't easy.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 5th

Took the morning off to deal with stuff so I went to the 10am class.

Ironically, two of the four others were from my usual 5:30am class.  Weird.

Warm up was 3 rounds of Cindy.   Dynamic stretching and some handstand work.

Skills was power snatch  10min EMOM  2 touch and go at 70%  (I did 95#,  round 4 I tried 115# which went up okay but was just too heavy for consistency).

WOD was hard.  Looked okay on the board, but wow, rough.

"Jackies evil twin sister"

1000m row
35 power snatches  75#/55#
7 rope climbs

Row was okay, just under 4:00

Snatches got hard fast.  I did Rx which is usually a mistake but John's score said 11:36 Rx.  (Maybe it was a different John)

7 rope climbs is apparently a lot.   

Was glad when it was over.

15:01 Rx.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, October 3rd

Really didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

Got to bed late, had a couple of beers in the evening, woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep.

But with Kiza away this might be my only workout this week so I couldn't miss it.

Warm up was 5 pull ups, 10 wall balls, 15 air squats.  for 5 minutes.

The usual dynamic stretching

WOD was
3 rounds for time:
- 35 sit ups
- 30 box jump overs
- 25 pull ups.

Finished round 1 in 4:54, could have gone faster on the box jumps, but it would have been too expensive.  Did the pull ups in 10-10-5

Round 2 finished at 11:35 so 6:40ish.  Sit ups were slower, box jumps were slower and pull ups were 10-8-7

Round 3 took me to 18:58 so 7:23.  Yeah.  Sit ups were a grind, box jumps were sad.  And pull ups were 10-5-2-5-3. 

At least it was Rx. 

18:58.  Done.

After that we did 4 sets of 10 bench.

Did 95#, 115#, 125# and 130#(6)

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 29th

Well I guess two in a row was all I'm gonna get.

Today sucked on so many levels.

Warm up, felt a pull in my right groin/aductor, doing the side lunges. It was 3 shuttle runs, 10 air squats, 10 barbell pressed and 10 side lines x2.

Skill work was snatch: 7 sets of 3. Probably didn't warn up enough, might have done 4 sets, maybe 5, of mostly missing the first sometimes missing the second and usually getting the third. Still needs work.

The the WOD.
100 burpees for time.

I thought it was a joke, it wasn't. I'm never doing that again.


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday. September 28th

Two good workouts in a row, who knew?

Warm up was row 200m, walking lunges and 20 DUs. X2

Dynamic stretching with pull up drills, want into it.

WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP of
- 30 air squats
-15 push press 95#/65#

Air squats are a breeze, push press got hard quicker than I expected. Did 75# instead of women's Rx, extra 10# made quite the difference.

Made 6 rounds plus 22 squats.

After WOD was partner row 4000m. Switch every 250m. Sucked.

Done. Satisfied.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

CrossFit log for Tuesday, September 27th

That was my kind of workout.

Warm up was air squats, pull ups and burpees.

I did the fascial release on my hip, using the voodoo band, that made the dynamic stretching way better, and i still hijacked the inch worm for my physio homework

We worked on false grip kipping and L-sits

Skill work was 7x 3 squat cleans plus 1 every 90 seconds. Did 135#.  Last 4 sets were touch and go.

WOD was short, 6 minute cap
5,4,3 squat clean 225#/155#
3,2,1 rope climb

Did women's Rx. Wise choice. Spilled my first clean, and spilled my next to last, with like 30 second left, got capped half way up the rope on the last climb.

I could have gone harder, but we haven't done workouts like this in ages so it was hard to gauge.

It was good.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 22nd

Another pyramid chipper. 

Warm up was shuttle run, "table tops", mountain climbers x4.
Dynamic stretching. Strict rings knees to elbows.

WOD was
-10 muscle ups (scale to 15 dips)
-20 dumbbell snatches 70#/50#
-30 box jumps 24"/20"
-80 wall balls
-30 box jumps 24"/20"
-20 dumbbell snatcher 70#/50#
-10 muscle ups (scale to 15 dips)

Dips were once again harder than they had any right to be.
Scaled snatcher to 45#
Used men's box height
Used women's med ball. Good thing.
Resorted to bar dips for the last 7 reps



Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 20th

95# thrusters never felt so hard. Well maybe 5 years ago. I wonder if opening up my thorax is recruiting the muscles that should have been working all along and they aren't happy about it.

That sure would explain a lot.

Warm up was 3 rounds of 10 wall balls, 10 side lunges and 5 burpees.

Used the stretching to open my thorax a bit. Every little bit helps.

Skills was strict rings knees to elbows, hollow body. No arm bend makes it tough.

WOD was rough.
3 rounds
-21 chest to bar
-15 thrusters  135#/95#
-50 double unders

Regular pull ups, women's weight.

First round was okay, pull ups unbroken, thrusters sucked, broke them up right away. Double unders were not pretty.

Got worse from there.



Monday, 19 September 2016

Crossfit and physio log for Monday, September 19th

Well I got some positive news at physio on Friday.   After mobilizing my upper thorax for a bit and doing a couple of drill I got my range to 45 degrees, only 5 to go to achieve "normal" range.

But the big motivator was that I shouldn't be using my workout time to do mobility work, I should be working out, and using the mobility work between sets to help the lifting.  Best to do work that requires thoracic mobility and use the drills to warm up and in between sets. 

That will help with my feelings of insufficient workouts.  Maybe I'll start my strength cycle now.   That would certainly make me feel better.

Today I took advantage of the dynamic stretching to do the piece I hate the moste, the inch worm, and co-opt it to to mobility work.

On of the drill Rob gave me was inch worm but with a rounded back and shoulders pressed forward.  Which I did today, and instead of the push up I just let my shoulders sag when I was in the plank and then pressed them out again before resuming.  Gave me a reason not to hate it so much.

Then we did 6 power snatch singles at 85% every 75 seconds.  I did 115# for the first two and wasn't landing them nicely, so I dropped to 105# and that was a lot better.   I need focus on consistent quality of my lifts, worry about weight later.

The WOD was horrible again. 

I thought it was 5 rounds but when I saw the 20 minute cap I knew something was off.  Looked again it was 10 rounds of:
- 10 cal row
- 15 push ups
- 15 sit ups

Should have scaled the push ups to 10, but whatever, everything else was good.

Finished round 7 with 5 seconds left.   That was a lot of push ups.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday. September 15th

Sure is a lot of suck going on at Crossfit these days.

Warm up was working lunges, push ups and glute bridges.

Stupid dynamic stretching again and handstand practice followed by stupid internal shoulder rotation drill.

Then right into the WOD.

4 rounds is
- run 400m on the stupid route through the gym and down the stairs. Whatever.
- 5 muscle ups
- 7 strict handstand push-ups
- 9 unbroken power cleans 115#/75#

Tried to work on my butterfly. Stupid mistake, switched to regular pull ups.

Get on box for hspu took to long, switched to bear style

Cleans were fine. Tested at the top for a beat.

20:53. Dead last yet again.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 13th

A day late with this post, I think I was too bummed about the workout to want to post about it, but you can't just post about the good ones.

Warm up was 15 kettle bell swings + 300m run  x 2

Dynamic stretching and handstand work.

Then this shoulder activation drill.  Sit on floor, bend one knee, rest elbow on knee, pull shoulder back and down rotated forearm in front of chest with small weight.

Couldn't acheive the postion.  Hips/hams/lumbar wouldnn't allow me to even get my elbow on to my knee. 

Was not happy. With last physio being zero progress and then a new (known but not often exposed)  weakness was a slap in the face.

I need Friday's physio to be good news, I've been doing the homework like crazy and I've been hating it.  Usually I don't mind but this round is not fun for some reason.

And the WOD, another long grinder that I had to ask for a time cap so I could have an out.  So they capped it at 30 minutes.

30 wall balls 20#/14#
30 box jump overs  24"/20"
30 cal row  30cal/20cal
30 shoulder to overhead 95#/65#
30 burpees to plate
30 toes to bar
30 burpees to plate
30 shoulder to overhead 95#/65#
30 cal row  30cal/20cal
30 box jump overs  24"/20"
30 wall balls 20#/14#

60 burpees.  Great.

