Partner WODs are good and all, but man you work way harder when someone else is counting on you.
I would have never put in as much work in a workout like that, if Kamil weren't waiting on me to finish so he could get going.
The warm up was a 5 min cycle of 5 pull ups, 10 superman rocks, 10 hollow rocks and 10 air squats. Fun times.
Then we did seated box jumps at 70% of last weeks test high. 8 triples. I started with the 30" box which is a couple of inches higher than my 70%, but whatever. Pat was adding a 25# plate for an extra 2.25", so rather than take it off each time, I just started using that after round 3 or 4.
After that was 3 sets of 5 touch and go deadlifts at 60% (I did 210#, using 350# as my max since 365# hasn't been possible in ages). Not a problem at that weight, brought it down slowly and just tapped the floor. No bounce.
And finally the WOD. Ugh.
20 minute AMRAP. Share the work equally.
- 400m farmer carry (24kg/16kg) 200m each
- 30 overhead squats (115#/75#) Kamil and I agreed on 95#
- 30 bar facing burpees. Ugh.
Our second round was faster than our first. We only got two. Kamil got 38m into the farmer carry, but only a full 400m counts as a rep. So it was for nothing.
Holy grip strength batman! That was rough on the forearms.
My OHS was beautiful. Had to be, my shoulder were so taxed, I had to really push my position to be able to do my share. Isabelle would've been proud.
Burpees suck.
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