After staying up late to watch the #SuperBloodMoon with the kids I opted for a bit of extra sleep and went to the 6:30 class.
It was neat to throw down with a different crowd.
It was a lot of work, but it was all timed so we finished early.
Started with the shoulder routine: 10 band pull aparts, 10 block shrugs, 20 shoulder rolls, 10 lat raises, and 20 shoulder taps
I did the shrugs and taps with my feet on a box in a pike position. Way easier and in the case of the taps, actually doable.
Then we did a mini WOD, 5 minute AMRAP of:
- 20 double unders
- 10 steps overhead walking lunges
- 7 chest to bar pull ups.
Double unders were a breeze. Used a 35# plate for the lunges. Hard to keep my arms locked out. Scaled the 4 muscle ups to 7 CTB.
Then we did a 10 minute EMOM of 1 clean and jerk at 80% of max. I did 165#. We had the option of going up to max of 90% after 5 minutes, but I was working hard enough, so I stayed there the whole time.
Finally the real WOD, 10 minute AMRAP of :
- 5 ground to over head 155#/105# (scaled to 135#)
- 1 rope climb
- 15 abmat sit ups
- 1 rope climb
Would have been way faster at women's RX or even 115# but, you know, ego.
Rope climbs were fine. Two pulls, every time.
Abmat sit ups were fine the first 3 rounds, round 4 however with time running out, they weren't fun at all.
Made 3 full rounds, + 19 reps = 5 gto+1 climb+13 situps.
Not bad.
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