Used women's Rx for everything except split the differnce on the calories, I did 25.

Used a 14# ball, 20" box, 65# bar.

Didn't help.

Hit the cap part way through the wall balls, so they said just keep going and finish it.  At that point, I didn't care either way.

I guess 31:11 dead last is still better than DNF.  


Monday, 12 September 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, September 12th

There wasn't much on the board, but I was shaking by the end.

Warm up was 4 rounds of 10 wall baka, 5 burpees followed by dynamic stretching.

Instead of handstand work we did, pull up drills. One plus one. One kip swing, one pull up. Harder than you'd think. Your mind really doesn't want to do just a kip right after a pull up.

Strength work was 5 rounds of 1 clean plus 2 jerks at 80%, rest as needed. I did 155#, failed on the last jerk.

WOD was 6 rounds, 1 minute on, 1 minute off, max reps squat cleans. 225#/135#

Did women's Rx for 34 reps (8-6-5-5-5-5)


Thursday, 8 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 8th

Well that sucked even more than yesterday.

Warm up was 10 dumbbell step ups, 10 side lunges, 5 ring rows

WOD was horrible

- dumbbell snatch 70#/50#
- ring dips
- box jump overs
- ab matt sit-ups

Women's Rx on snatch. Fine
Dips sucked. Fell apart in round one
Box jumps were stupid, no rebound, no lateral jumping, had to turn and face the box.  Just stupid.
Sit-ups, whatever.
Once everyone finished and I was reduced to singles on the second round of dips and couldn't lock out the 20th, I bailed. Fuck that shit.


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 7th

Ego is taking a beating during this mobility phase.

Warm up was 4 rounds of 10 wall Bala and 5 burpees.  Dynamic stretching. Handstand hold

Strength work 6 sets of 4 back squats, progressively heavier.
205#-215#-225#-235#-245#-255#(2) so I guess I'll count my last warm up set at 185# as first working set.
Maybe if I'd had my belt.

Kamil pulled off a 265#, I'm usually a stronger squatter, so I'm a bit pissed. But he had his belt. So it's okay I guess

WOD looked great on paper.
4 rounds
- 15 cal row
- 50 double unders
- 10 overhead squats 95#/65#

Made a tactical error. Choose 75# for the ohs and decided to wear my lifters.

Forgot my rope, so used a gym rope.

Combination of lifters and unfamiliar rope didn't work very well at all.

Everything else was fine. After two rounds of struggling coach said drop the number of DUs, it read taking too long.  So i did 30 the last two rounds

Finished in 1327

Not my best showing. Should have worn the nanos and worked harder on the ohs.

Oh well.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 6th

Well that was a good workout.

The first half was way better then then second.

Warm up was a 4min 5 shuttle runs + 20 double unders followed by dynamic stretching.

part 1:   5 rounds   15 min cap
- 10-8-6-4-2  bench press 205#/115#
- 5-4-3-2-1 rope climb

rest 5 minutes
part 2: 5 rounds
- 10 sumo dead lift high pull  95#/65#
- 10 wall balls  20#/14#

Women's Rx again. Wish I could scale my body weight for those rope climbs though!

Probably could have done 135# for the bench, but the goal was to move fast.

Started 20 seconds after Kamil, we shared a bar and I let him go first, rather than starting on rope climb I just waited for him to finish his 10 reps and remove 0:20 from my score.

Finished the first half in 13:09, minus 0:20 = 12:49   a minute ahead of Kamil :)

Part two... sucked.  Should have used women's med ball.  Kamil started part two a minute behind me and finished before me!

Finished at 26:14 minus 0:20 25:54, after Kamil, but with the 20 second adjustment just before him. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

CrossFit lug for Friday, September 2nd

Thursday off might have been a good thing.  Felt pretty good this morning going in, once i got out of bed that is.

Warm up was partner route 400m vs 5 squats and 5 burpees, which i did 8 squats and 4 burpees. Twice through.

WOD was two parts
4 rounds of
- 18 bench press 135#/95#
- 18 toes to bar

Rest 5 minutes

- power snatch 95#/65#
- abmat sit-ups

Women's Rx for weight, between Kamil, Dave and I, we shared 2 benches.

1st round unbroken, then, 10,8, and 9,6,3 and 8,5,5

Tires to base were 8,5 then 7,5 hanging singles, then 4,4,4 and finally 5,4,3

Finished in 12:15

Started up at 17:15

Snatchers went 11, 10 then 9,6 then 7,5 and 9

Sit-ups were no fun.

Post two took 10:11 for s total of 27:26 including the 5 min rest.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 31st

When my alarm went off, I turned it off immediately and decided against going to the gym.

Our new dog, Pacha, clearly thought the alarm meant time for a walk.

So I took him out to pee and figured, I was awake now, might as well make something of it.

Warm up was 7minutes of 10 OHS, 10 wall balls and 10 push ups (which became 8 and 7) followed by dynamic stretching.

WOD was okay,

4 rounds for time of:
- 20 abmat sit ups
- 15 chest to bar pull ups
- 10 overhead squat  135#/95#

Regular pull ups thank you.  This would be an overhead squat workout for me.  I used women's Rx with the plan to go unbroken for the OHS.

Sit-ups are fine, if not annoying, pull ups started as high pull almost CTB but after 2 rounds were just regular old pull ups.  That's fine.  This was about the OHS.

At 95# I'm pretty good at cycling OHS.  Coach Alex commented on my range of motion, looking good.  *Glee*

Went unbroken all 4 rounds. Happy with that.

Finished in 16:20

Finished up with 4000m partner row which thankfully became 2000m shared.  That wasn't so fun.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, August 30th

Much like last Tuesday it was a low volume day. 

Not to be confused with an easy day.

Warm up once again had burpees (WTF?)  3 rounds of dumbbell step ups 10 per leg, alternating and 5 burpees, needless to say I only did 3 rounds.

Again with the dynamic stretching and handstand walk progressions.

This time the 10 minute EMOM was of 5 instead of 6 touch and go power snatch. And it was after the back squats.

We did 6 sets of 6 back squats. Working up each set to a 6 rep max.

185#, 205#, 225#, 245#, my deal was if I managed 245# beltless, I go for 265# with belt and if not, I'd get my belt and try 245# again.

Should have tried 255# with belt.  245# was rough without my belt, but I did it, so true to my word, I tried 265# with belt, and bailed on rep 4.  Meh. Good enough.
For few reps and the sake of progression I upped it to 85# this week  from 75#, got rough at the end. But I managed to hold form.

Pretty wiped after all that.

Monday, 29 August 2016

CrossFit log for Monday, August 29th

Pretty good workout this morning, scaled the crap out of it, but kept moving for the most part

Warm was 25'walking lunges plus 5 push ups, for 5 minutes, followed by dynamic stretching.

The WOD was 5 rounds of
- 15 axle hang power cleans 115#/75#
- 10 handstand push-ups

Did women's weight and scaled the hspu to one smart and started with 7 reps, which became 6, then 5 and 5 and finally 3 plus two regular push-ups.

The clans for hard on the shoulders by rounds 3, where I did 10 and 5, round 4 I managed unbroken, but it cost me.  The last round was 9 and 6.

Happy with that.

Finished in 13:31

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, August 25th

Exhausting workout.

First 4 days in a row for a long long time.  And this one tanked me, left me feeling weak and moderately nauseated.

Warm up was short shuttle runs and kettle bell swings, followed by dynamic stretch routine.  We all did wall walks with handstand hold for upside down work.  Shoulder were smoked.

The WOD was unusual.

7 rounds
-7 bench 155#/105#
-7 strict pull ups

5 min rest

6 rounds
- 10 push press  135/95#
- 10 kipping pull ups

Kamil and I did women's Rx. Bench went fine.  Strict pull ups not so much.  Started with a new Rogue blue band (thicker than the older blue and the red bands, but much thinner than the green bands).

Kamil started using my band so I got another one, and he quickly escalated to a green, so by round 3 I had both blue bands going.

Tried to start with one unassisted then 3 with one band and the rest with both.

Unassisted lasted 2 rounds, then it was straight to the single band for 3 reps, the the double band for 4 reps.

