Thursday 14 August 2014

Crossfit log for Thursday, August 14th

Finally back at Crossfit, two days off, for different reasons.

Started with alternating jerks and back squats.

5 sets of 3 jerks @ 75% of max clean and jerk.
5 sets of 10 back squats @ 75% of max clean and jerk.
1 min rest after each set.

I did 135# instead of 138#, meh.

I was worried about the jerks with my groin discomfort, but at that weight it apparently wasn't an issue.

I could still feel it in the bottom of the squat though, but at 135# is wasn't too bad.

Around this I managed to hang for 2 sets of 1:15 on the rings, and another 1:00 also on the rings.  Then added a 0:30 on the pull up bar and finished off with 1:00 on the pull up bar.  So 5:00 accrued so far today. I'll do some more at lunch.

The WOD was an 8 minutes AMRAP of:
- 12 handstand push ups (scaled to 6)
- 6 power snatch 135#/95#

Started with one abmat, ended up with two after the first round.
Opted for women's weight at 95# and that was plenty!

Only made 2 full rounds and 10 reps, 6 hspu and 4 snatches on the last round.

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