Tuesday 14 October 2014

Crossfit log for Tuesday, October 14th

Back at it.  With my back recovery, I didn't do much last week so I'm glad to be back at it this week.

Started with a thruster complex:
1 squat clean thruster + 2 thrusters.

Reps: 2-2-1-1-1  getting heavier


Weighted strict pull ups or strict chest to bar  2-5 reps.

Did 125#, 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#   last set was rough

Tried to get CTB, but it wasn't happening, opted for a 20# dumbbell between my knees for 3 reps.


WOD was a 12 minute workout with cash in:

15 handstand push ups (did 1 abmat)
30 toes to bar
AMRAP with remaining time:
- 10 dead lifts 75# (Rx was 95#)
- 10 push press 75# (same bar)
- 10 pull ups

Made it to 14 hspu without coming off the wall.   15 just wasn't happening.  Came off the wall for like 10 seconds and went back for # 15.  Happy with that.

T2B went okay, did 7, 5, 4, 4, 4.  The 7, 5 and first 4 were really nice and fast and good kip.  The last 2 sets of 4 had no kip and pretty much sucked. But I got 'em done.

I didn't look at the clock at this point, wish I had.  Dead lifts were a snap, tried to go slow to catch my breath.

Push press went well, 85# might have been a better choice but I'm glad I went with 75#.

Pull ups were a snap.  I was worried with the strict and T2B that they be harder, but it went okay.

Managed 3 complete rounds.  Happy with that.

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