Man that sucked.  5 minutes rest isn't enough.

Push press go really hard to lock out on the last few reps by round 4 of 6.

Kipping pull ups went shockingly well.  10 unbroken except for round 5. 

Man I was wiped.

13:15 + 5:00 rest + 12:37

total 30:52

Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 24th

Forgot to log yesterday, which is a challenge since the workouts aren't posted any more I have to rack my brain to remember.

Finally remembered it. 

Warm up was 25 wall balls, 30 second arch hold, 30 second hollow body hold for 5 minutes.  Then the dynamic stretching. 

Then 7 rounds of 2 power clean and jerks every 90 seconds, I did 125#

Then the WOD was a 15 minute AMRAP of:
- run 285m
- 20 push ups
- 20 sit-ups

Sucked. Made 3 full rounds, plus the run and 5 push ups. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

CrossFit log for Tuesday. August 23rd

Low volume day. Thankfully.

Warm up was 5 minutes of 5 burpees (yuck), 5 pull ups (yay) and 30 double-unders (meh)

Again with the dynamic stretching and handstand walk progressions. I was going to try a freestanding handstand in the middle of the floor, which wasn't too bad, but unstable, so I used the instability to try and walk, and managed a few feet.  So yay me.

Then we did a 10 minute EMOM of 6 touch and go power snatch. Just like 2 weeks ago. Upped it to 75# from 65#, got rough at the end. But I managed to hold form. Focus was on bar path and catching under the bar. Got praise on both points from coach Nikki.

Finished up with 4 sets of 8 back squats. Same weight each set.  Focus was on bar path.
Used 195# (60℅-65℅ of max).

Good choice, only started to fall apart on the last few reps on the last set. Praised again for form and bar path.

Nice to not be exhausted, and to be praised for quality of movement.

Monday, 22 August 2016

CrossFit log for Monday, August 22nd

A bit better than last time

Warm up was partner trade off. Run 285m around the building while partner cycles through 5 push ups 5 sit ups and 10 squats. 

Dynamic stretching. 

Upside down work was head stand, which gladly I'm still proficient at. 

WOD was a chipper
- 15 call row
- 20 handstand push ups
- 15 call row
- 20 thrusters 95#/65#
- 15 call row
- 20 lateral burpees over bar

Did bear push-ups, women's weight and struggles through the burpees.


I really really really hate burpees.
Followed that up with 4 sets of 10 deadlifts

Did 185#-205#-205#-205#(7)

Shoulder stopped me. Grip and back were fine. 

Need to start another strength cycle soon.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, August 16th

Well that was absolute shit.

Barely made it on time.

Warm up was 3x 40 double unders and 15 wall balls.

Then that damn dynamic stretching shit.

WOD was a small chipper:

40 alternating dumbbell snatches 70#/50#  did 45#
20 muscle ups  did ring dips.
30 clean and jerks 185#/ 115#  did 115# bailed at 10


Monday, 15 August 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, August 15th

Not a very heavy morning

Warm up was bar muscle up progression drills from seated.  I lack the coordination to throw my shoulders over the bar.  At least I know.

We did that twice with 500m row after each drill .

Then the dynamic stretching work.  Had trouble pulling my right knee to my chest.  May have to have Rob look at it.

The WOD was 5 rounds for time (16min cap):
- run 400m
- 6 muscle ups/CTB/pull ups.

Run turned out to be 285m, so the cap didn't factor in.

Started with CTB, but only the first round, it was supposed to be fast, so I resorted to regular pull ups.

12:25 ish.

Then we did 5 sets of 3 power snatch at 70%.  Did 95#  pretty solid, maybe could have gone heavier.  But meh.

That was it.  Sweat fest, but not too painful.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, August 12th

Well that wasn't very much fun. 

Warm up was row 500m, rest 2 minutes, row 500m hard.

That smoked both me and Kamil.

Then we did the new dynamic stretching drills:
Frankenstein walk,  squeeze knee to chest, and  lunge with hands overhead stretch, inchworm,-push up, pistol walk: and shoulder stretch on wall.
Did a handstand hold for the upside down work

The WOD was supposed to have running but with the rain it was switch to rowing.

8 rounds for time:
- row 200m
- 5 muscle ups (scale to ring dips).

Round 6 got really hard to do the dips.  Arms will suck this weekend.

Finished about 30 seconds behind Kamil, in 15:35

After the the real suck started: 10 minute EMOM of 7 power cleans.

Thankfully I scaled to women's Rx at 95#, I had nothing left at round 6.

Round 7 I did only 5 reps,  round 8 I did 6 reps, round 9 I did zero reps and finished off with a full 7 thanks to the extra rest.


Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 10th

Well that was a longer break than I had wanted. 

Yesterday I went to the Y to do my physio homework (negelected while on vacation) and found with the break I was a bit more mobile than usual. Bonus.

I also need to lift something, so I did 3 sets of 8 back squats at 185# (after a couple of warm up sets at 45#, 95# and 135#). Felt it a bit in my quads this morning.

Naturally, we had back squats today.

Warm up was 50 double unders + 5 strict pull ups. Tried a drill for the DU with a band around my arms at the elbows to keep my arms from going wide, which may explain my constant missing at around rep 9 or 10.

After about 10 attempts at stringing 2 together I took the damn thing off and threw it across the room and pumped out 50 unbroken. Then 41 + 9 and another 50 unbroken.

So I guess technically it worked.

Then we did the new dynamic stretching drill that have been added in my absence.  (yay, welcome back, not).

Frankenstein walk, straight legs, straight arms overhead, touch opposite hand to toes each step for 25' and back. Then squeeze knee to chest, and drop it down into a lunch with hands overhead stretch. Then inchworm, hand walk to extend, do a push up, feet walk to flex, legs straight, repeat 25'.  Then pistol walk: cross legged sit to parallel with foot on opposite knee, alternate for 25'.   Finally shoulder stretch on wall.

Then the work started.

10 minute EMOM of 6 power snatch. Might have succeeded at 75#, but hedged my bets and stuck with 65#.  Form held, heart was racing.  So good I guess.

Then 6 rounds of snatch balance.  4-4-2-2-2-2

This is the second time I've done these, since I've been able to actually do them.  It went well until the last set. 

Did 45#, 55#, 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#(x)

75# was the best set.  85# was okay, 95# ran out of shoulders. 

After that came the back squats.  3 sets of 15 reps at 60%, I did 155#, should have done 165#, but was glad for my maths error.  We alternated these with 3 sets of 12 dumbbell bench press (of which I only did 2 sets with 30# dumbbells).

Legs will be toast tomorrow and Friday.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 28th

That was hard.

So the schedule had a 10 minute EMOM of 2 pause squats at 70% of max followed by a heavy set of 8 reps. 

Planned 215# for the EMOM and 245# for set of 8.  We just did 8 rep max and I hit 255# so 10# less should be fine right.

Wrong.  After 10 sets of pause squats my legs were smoked.  I was lucky to make 8 with the 215# from the pause squats.  Even walking it back to the rack was dicey!

Which didn't help the WOD at all.

Partner WOD with Vero.  Women's Rx all the way!

3 round for time of:
- 60 partner wall balls  14#
- 20 partner dead lifts 235#
- 200m partner run with tether.

She ran me into the ground.

First round was actually okay.  We went unbroken.   Decided to break the deadlifts in 2 sets of 10 for round two.

My hams were smoked at this point and I had to drop the second set of 10 at 5. So we did 10, 5, 5.

Revised plan for deadlifts 4 sets of 5.  Run sucked.  No legs left.

Wall balls were unbroken, last round of dead lifts, breaking up didn't help ended up being 5, 5, 5, 3, 2.  Without hams, my back started picking up the slack and that's never good.

Run was the worst,  Vero wouldn't let me stop. 

We were 14:30ish  not sure.  I must have writhed around on the floor for 10 minutes!  The next class was looking a bit worried. 

Glad that's over. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 27th

Glad I went, but not a very gratifying workout.

After a warm up of 2 round of 10 empty beer overhead squats, 10 snatch grip behind the neck press and 10 kip swings we did some snatch balance.

