Monday, 14 September 2015

Accessory log for Monday, September 14th

Fun workout today at the Y.

Was going to do some front squat to test out my wrist, but I completely forgot my lifting bag.  No shoes, no belt, no wraps, no knee sleeves, therefore, no squats.

So I figured I'd make Julien Pineau proud and do some accessory work.

Started with some face pulls (I hate the name of that exercise), to activate my rotators.  Then I did some supinated barbell rows.  Warmed up with 8 reps at 95# and a working set of 6 reps at 165#, as planned last time where 175# was a bit too heavy.  165# was perfect.  Hard, but doable.  I'll stay there for a couple of weeks and try 175# again.  I'd like to get to 185# before working on my dead lift PR.

Then I did some one legged Romanian deadlifts with a 40# mini barbell.  It was a bit lighter and easier to balance than the regular empty bar. I did 3 reps on each side but I was having trouble balancing so I decided to wait until later.

I moved on to the one arm bent over dumbbell rows.  I warmed up with 45# for 8 reps per side and my working set was 6 reps at 80# per side.  This went surprisingly well.  I need to get this up around 120#, so this is good.  The bad news is, I think the heaviest dumbbell at the Y is 100#.  Hmm....

Then I got out the rings and did my 10 minute EMOM of 5 strict press, with my phone myWOD app timer.  Maybe the timer helped, maybe I was fresher than last time, or maybe since I hadn't done any presses in the morning, I don't know what made the difference but I did all 10 rounds of 5 unbroken.  Usually I fade at round 7.  The last reps on rounds 8, 9 and 10 took time to lock out, and I had to really fight that last rep, but I never came off the rings.

It was epic.

Finally I went back to the RDL on one leg, and did 5 reps per side.  Got good depth, and position was solid IMO.

Really happy with this workout.

It's been a good day.

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