Exhausting workout.
First 4 days in a row for a long long time. And this one tanked me, left me feeling weak and moderately nauseated.
Warm up was short shuttle runs and kettle bell swings, followed by dynamic stretch routine. We all did wall walks with handstand hold for upside down work. Shoulder were smoked.
The WOD was unusual.
7 rounds
-7 bench 155#/105#
-7 strict pull ups
5 min rest
6 rounds
- 10 push press 135/95#
- 10 kipping pull ups
Kamil and I did women's Rx. Bench went fine. Strict pull ups not so much. Started with a new Rogue blue band (thicker than the older blue and the red bands, but much thinner than the green bands).
Kamil started using my band so I got another one, and he quickly escalated to a green, so by round 3 I had both blue bands going.
Tried to start with one unassisted then 3 with one band and the rest with both.
Unassisted lasted 2 rounds, then it was straight to the single band for 3 reps, the the double band for 4 reps.
Man that sucked. 5 minutes rest isn't enough.
Push press go really hard to lock out on the last few reps by round 4 of 6.
Kipping pull ups went shockingly well. 10 unbroken except for round 5.
Man I was wiped.
13:15 + 5:00 rest + 12:37
total 30:52
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