OK, this post was gratifying.

I think this is the first time I've done snatch balance at the box.
We were supposed to do 4 sets of 6 at 70℅ of snatch max, but my squat snatch max is only 95# (or maybe 115# is have to look it up).

So I did empty bar, 65# twice, 75# which started to get ugly, tried 85# which was a non starter.  OEM back to 65#, but my shoulders were done.

After that was a horrible 24 minute EMOM of alternating:
- 15/12 cal row
- 7 burpee chest to bar pull ups
- 15 sit ups

Started with 14 cal, and but that became 12 at the half and 10 by the end.

Burpees were 5 instead of 7, but there was a couple of 4s in there.

Sit ups were almost all 15, with a14 and a 12 in there somewhere.

No score.  Just work.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Crossfit at the Y log for Tuesday, July 26th

Slept in today, so when I saw the that the WOD was  Y friendly, I decided to do it at lunch.

I did the 4x6 strict press after my physio homework and the bicep and tricep openers from Strongfit. 

Did 95# and failed on the last rep of the last set. 

Position overhead felt good though. Maybe the physio and openers helped.

Didn't to the rows from the program.

The WOD was

-150 double unders
3 rounds of:
- 10 power cleans  135#/105#
- 10 ring dips
- 150 double unders

I had my rings, so I brought them, but my rope was at home.  I knew the Y has some decent ropes, but once I got there nobody knew where they were.  As luck would have it one of the Daves has a few, and today he had a good one with him.  He graciously lent me one and I was able to do the WOD.

Ugh, be careful what you wish for.  The double unders were rough, the cleans were rougher, the dips were okay, but harder than I would have liked, and the last set of double unders were brutal, those alone took 6 minutes!



Monday, 25 July 2016

Crossfit log for Monday. July 25th

Just me and coach Alex this morning. That was a bit weird, but kinda nice too.

Strength was 1 rep max pause front squat+ front squat.
245# was good and hard.

After that was 3 rounds of 10 good mornings (95#) vs 5 strict knees to elbows on the rings, keeping hollow. 

Forgot about the hollow part on the first round, glad I remembered, they were easier that way.

The wood was really good.
4 round of:
-10 unbroken front squats  155#/105#
-9 handstand push-ups
-7 pull ups

Initially planned to go 135#, but 4 rounds, man, and every I stray to far from women's Rx, I regret it. Finally decided on 115#.  Could have done a bit heavier.  Maybe even 135# but it would've sucked so bad.

Did bear hspu, which allowed me to keep moving.  Pull ups were a snap.

Finished in 7:35.  Happy with that.

Crossfit log for Saturday, 23rd -client appreciation day?

So Saturday was the client appreciation BBQ at Physics.

After back to back workouts, I wasn't feeling particularly appreciated, well no more than any other day at Physics.

I arrived late, so finding partner was a problem until Jon shower up even later.

The first WOD, we did the scaled version, power clean ladder. 7:00 plus 2:00 AMRAP if you finish the ladder.

Ours was 7 minutes to do power cleans at:
-95# for 12 reps
-115# for 10 reps
-135# for 8 reps
-155# for 6 reps
-165# for 4 reps
If you finished before 7 minutes which we did easily, you got 2 minutes to AMRAP 185#

Sadly, we did know that you had to wait until the 7 minute mark to start the AMRAP,  so our first 7 reps didn't count only the last 10. Bummer.

The second WOD was not fun. Share the work as needed:
-60 thrusters 95#/65#
-60 toes to bar
-100 wall balls. 20#/14#
-100 sit-ups
-1 mile burden run with heavier med ball.

Thankfully there were no heavier need balls left so we ran with the 20# ball.

Jon wanted to do Rx. Wouldn't have been my choice but I didn't mind.

Thrusters we traded of at sets of 6 reps.

T2B sets of 5

Wall balls sets of 10

Sit-ups sets of 20 with a set of 10 each at the end.

Then the horrible no good very bad run in the hot sun, with that fucking med ball.

Man was I glad that was over.

The food was good, so I guess that made me feel appreciated.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 21st

Finally got back to the gym today.  Feeling a bit more normal now.

Strength was 4 sets of 6 back squats at 75%.  Did 215#

Followed that up with 4 sets of 6 sumo dead lifts at 75%, also did 215#

WOD sucked.

Felt drained, need to look at my nutrition, I'm not eating well these days.

For time:
1000m row
30 in place front rack lunges  135#/95#
10 muscle ups

Row was ok.  Back was sore at the end. 

Lunges sucked,  did 10, 10, 6, 4  at women's Rx.

Tried a bar muscle up, but had nothing in the tank, resored to ring dips which I finished in like 10 seconds. 


I have nothing in between  dips and muscle ups.  unless I combined dips with chest to bar or something. 

Oh well.  First day back in the books.  Can't complain.

Mobility at lunch.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 14th

Well that's wasn't fun.

Fell back to sleep after my alarm, 20 minutes later than usual. Hustled, made it 3 minutes late.

Coach Nikki wanted my to do burpees, not happening.

Did the warm up on my own, 15 jumping air squats, 8 reverse plank march.

Started with 8 rep max back squat. Made 255#. Man that was rough.

Then 3 rounds of 20 banded kettle bell swings, rough on the shoulders vs 5 back squats. 185# never felt so heavy.

Then the horrible WOD

3 rounds thankfully
-run 400m
-30 abmat sit-ups
-12 UNBROKEN per cleans at 135#/95#

Was going to do 115#, then came to my senses and went with women's Rx, but then Kamil was doing 115#, so i added 10#beer side took match him.

Running on square legs sucked

After the first round it was clear 115#was a mistake. Coach Nikki peeled the 10s. Better after that.

Still took like 19:05. 

What a suffer fest

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Strength log for Tuesday July 12th

Missed Crossfit. Did the strength component St the Y

8 rep max push press. Mistakenly thought 165#
was a reasonable goal.

Worked up in descending sets, 5@115#, 4@135#, a double@155# felt good.

Plank was 3. 2, 1, 1. 1 for the 8 reps @165#

Ended up being 3. 2, nope.

Then super set 5 close grip bench vs 5 strict pull ups.
Did 95#-115#-135#-145#-145#(4)
And 5-5-5-5-1 for the pull ups

Haven't logged heavy at the Y in agreed, and it showed. But even that felt good. Looking forward to my next strength cycle

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 13th

That was not fun, not by a. long shot.

Warm up was 2 rounds of 10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 good mornings.

Then work up to a heavy single, power clean and jerk. 155#went up fine, 185#, did not.

Then right into the WOD from hell.

24 rounds of
- 6 wall balls
- 3 handstand push-ups
- 1 clean and jerk

Rounds 1-10 - 135#/95#
Rounds 11-18 - 155#/105#
Rounds 19-24 - 185#/115#

Men's Rx was not happening, women's Rx was a joke, so i did 95#-115#-135#. Wish I'd started at 115#. Hindsight.

I thought with an abmat, and a good look if survive the hspu, and none of the scaling options were appealing. Lasted 3 rounds. Then i did push ups with my feet on a bench. Ugh.

Started to really suck at round 13, got a second wind that lasted to round 20, then slugged to the end.


Monday, 11 July 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, July 11th

Tired and sore, but somehow managed to get out of bed nonetheless.

Small group today. Just Fallon and Dave.

Started with back squat for 1 heavy rep.  275#was way harder than it should have been, and 295# didn't go up at all.  Not surprising I guess, i haven't really been squatting lately.

After that, ugh, kettle bell overhead walking lunges 3x75' Sucked

Don't quite have the mobility to lock out and you quickly run out off arms that way.

Was glad when it was over.

The WOD was a good one.
21-15-9 thrusters 95#/65#
3-2-1 rope climb

Did 75# and broke them up 16, 5 then 11,4 and 9

Rope was slow and steady except the last round which was go time.

Didn't even look at the clock i was so smoked, but was around 8 minutes.

Very happy with that.

Crossfit log for Saturday, July 9th

Skive my mother in law was in town,, Kiza and I went to Crossfit together.

Partner WODs are better when you bring your own partner.

