Couldn't not go this morning. Friday and Monday will have no 5:30am classes due to regionals, so having missed yesterday, there was no way I wasn't going.
This was a retest of Nancy. But it wasn't a legit retest, we moved the bars outside to where the run starts making it a legit Nancy, but last time we were at the front of the gym adding an extra 70m per round.
Nancy: 5 rounds for time
- Run 400m
- 15 overhead squats 95#/65#
I used the same bar as last time 75# between Men's and Women's Rx, but I wish I'd gone up to Men's Rx, since it wasn't really a retest, just to have an official Nancy time. Oh well, spilled milk.
Also, once again, I did the overhead squats in my Nanos! Really pumped about that.
So my time last time was 21:39. This time, the OHS were much slower because that 35m walk from the run to the barbell was missing along with the corresponding rest.
But with the time savings of not having to walk all that way, my time was way better, finished in 17:37.
Averaged 3:30 per round, exactly, left for round 5 at 14:00, and took 3:37 for the last one.
That run though.
Oh and we did 3 reps max Sumo deadlift beforehand. Tried 315# after hitting 275# in warm up. No go. Peeled back to 295# and a triple wasn't a problem.
I'll take it.
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