Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 8th

My wrist is really starting to bother me. It'll be two months tomorrow that I injured it and it's still as sore as it was last month.

I took 3 full days off and this morning it was worse than last week.

I had to resort to paralette push ups  for the first round of warm as my first handstand push up was a complete fail.

Warm up was a 6 minute AMRAP of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
5 Strict Knees-to-elbows
2 Shuttle Runs

Running was fine, first round I did 3 instead of two.
Strict knees to elbows was really good.
By round two the hspu were doable, but I didn't even get through 3 rounds.

Strength work was overhead squat 4 sets of 3.

Worked with Kamil.  I was worried about my wrist on these, but warmed up on the hspu work and warming up on the ohs, it hurt but didn't hurt more as the weight went up, so I kept going.  Maxed out at 115# for the last 3 sets.

The WOD was a variation of Fran.

21-15-9 reps, for time of: 
Row (calories) 
Thruster, 95/65 lbs 
Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Scaled to regular pull-ups and 75# on the bar. Good choices.  Finished in 13:46, middle of the pack. Didn't really fade.  Last round unbroken.  Kamil and i started on the Thrusters since there weren't enough rowers for everyone.  Made the first set of 21 thrusters a bit easier to manage.

I need to time my row better, I used to get 1 calorie per pull, but lately it's been closer to 2 calories for 3 pulls.  Gotta let that flywheel spin down a bit between pulls.

Turned out better than I had expected.

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