It was a 30 minute AMRAP alternating full rounds of:
- 5 pull ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
- 1 hang clean and jerk 95#/75#

Increase weight each round 10#/5#

Kids struggled s bit on the "Cindy" part so to keep the rest balanced I used the pull ups to practice my butterfly kip.  Managed to string 3. Not bad.

I did then men's increment (10#), but started at the women's weight (75#) and that worked perfectly.

We did 18 rounds, plus I did the pull ups and 7 push ups of round 19.

Pretty sore after 97 push ups!

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 6th

That was my kind of workout.

For the warm up we did downward dog into plank for 8 reps. Coach Nikki gave us some variations and suggested I bend my knee a bit more and lift my heels to get my head through my arms and lock my back straight. Felt really good. I may add this to my regimen.

We started with my favorite, back squats, 1 heavy set of 8, 10# more than last week.

I did 235#. Coach Nikki asked if my squat came naturally. Ha!  So she asked is it was just volume or what. So i told her a bit about my adventures in physiotherapy. She was impressed at my dedication be and that my squat looked really good, especially at 185#, where she said my back was straight as a board. 

Then we did 4 sets of 6 deadlifts at 75%,  rounded down to 255#.  So hard to keep my lower back straight in the bottom. Grrr

Stopped after 3 sets.

The WOD was good and hard
-25 thrusters 95#/65#
-30 abmat sit-ups
-20 thrusters 95#/65#
-25 abmat sit-ups
-15 thrusters 95#/65#
-20 abmat sit-ups

Did women's Rx and was thankful. But 9:36. Not last.

Good and sweaty.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday July 6th

A bit of s strange day back at the gym.

Started with a 14 minute AMRAP of alternating tasks
Odd: 3 overhead squats, increasing weight
Even: 5 started box jumps, higher than WOD height

I did 65#-75#-85#-95#-105#-115#-125# for the OHS, in my nanos! Solid.

Did 30" for the box. Good enough for me.

Then the less fun part

3 round, ran out of time for 4 rounds, of:
50m asked pull sprint
300m run
3:00 rest

The sled pull with 115# of plates on the sled was fine. The run after, not so much.

Glad it's over.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, June 30th

Well that didn't go so well.

Between work, Clarisse, the kids and this injury, I just felt like I had nothing in the tank today.

Strength work went okay

Back Squat 1x8 at 75% of med
Rest as needed between sets.

Did 225#

Back Squat 4x5, using same weight per set
Rest 1 min
Romanian Deadlift 4x8, using same weight per set
Rest 1 min

Did 185# on the back squats and 135# on the RDLs.

This was hard on my upper back. But my position was pretty good, or so it felt.

The WOD was no fun.

4 rounds for time of:
21 Box Jumps
15 Rows
9 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 135/95 lbs

Too demanding on the posterior chain after all the strength work I guess.

Bailed before the end of round 2.

Meh. They can't all be great.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 29th

Well at least i made it this morning. 

No strength work. Started with max height box jump. Wasn't sure how my spine would appreciate the activity, but there's no harm in trying.
Didn't seem to be an issue. Made it to 39.5". Not far off my PR.

The WOD was a 20 minute AMRAP triplet, low reps, so you got back to each station quickly whether you looked forward to it or not.
-2 rope climbs
-7 thrusters 135#/95#
-12 abmat sit-ups

Scale to women's Rx. And apparently the tape on my rope was lower than 15', so I apparently scaled that too.


I literally did twice the amount of work in the first 10 minutes as the second.  At 10 minutes I was finishing my 4th round. At the buzzer I was at 6 round plus 2 rope climbs. 

Fell apart real quick after the half.

It'll do. Back feels pretty good.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Crossfire log for Monday, June 27th

So it's true, the hardest part of strength training is putting the weights away.

Last Tuesday, while picking up a 70# dumbbell after the workout I sprained my L5-S1 joint.

Once again, thank my lucky stars for Rob Crispo, he needled the surrounding muscles, but couldn't get the joint to crack, so he mobilized it with a variety of techniques and got me functional again.

He gave me some drills, which I've done daily since, and told me not to go heavy on squats or deadlifts for 7 to 10 days.  Except when I wake up, until it's warmed up, it has been fine, since Friday.

Today, 3 days later, 6 days since the injury, we had 1 rep max pause back squat. 5 seconds in the bottom.  I felt or each rep, and figured uninjured I would have gone for 275#.

225# felt fine so I put on 255# and that went up well, but it was heavy, so I hummed and I hawed for a few minutes and then called it my 1 rep max.

The the WOD.

10 min AMRAP
- 5 deadlifts  255#/195#
- 7 chest to bar pull ups
- 9 burpee box jumps.

I did women's Rx, at that weight the deadlifts didn't worry me, but the burpee box jumps did. For those I stepped down from the box and stepped down into the burpee.  Switched to regular pull ups after round 1.

Managed 3 rounds plus 10 reps at a fairly pedestrian pace.

Post WOD was 3 sets of 10 good mornings vs ARMAP of anchored sit ups. on 1:00 rest

DId 15 sit ups per round and went light on the Good Morning, 45#-75#-75#

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 21st

Maybe i should have stayed in bed.

Strength work was close grip bench, 1 heavy set of 8, 75% of max.

Warned up with empty bar. 95#, 135# then my working set was 165#. Last rep was a fight, ski good choice.

Next was and alternating triplet: 25 banded side bends each side, dumbbell bench press for 8 reps, strict pull ups, pick a number you can hold for 3 sets

Side bends were rough, obliques were shot for yesterday's Y workout. First 2 round only did 12 per side until i noticed it said 25 per side, not total.

Bench started with 50# then 70#, and 70#(4).

Pull ups for 5 reps each round.

All fine and good until i went to our the dumbbells away, and pulled something in my left lower back, likely my oblique. QL or glute med.

Did the WOD anyway, didn't really involve much back.

15 minute AMRAP
- 5 pull ups
-10 handstand push-ups
-15 pistols alternating

Pull ups were a snap
Did bear stance hspu
Pistol progression with heel on top off toes.

Went well. 6 rounds plus 5 pull ups.

Satisfied with that

Accessory log for Monday, June 20th

Brought my new toy to the Y. One of my handled barbells or farmer carry barbell.

After doing my postal homework on my hips and thoracic extension i got to work batting up my obliques.

I did 6 rounds of
- 5 one arm deadlifts left hand
- 50' suitcase carry left hand
- 5 one arm deadlifts right hand
- 50' suitcase carry right hand

Brutal. Next time 8 minute AMRAP.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, June 20th

Summer solstice.

Somehow got out of bed and made it to the box.

Started with a 1 rep max deadlift. 

Was eager to try this using the new technique from www.strongfit.com, of interanally rotating the femur on the deadlift, forcing the obliques to engage like you would a deadlift with a stone or a sandbag.

315# went up nicely, no discomfort in my lower back.  Jumped to 335#, got if off the floor but chickened out.  I've neglected deadlift work lately.  I'll build it more gradually in my next strength cycle, once my thoracic mobility is dealt with (or nearly dealt with).

Then we did some front rack barbell step ups.  Left leg is way stronger than right.  I'm liking these unilateral movements, really helps identify weaknesses.

Coupled that with Good mornings, also done with internal rotation of the femur, and went well.

The WOD was not fun.

For time:
Wall balls         50-40-30-20-10
Double unders 10-20-30-40-50  (unbroken)

Started hurting after round 1.

Took 2 tired to get to 10 DU, after 3 tries to get 20 on round 2 I gave up trying to go unbroken on the DUs

13:18    I think.  I can't remember.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, June 18th

Not sure why I went today.  Kiza was leaving town with the kids and I guess I was afraid I'd spend the whole in the house doing nothing.

So I went. It was hard.

Partner WOD, but I had no parterner.  So I did half the work and estimated the break time based on the other teams.

For time:
3 rounds of:
20 Push-ups
20 Squat Cleans, 115#/85#
30 Box Jumps, 24"/20" 
-- then --
4 rounds of:
21 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
15 Toes-to-bars
9 Thrusters, 115#/85#
-- then --
3 rounds of:
20 Pull-ups Run,
400 m

Partners share the work, but run together.
So I cut all the reps in half and did all the running.  Used 95# on the bar.

