Looks like we are getting back into our regular programming at Physics Crossfit.
Today actually had a strength/skill portion, 1 rep max split jerk from the rack.
I was pretty solid up to 175#, decisive lockout, good position. At 185#, my current PR, I didn't quite lock my left elbow and had to press it out. What a fight. Coach and other athletes were mighty impressed with that feat.
Tried it again, and got much close to lock out but not quite. So not too bad, for a tired and sore body this week. Next time I'll hit 195# for sure.
The WOD was a good one. Grace with box jumps, of sorts. Plus bonus dips or muscle ups (if you can do them)
Cash in - 10 muscle ups (scale to ring dips)
followed by 3 rounds of
-10 clean and jerks 115# (Rx was 135#)
-10 box jumps 24" box
Cash out 10 ring dips.
Can't do muscle ups so I did ring dips. Did them strict. My bar was kind of in the way of Andrew doing his muscle ups on the rings, so I used his bar that was at 135#, I did two reps, but there was no way I was maintaining that. A spot freed up next to my bar so I moved it over and continued with my 115#.
Just worked through systematically. Broke up the dips 7 and 3 at the start, 5 and 5 at the end.
14:59 final time.
Good workout.
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