You'd think more test makes for better performance.
Did some accessory work at the Y yesterday, and mobility work on Sunday (I've really got to log those workouts)
I did 120 alternating rows on the outlet machine, in sets of 20 each arm for 3 sets. Decreasing weight each set, 60, 45, 30 (I assume it's in pounds) but that doesn't seem to justify how smoked my shoulders felt today.
So today. First day for Coach Nikki. The warm up was 6 min of 10 kettle bell swing. 10 push ups, 10 air squats.
Strength work was push press, 4 sets of 8 @ 60%-65%-70%-75% of max. I did 5# more for each, because barbell math. 115#-125#-135#-145#(6).
Got really hard at 135# and wasn't able to finish the last set at 145#
Then was close grip bench vs. landmine rows. 4 sets of 8 bench and 10 rows.
I used 135# on the bench for the first 2 sets, then whatever Joee had on her bar (around 95#) for the third and didn't make the fourth for lack of time.
I did all the rows, using 20kg of smaller plates, for better range of motion. Dropped to 15kg for the last 3 sets. Lats were smoked from yesterday.
WOD sucked so bad.
For time:
- 1000m row
4 rounds of:
- 10 power cleans 115#/85#
- 10 handstand push ups
Used 95# on the bar and did bear straddle hspu. Sucked. So much. 13:29.
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