 First part was ok.  10 push ups I can handle. 10 cleans at 115# got rough at the end, and box jumps were okay.  Last round I did step ups for 5 or 6 reps to get my heart rate down.

Part two I did my 11 wall balls, 8 T2B but somehow forgot to do the math on the thrusters and did all 9.

At this point I fell behind my "shadow" team.  Thinking quickly, I just skipped the thruster on the next round and then broke up the last two with 5 and 4.

I had thought about just doing two full rounds, which might have worked, but I was getting tired and I knew there was some running in the hot sun coming up

The last part I had already done the math, 10 pull ups, but when I got there, I did the math again, and had 5 pull ups in my mind.  I did my 5 and thankfully looked at the board before heading out on the run, and saw the 20 reps. Oops, did a quick 5 pull ups and out for the run.

Wasn't fun, but I got it done.  The last run I wanted to come in under 90 seconds, not sure why but I hustled and I made it. 90 second 400m plus 35m to cross the gym after all that work, gotta be happy with that.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, June 17th

Fell back to sleep after my alarm again.  Delilah was up in the night and it took forever to fall back to sleep. 

But I hustled out the door anyway, and arrived as everyone was finishing the warm up.  Score.

Started with bench press for a 1 rep max. 

Hit 215# with a touch help from my spotter.  Need to work on that soon.

Then we did a horrible combo of 3 sets of 10 dumbbell bench press (35#) 10 abs rolls outs, and 15 reverse flies, 20#


Triceps are shot

Naturally the WOD has HSPU!

14 minute AMRAP:
- 1 rope climb
- 3 bar muscle ups (scaled to chest to bar pull ups)
- 5 strict handstand pushups  (scaled to knees on a box)

Workout was all about hspu. Once I stopped using my hip flexors to help straighten out my arms, it got really hard.

I only made 5 rounds plus 5 reps. 

Oh well.  Done.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, June 16th

Not my  favourite workout but progress has been made.

Strength was backsquats  3 reps EMOM for 8 minutes.   Speed out of the bottom. Suggested weight was 70% (205#), but I was working with Kamil and at 185#, I wasn't feeling very speedy.  So I stayed there.  Also we squatted onto a med ball, which was new for me.  Worked well. 

Next was front squats vs RDLs,  three sets of 8 alternating, 1:00 rest between. Adding weight each round.  Again working with Kamil, I let him set the weights, for the squats we did 115#, 125#, 135#.  For the RDLs we did 135#, 155#, 185#.

Worked well and didn't kill my legs completely.  My back rounds on my RDLs,  I tried to tap the ground on the last set, which I was able to , and it felt like my back was straight, but coach Nikki pointed out that it wasn't.  Not even close.

Need to work on those hammies.

The WOD was a suck-fest, but also good.

For time: 21-18-15-8-9 of:
- kettle bell Russian swings (to eye level)  32kg/24kg
- box jumps  24"/20"

after each round 50' walking overhead lunges with plate.  (45#/35#)

Did women's Rx.   24kg kettle bell, 20" box for the first round then 24" for the rest, and 35# plate.

Kettle bell was fine,  box jumps were shaky the first round after the squats and RDLs, so I flipped it to 20".  The next round I felt better, so I tried again at 24" and it was fine.

The lunges sucked, BUT, I was almost completely locked out overhead, above my centre of mass.  It wasn't perfect, but it was better position than I have ever achieved in an over head lunge.  So progress!

15 minutes ish.  Didn't look at the clock when I finished, too wiped!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 15th

Somehow managed to get out of bed this morning and made it to Crossfit.

It was a fun workout.

For time: 6 rounds of: 
- 1 Overhead Squat 
- 5 Seated Box Jumps, 34"/30"  
- Run, 200 m 

-- then --  5min rest

5 rounds of
-Row, 300m - 300m - 300m - 300m - 300m
-Clean & Jerk Touch And Go 5-4-3-2-1

part 1:
-build to a heavy OHS from the rack
-increase weight each round
-learn to recover on running

part 2:
-clean and jerk must be tng unbroken
-increase weight each round
-score is weight of last rep.

Had to choose shoes, wanted lifters, but with box jumps and running, I opted for nanoes, I'd just do the best I could for the OHS.

So I did OHS at the Y yesterday  (yeah, yeah, I know, I didn't log it, whatever). Also in my Nanos.  I did a bunch of reps at 95# and 115# and with time running out I threw on 25# plates for 165# and failed.  Not surprising, my PR was 160#.


So today I did 75# for the first round, 95#, 115#,  125# and 145#. As I'm running my 200m before the last round, I debating.  Do I go 155# (which I though was my current PR) or do I try that 165# from yesterday.

Finally I decided, I was happy with 145#, so if I didn't make my 165# it wouldn't break my heart, so I decided to go for it.

Well I'm glad I did.  Beautifully executed, deep and stable bottom position.  Standing it up was a snap.  New OHS PR. In my freaking Nanos!

Then I worked up to 175# on the clean and jerk with the rowing.  Meh.  Too happy about the OHS to worry.

Fun day.   Next stop Physio.

New Overhead squat PR.  
Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 315# March 2, 2015 (up from 305#)
Front Squat: 280# September 29, 2015 (up from 275#)
Overhead squat: 165# June 17, 2016 (up from 160#) 
Power Clean: 205# July 4, 2015 (up from 195#)
Power snatch:  140# Dec 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# Sept 15, 2014 (up from 175#)
Clean: 225# Dec 31, 2015 (up from 215#)
Jerk: 220#  Jan 5th, 2016 (up from 205#)
Snatch: 145# Feb 25, 2015 (up from 145# but not really)
Clean and Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 175#)

Monday, 13 June 2016

Accessory log for Monday, June 13th

Went to the Y.  Yes I'm actually logging it for once.

Did one-armed deadlifts, 1 set of 8 each side at 135# and 1 set of 5 each side at 185#.

185# was rough.

Then I did some rows on the pulley machine, but to change it up I used a rope attachment to simulate a rope pull.  Not great.  Grip got slippery and made it harder than the handle way.  I felt it more in my hands than in my lats.

It was worth a shot.

Crossfit log for Monday, June 13th

Monday morning Crossfit. 

Strength work was 3 rep max back squat.  Worked up to 275#. Tried 285#, but after one rep I knew there wouldn't be 3, so stopped there.

Then we did chair deadlifts.  Not quite right would have needed a higher chair to get the right position.  Meh, next time.

Alternate 3 sets of 6 of those with 3 sets of max decline sit ups. 

WOD was not fun.

21-15-9 of
- cleans  135#/95#
- lateral burpees over bar

Did women's Rx and even that was rough.  Burpees suck



Saturday, 11 June 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, June 11th

It has been a long time since I partnered with Nat Connors.

That certainly wasn't my plan going to Crossfit this morning, but there's always a risk.

I held my own, doing women's Rx, and she'd already done the workout at the 9am class without a partner, oh and she's recovering from a shoulder injury.

So yeah.  We still finished first. And beat her solo time from 9am

The WOD was
- 800m row, shared however you want
4 rounds of
- 30 pull ups
- 20 front squats 75#
- 30 abmat sit ups
- 20 push press 75#
- 800m row

We split the row into 200m alternating, I rowed hard, pull 1:36-1:40 / 500m.

Because of her shoulder we split the pull ups 10-10-5-5, everything else was half each. I started.

It wasn't until round 4 that she started yelling at me to hurry and not pause or rest, to keep going, to not think about it, just do it.  So the 3 first rounds I was all good.

She also kicked off the second row at 160m, my second set on the rower was better, sub 1:45/500m

We did it in 19:36

Man, I work hard when partnered with her.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, June 9th

Wow, that sucked.

Managed to get up this morning. That's getting harder these days for some reason.

Coach Nikki was late, so we didn't get started until 6:00

We did the back squat EMOM for 8 minutes.  Goal was 70% of max.

I did 185#, 205#, 205#, 225#, 225#, 225#, 225#, 225#

We skipped the front squat / Chinese plank part and jumped right in to the WOD.

