Kiza and I disagree with how hard this event was.
Maybe I'm a wimp, or maybe I just worked harder!
We had four events, most people spread it over two days, but since one of the events was a wash for our team, we figured we could manage three in one day and not have to come in on Sunday.
We started with the workout we couldn't really do, Event 4. Linda can't do pull ups. Well, as it was explained to me, Linda would have a hard time making 5 pull ups.
The workout was a 20 minute AMRAP of Thrusters and pull ups, first male/female pair do 5 thruster/5 pull ups, next pair does 10 of each, then 15... alternating increasing by 5 each round.
So my plan was have Linda and Brandon to 5 thrusters, then take all the time in the world to get through 5 pull ups, even with 5 minutes left, Kiza and I could get through the second round of 10 reps, then Linda and Brandon could do 15 thrusters, Brandon could do his 15 pull ups, and Linda could try for one or two more.
That would give us a score of 105 to 107 reps. And Linda would only have to do 5 pull ups (plus whatever she could muster at the end).
The reality was Linda had trouble with one pull up. After several minutes of trying, she managed 1 rep and was struggling. So we aborted that plan.
New plan, Kiza and I start, 5 reps of each, then Brandon and Linda do the thrusters, Brandon does his pull ups, Linda tries for one, WOD ends when Brandon is done, no point tiring out Linda, we still had 3 more WODs to do.
This gave us 50, and we weren't fatigued.
Next we did events 1, 2 and 3, in that order.
Event 1 was for time, girls once through together, then boys.
- 100 single skips each
- 75 calories on the rower (shared however you like)
- 50 box step ups (shard however you like).
Plan fell apart at the row. Skips are skips, but the plan was the first rower to go longer then start the steps ups while second rower recovered from a shorter row.
We had to break up the row more than just once. So we just went until we go too fatigued to be effective and switched. Boys and girls had the same issue.
I gave Brandon the secret to rowing for calories, slowing down the stroke rate and allowing the flywheel to slow down a bit before pulling really hard.
We did this one in 15:17, and were a bit winded, but not too bad.
Event 2 was the Grace ladder, basically alternating shared Grace, 5 reps at a time then switch, after 30 reps, switch pairs. Girls went first and split Grace at 65#, in 5 rep increments, then boys at 95#. Round two girls weight went up to 75#, boys to 115#. Third round got real, girls at 85# and boys at 135#. Brandon struggle locking it out at this weight, he was 3 reps shy of finishing the round. We scored 177 reps in the 15 minutes allowed.
This was taxing. I was pretty tired after that. But we still had one to go.
Event 3: 30 minute cap, for time: Girl/boy pairs 80-60-40 of
- hand release push ups while other pair does a deadlift hold of 270#
- partner deadlifts 270# (one side has 90# the other 135#, so 2 plates on one, 3 on the other).
First round went pretty well, we were fairly fresh and grip hadn't been tested yet. Kiza and I held the 270# barbell at the waist while Brandon and Linda alternated 10 push ups each twice through for 40 reps, then we switched.
The dead lifts were hard with a partner. Because Kiza is shorter, she took a wider grip and I had to take a narrower one, my position was not great and my back started to bug me from the get go. But we managed, we alternated at 10 reps, 4 sets per pair.
This made round two harder, grip was starting to tire, I had to figure out my breathing, and my back was getting sore. So we held the bar again, somehow managed to hold long enough for Brandon and Linda to get through their 30 push ups.
The push ups were the easiest part! We were pretty solid despite the problems I was having and finished in 16:15.
Can wait for the scores to be validated to see how we did.
Sunday came around, and I was really glad we weren't going back. I was also really glad I wasn't running 23km like Kiza!
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