Friday, 18 September 2015

Crossfit log for Friday, September 18th

Not a bad day at Crossfit.  Legs are trashed though.

Warm up was 3 rounds of 10 glute bridges and 15 hollow rocks.  Nothing serious.

Strength work was back squat, 1 rep max.

Worked with Kamil, who got a nice PR at 275#.   We worked up fairly slowly,  I skipped his first PR weight at 270# and did 275#, which he then decided to try and nailed it.

Then I went to 295# for a single and it went up well.

Hummed and hawed over trying 305# or 310#.  I've hit 305# since my PR in March at 315#, but last time I tried I failed. I haven't hit 310# since March, so naturally I tried 310#.  I hope Alex sends me the video.  It was so close.  Kamil just pulled me back a bit when I got to my sticking point, to get a better position under the bar and then it went up.

305# would've gone up.  Oh well.  It was worth a shot.

Then the WOD took those tired legs and trashed them even more

750m row
50 wall balls  20#/14#
25 power cleans. 135#/95#

Did the row fast.  like 1:50/500m fast. so like 2:45.  Tanked.  Started in on the wall balls, 15, 10, 10, 15.  

The cleans I scaled to 115#, but after 5 it seemed I could go heavier,  I borrowed Kyle's bar since he was done (bastard), and did 5 at 135#, but that was heavy and my wrist didn't like it.  So the next 5 at 115#, still felt too light, so 5 at 135# again, which was heavy, so finished off at 115#.  Whatever.  I worked hard.

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