100 Thrusters for time
EMOM 5 burpees.

Sucked beyond belief.  Started out hard.  20 thrusters, 5 burpees, 5 thrusters, 5 burpees, 8 thrusters, 5 burpees.  1/3 done.

Then if fell apart.

At 50 thrusters I dropped to 3 burpees, otherwise I would never have finished.

Took me 20 minutes,  last set of thrusters was 10 with 4 seconds left, there was no way I was doing more burpees at that point.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Strength log for Wednesday, June 8th

Went to the Y for some posterior chain work

 Was planning 5 sets of 5 deadlifts at 75%, but after 2 sets at 225# I realized I was using 75% of my squat not my deadlift. So bumped it up to 255# and did 4 sets at that.

Then I peeled back to 185# and did 5 sets of 5 RDLs

And that was it.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, June 7th

You'd think more test makes for better performance. 

Did some accessory work at the Y yesterday, and mobility work on Sunday (I've really got to log those workouts)

I did 120 alternating rows on the outlet machine, in sets of 20 each arm for 3 sets. Decreasing weight each set, 60, 45, 30 (I assume it's in pounds) but that doesn't seem to justify how smoked my shoulders felt today.

So today. First day for Coach Nikki. The warm up was 6 min of 10 kettle bell swing. 10 push ups, 10 air squats.

Strength work was push press, 4 sets of 8 @ 60%-65%-70%-75% of max. I did 5# more for each, because barbell math.  115#-125#-135#-145#(6).

Got really hard at 135# and wasn't able to finish the last set at 145#

Then was close grip bench vs. landmine rows. 4 sets of 8 bench and 10 rows.

I used 135# on the bench for the first 2 sets, then whatever Joee had on her bar (around 95#) for the third and didn't make the fourth for lack of time.

I did all the rows, using 20kg of smaller plates, for better range of motion. Dropped to 15kg for the last 3 sets.  Lats were smoked from yesterday.

WOD sucked so bad.
For time:
- 1000m row
4 rounds of:
- 10 power cleans  115#/85#
- 10 handstand push ups

Used 95# on the bar and did bear straddle hspu.  Sucked. So much. 13:29.  

Friday, 3 June 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, June 3rd

So, new rule, if Frank is coaching the 5:30am class, stay in bed.

Man that sucked.

He's a slave driver, that man.

Warm was a no nonsense affair.  3 rounds of row 200m, 10 ab rollers, 15 ball slams. 

Strength work was 9 sets of 3 speed bench press alternating narrow, medium and wide grip. 75% of max every 45 seconds.  So every 45 seconds do 3 reps, 1st set narrow grip, 2nd set medium grip, 3rd set wide grip, repeat 2 more times.

My max was too long ago, so I settled on 155# but dropped to 145# almost immediately. 

Followed that up with dumbbell press and dumbbell rows. 
Press 12-12-10-8
Row 10-10-8-8

35# was too much for press, did the last set with Joée's 25# dumbbells.  I can lock out nicely now with a barbell, because I can pull it apart for better position, but with dumbbells, I can't, locked out arms are way in front of center of mass.

Just when I think I'm fixed, I find I still have a ton of work to do.

70# was good for my left arm on the rows, but I struggled on the right at that weight.

The WOD was not fun either

10 rounds for time (yup, 10)  thankfully with a 15:00 cap
- 5 hspu
- 7 pull ups
- 9 front squats 115#/75#

Started with 3 hspu, that lasted 2 rounds, got an abmat for another round, then resorted to 5 regular push ups.  Fuck my overhead sucks.

Front squats sucked too,  even at 95#.  Should've done women's Rx. 

Ran out of time at 7 rounds plus 7 reps.

Meh, it's done.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 31st

After 4 days off, I felt fresh and ready for a workout.

Now by off, I don't mean no workouts, I did go to the Y and did some accessory work.

First part was strength work:
- Push Press 1 Rep Max lift

worked up to 185#.  Failed at 195#  I'll take it.

Part two more strength work
- Weighted Supinated Pull Up 8-8-5-5
- Weighted Bar Dip 10-10-8-8

1:00 rest between.  

Pull ups were not weighted, and I managed 8, 5, 4, 4,

First round of dips I used a 25# plate for 10, but then I was done.  I did 8, 7, 7 not weighted for the last 3 sets

The WOD was okay. But arms were taxed from the above work, so T2B were rough,

3 rounds for time of: 
- 15 1 Arm dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35#  right arm
- 15 AbMat Sit-ups 
- 15 1 Arm dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35# left arm
- 15 Toes-to-bars

Used 35# dumbbell (45# might have been okay). Sit ups were okay.  As expected T2B sucked.  Scaled to 10 instead of 15 and that was smart.


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 25th

Couldn't not go this morning.  Friday and Monday will have no 5:30am classes due to regionals, so having missed yesterday, there was no way I wasn't going.

This was a retest of Nancy.  But it wasn't a legit retest, we moved the bars outside to where the run starts making it a legit Nancy, but last time we were at the front of the gym adding an extra 70m per round.

Nancy: 5 rounds for time
- Run 400m
- 15 overhead squats  95#/65#

I used the same bar as last time 75# between Men's and Women's Rx, but I wish I'd gone up to Men's Rx, since it wasn't really a retest, just to have an official Nancy time.  Oh well, spilled milk.

Also, once again, I did the overhead squats in my Nanos!  Really pumped about that.

So my time last time was 21:39.   This time, the OHS were much slower because that 35m walk from the run to the barbell was missing along with the corresponding rest.

But with the time savings of not having to walk all that way, my time was way better, finished in 17:37.

Averaged 3:30 per round, exactly, left for round 5 at 14:00, and took 3:37 for the last one.

That run though.

Oh and we did 3 reps max Sumo deadlift beforehand.  Tried 315# after hitting 275# in warm up.  No go.  Peeled back to 295# and a triple wasn't a problem. 

I'll take it.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Crossfit at the Y log for Tuesday, May 24th

Didn't want get out of bed this morning.  I did want to do the restest of 12.3 which I PR'd last time but I felt sore and tired after yesterday's killer WOD and yard work in the hot sun.

But didn't want to go in to tomorrow's retest of Nancy more fresh than last time, so I went to the Y at lunch and did 12.3

18 minute AMRAP
- 15 box jumps 24"
- 12 push press  115#  (scaled to 95# as always)
- 9 toes to bar

The t2b were harder then necessary, with no real pull up bar and no chalk.  I found a place on the platform rack that was high enough and grippy enough, but without chalk, it was hard to keep a good grip near the end.

I didn't have nearly enough calories this morning, as I only decide to do this at the last minute.  Started to feel sluggish almost right away.

Just kept going and finished with 5 rounds + 3.  Not near my PR of 6+8 last time, but far from my worst.

I  knew from the get go it wouldn't be stellar, but I got it done and tomorrow will be legit.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 23rd

Holiday Monday team WOD. Kiza and I packed up the kids and tablets and went around 10:30ish, after a lazy morning and a failed blini recipe.

There was nothing on the site, so we were going in with no idea of what the workout would be.

Well it wasn't joyful that's for sure.

- Run 1 mile together
Alternate for 15 rounds
- 1 clean and jerk each.
- 1 rope climb each
- 10 push ups each
- 15 air squats each

- Run 1 mile together

Increase weight on bar:
men started at 95# increasing by 20# for the first three rounds then 10# for the next 10 rounds, then 5# for the last 3.  Women started at 55# up by 10# at firs then 5# to the end.

Took until round 10 for it to start to really suck.

We weren't sure how to scale it because at, best we could both get to the weight of round 12. 

Coach said you can either stop there, or do the last three weights over again.

We planned on the later, but ended up doing the former. 

The second mile run sucked pretty bad

Tomorrow's retest of 12.3 is going to suck.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, May 21st

Team WOD with Kiza.

We ended up having Silver join us as a shadow sine the group count was uneven.

And with too few rowers we started with the run.

Thankfully Silver's shoulder was bugging him, so we scaled the barbell to 95#

- Row, 1200 m shared,
- Run, 1200 m together
-- then --
14 rounds of:  (partners alternate full rounds)
- 12 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115#/75#
- 9 Toes-to-bars
- 7 Box Jump Overs

I'm sure getting my fill of toes to bar these days.

