Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Crossfit log for Tuesday, Septermber 15th

Well I guess two great days in a row was too much to ask for.

Can't complain really, but today wasn't such a great workout.

The warm up was good.

5 minutes of 8 Romanian deadlifts (empty bar), 5 pull ups, and 1 shuttle run.

Then the eagerly anticipated low hang clean and jerk.

I was really hoping to do something awesome here, but it wasn't to be.

Wrist took a while to warm up.  135# was nice. 165# went up really well. 

Jumped to 185# and just had no explosiveness.  A lot like the snatch yesterday at 145#, except, the snatch was within 10# of my PR, but my clean PR is 205#, a full 20# difference.  So a bit frustrating.

I peeled back to 175# and it took everything I had to clean it. The jerk wasn't a problem, but man, I need to work on my clean.  I just need my wrist to heal a bit more first. 

So I'll keep doing accessory work in the mean time.

The WOD was a tiny little 6 minute AMRAP of 6 overhead squats and 6 handstand push ups.

I did women's Rx at 95# and kipping hspu, made two rounds.  Had no shoulders left for round 3.

So not great, but better than nothing.

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