Thursday, 17 September 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 17th

Another joyless workout. Yesterday was rough, slept in, no Crossfit, had a psychologist appointment with Clarisse in the early afternoon, so no Y at lunch.

Yes, you read that right, a weekday with no workout. I know right? I was going crazy by the end of the day.

So I practically jumped out of bed this morning, arrived early enough for coach Connor to say "you're early" , ready for an epic workout.

Yeah, no.

Warm up wad ok, 3 rounds of 10 wall balls and 15 band pull aparts.

Strength was retest strict press, 1 rep max. Warmed up to 125#, and jumped to 140#, not happening. Peeled back to 135#, and fought like a son of a bitch to lock it out. Grrr.

WOD was ugly:
- 2000m row
- 1 mile run
- 100 air squats

Row sucked, accidentally set it to calories at the start, lost time there, kept pace with Kamil, stroke and for stroke, for 500m, then it fell apart, finished well over 8 minutes.

Run sucked. Played catch up the whole time on tired legs.

Air squats sucked. Went full tilt in sets of 10, Kamil and Justin really picked up the pace when they saw me go, made it too 50, before my hips started to complain aggressively. I didn't catch them, but I made them hurt, which is just as good.

21:58. Glad it's done.

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