So we did the run first, then, alternated 300m on the rower.  I started.

Kiza and Silver went together, since Silver and I were sharing the barbell and box.

Again the T2B were the worst,  the bar was fine until the very last round.  The box jump I did lateral rebounding for the first two and last two rounds, the 3 in the middle were less aggressive.

T2B got harder each round, I was able to stay on the bar the first 3 rounds, with either 9 straight or 7 or 8 then hang the finish off.  but soon I was coming off the bar between sets of 5, 4 then 4, 3, 2, then 4, 2, 2, 1.

Oh well, we go through it.  33:14  Overall I liked it.

Crossfire log for Thursday, May 19th

My back was feeling a bit better so I went in to the box with enthusiasm.

I enjoyed the strength and skills work most.
Sumo deadlifts 4 sets of 5 vs Handstand Hold/Walk 

Rest 1 min between

I worked up to 275# on the deadlifts and did free standing holds the first two rounds, and tried some  walks the last two.  Got a few steps, but not much.  It was fun, and that was the point.

The we did thruster 3 sets of 4 vs Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 3 sets of 10

For the thrusters I did 135# and the RDL I used the 50# dumbbells the first set, and the 70# dumbbells the last two.  Really felt it in my hammies.

Didn't love the WOD.
Chipper for time:
- 50 Thrusters, empty bar
- 40 Step Down Box Jumps 
- 30 Toes-to-bars 
- 20 Handstand Push-ups

I knew I was scaling the HSPU, so decided to scale as much as I could. Used a 35# women's bar for the thrusters, 20" box and had planned on trying as many HSPU as I could before scaling it somehow.  Hoping for maybe 3 reps.

The first 15 thrusters I felt like I was cheating, or maybe I'd grabbed an even lighter training bar, it felt so light.  By 25 reps I was so glad I wasn't using a men's bar, my shoulders were burning. 

Box jumps were fine, I'd jump down, but not rebound (which is why they specify step down, to avoid achilles injuries people get from rebounding)

T2B were rough, no real viable scaling option, unless you drop the number of reps, didn't want to do that, or do knees to elbows, or knees to chest, didn't want to do that either, so I chipped away at them.

Had nothing left for the HSPU attempts, and everyone else was finished. So I went straight to straddle position "bear" hspu.  even that was rough, but I got it done.  Don't remember my time.  13 minutes and change rings a bell.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 18th

Well since i don't like MAP 5, i didn't have high hopes for today's MAP 7

Part 1
AMRAP in 9 mins of:
-Row, 1000 m
Followed by AMRAP
10 Burpee/ Jump Over Plates, 8/6 in
10 Overhead Squats, 115/75 lbs

Rest 4 mins

-must jump over plates completely without touching -45#+25# for men, 45 # women

Part 2
AMRAP in 9 mins of:
25 Wall Balls
15 Pull-ups
25 Pistols (Alternating Legs)s
15 Power Cleans, 115/75 lbs

Part 3
AMRAP in 9 mins of:
Run, 200 m
20 AbMat Sit-ups

Rest 4 mins between each part

Not fun. 95# on the bar. Was just right.

Burpees were step down, given my back thing from my last burpee.

Post 2 was the best one for me. Pull ups were fun. Wall balls not so much on the second round. Pistols went well with the scale option of getting for on ground.

The rest was not much fun.

Done is done

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Accessory log for Tuesday, May 17th

Took the time to go to the Y at lunch.

I did a variety of accessory work.

Landline rows, 8 each side empty bar then 2 sets of 10 with 30#of plates on it.

Then i did the openers, lat/triceps, bicep, shoulders.

Then the thoracic opener with the dumbbell.

Had a very successful couple of sets of overhead squats, in my nanos! Booyah!

2 sets empty bar. 1 set 95#, 1 set 135#.

Getting better all the time.

Finished up with wrist roller, 3 sets at 30#

Might be sure tomorrow.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 16th

Hard time getting out of bed this morning.

As usual, glad I did

It was one of those bloody MAP workouts, a MAP 5 no less. Ugh.

Part 1
4 rounds 3:00 on, 3:00 off
- row

Rest 5 minutes

Part 2
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 7 Hang Power Cleans, 95/65 lbs
- 9 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
- 15 Air Squats

Post 1 sucked. Kept getting slower. First one naturally went out too hard. Averaged 2:00/500m, then i tried to start at 2:00/500m and hold it, but that only lasted 500m, averaged a bit slower, rounds 3 and 4 were progressively slower.

Part 2 was my jam!
Split the difference on the bar with 75#and was able to keep the bar moving. All unbroken.

First time through was a bit of a warm up, did two full rounds plus 4 pull ups.

Seconds time felt way faster on round 1, but slowed down for round two, finished all 5 pull ups with time to spare but not enough to get to the bar.

Third one i made it back to hang power cleans on round 3 for 3 reps. 2 rounds plus 8.

The last round i finished all 7 cleans.

Pretty stoked. All unbroken, each round better than the last. Can't ask for better than that.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, May 12th

Well whatever I did Monday, even with physio, I'm still feeling it.

I hope it's not soft tissue damage. I'll try and book with Rob asap.

Despite that, I made it to the gym, figured I'd do what I could

It was in two parts, both 4 rounds of e minute AMRAP with 2 minute rest with 5 minutes in between.

Part 1
3 min AMRAP + 2 min rest X 4
- 30 double unders
- 20 abmat sit ups
- 10 push press 75#

Rest 5 min

Part 2
3 min AMRAP + 2 min rest X 4
- 12 med ball cleans
- 10 slam balls
- 8 alternating pistols

Try as I might, I couldn't get past the second set of sit ups in 3 minutes. Even the times i got through the DUs unbroken. Mixing sit ups and double unders is cruel.

Part 2 was murder on the hips.  Never made it past the med ball cleans second time through.

Scaled the pistols by draping my foot over the front of my working foot.

Glad that's over.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, May 9th

Kiza is out of town yet again. But with Clarisse home, i was able to get to Crossfit this morning.

Felt like strongman day.

Started with sumo deadlifts vs one arm dumbbell presses for 4 sets
7-7-5-5 for the deadlifts and sets of 8, each arm for the presses. 1 minute rest between each

Did 225#-245#-275#-295#(2) 295#Mar be a PR, I'll have to look it up.
And 20#-35#-45#-45#. Got heavy at the end.

Then 3 sets of suitcase carried 150' vs strict barbell press 7-5-3

Did 32kg (70#) kettle bell, then 40kg(88#) kettle bell and finally the 100# dumbbell. Dumbbells stuck for carries, they roll into your fingers and grip become horrible. Next time we pull out the handled barbells.

Did 95#-115#-125#(X)-115# for the presses. Those carries destroyed my press.

The WOD was not fun.

15-12-9 of
- dumbbell hang squat clean thrusters
- burpees

Drudged through. Shoulders and core spent.

Last burpee last round, felt a twinge in my back

Luckily i was headed to physio a bit later.

All good now.

Finished in 9:25. Dead last, but i finished.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Crossfit log for Friday. May 6th

Well now i know i can make it from my bed to the gym in 20 minutes.

Arrived at 5:31

No warm up.

Strength work was 4 sets of back squats 9-9-7-5 vs dumbbell rows 10-10-10-10 each side

Did 185#-205#-225#-245# for the squats, that last set of 5 was rough, and 50#-50#-70#-70# for the rows, the last set at 70# was only 8 reps. Ran out off lats.

Then we had 3 sets of 8 one leg step ups vs strict pull ups. Sandbagged it. We were running or if time, only did one set of pull ups and 2 of the step ups. Meh.

WOD was a chipper.
- 50 cal row
- 35 wall balls
- 20 hang power cleans
- 10 bar muscle ups

I scaled the crap out of that thing.

First there weren't enough rowers, so i volunteered to use the assault bike. FML.

Heart was racing.

When I got to the wall balls, I promptly put the 20# ball away and got a 14# ball.

Used 95# on the bar, women's Rx. Did 5, 7, 8 reps

And finally having used up all bar muscle ups for the week yesterday, i did bar dips, 10 took me like 7 seconds.

Finished in 9:29.