Felt relatively rested last night so decided to go to Crossfit this morning.
Glad I did.
We worked snatch, from the floor and from the hang. Was much better getting low split position than last time.
Workout was 4 sets of 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch at 85% of max. 111# for me, so I was planning 115#, but as I worked up, at 95# I was having a hard time putting it all together, so I stayed there.
Either my pull was too far from the body but I'd get low, or I pull nice and close, but wasn't getting low enough, so I just worked at that weight and tried to get the piece to work together.
After that was Front pause squats 4 sets of 3, pausing 3 seconds in the bottom position, no bounce. Decided to do 185#, but after two sets decided to go up to 195#. Challenging.
WOD was a straightforward affair.
7 minute AMRAP
- EMOM 5 toes to bar
- wall balls 20# med ball
score is total # of wall balls.
First minute was gold: 19 reps. Did the t2b really quickly. Subsequent minutes weren't so good. 10, 10, 3, 8, 10, 10. That fourth minutes, I took so long for the t2b that I had hardly any time for wallballs, which helped for the last rounds as I was a bit rested.
Score was 70.
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