Monday, 14 April 2014

Strength and mobility log for Monday, April 14th

Well that didn't go quite as well as I had planned.

After last weeks failure on the strict press and this morning emphasis on legs I decided to go for 5x5 strict press at 105#.

Sounds reasonable, no? 

Did 8 reps with 45# and 65#, then 5 reps at 95# before starting my working set at 105#,  first set of five, no problem. Second, last rep was rough. Third set, made it to rep three and that was the end of that.

Despite being on antibiotics for my strep throat, I've been congested, so I may be suffering from a cold or some other virus, or maybe spring thaw allergies.

Either way, I decided to focus on mobility with what time I had left, had to go to a meeting for work so there wasn't much left.

I rolled the orb on my delts and man oh man were they tight. Felt great afterwards.

Then I stretched my hamstrings. Oh. My. God.  Torture, those Romanian dead lifts from Friday really did a number on my hams, despite being only 115#!  Took a long time to get them to relax, one at a time up on a corner of a wall with my butt nowhere near as close to the wall as I have been in the past.

So all told, I felt much better afterwards than before and I did get some good presses done at 95# and 105#.  So, win.

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