Monday, 25 July 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, 23rd -client appreciation day?

So Saturday was the client appreciation BBQ at Physics.

After back to back workouts, I wasn't feeling particularly appreciated, well no more than any other day at Physics.

I arrived late, so finding partner was a problem until Jon shower up even later.

The first WOD, we did the scaled version, power clean ladder. 7:00 plus 2:00 AMRAP if you finish the ladder.

Ours was 7 minutes to do power cleans at:
-95# for 12 reps
-115# for 10 reps
-135# for 8 reps
-155# for 6 reps
-165# for 4 reps
If you finished before 7 minutes which we did easily, you got 2 minutes to AMRAP 185#

Sadly, we did know that you had to wait until the 7 minute mark to start the AMRAP,  so our first 7 reps didn't count only the last 10. Bummer.

The second WOD was not fun. Share the work as needed:
-60 thrusters 95#/65#
-60 toes to bar
-100 wall balls. 20#/14#
-100 sit-ups
-1 mile burden run with heavier med ball.

Thankfully there were no heavier need balls left so we ran with the 20# ball.

Jon wanted to do Rx. Wouldn't have been my choice but I didn't mind.

Thrusters we traded of at sets of 6 reps.

T2B sets of 5

Wall balls sets of 10

Sit-ups sets of 20 with a set of 10 each at the end.

Then the horrible no good very bad run in the hot sun, with that fucking med ball.

Man was I glad that was over.

The food was good, so I guess that made me feel appreciated.

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