Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Mobility log for Wednesday, April 9th

I was all over the place today at the Y.

Not quite feeling 100% after my strep diagnosis I decided to work on physio homework.

Had to find a bench high enough to rest my knees on while in a handstand position making sure my hips were over my shoulders and my shoulders were over my wrists. 

First step was to get my butt and shoulders against the wall. Took a few tries to get the right height of box. Ended up with a 2' box and three 45# plates.
Next step was to move away from the wall and find that same position. Very challenging.

Did some toes to bar between handstands. 

Two of the Y guys, Duane and Seb, were doing some squat work with a sandbag. Draped on one shoulder without holding bag, drop down into a deep squat, then onto your knees and finally sitting on your heels, then back up. Gave it a try. Almost, but not quite able to. Still need work I guess.

Afterwards I stretched out my hamstrings.

Felt productive. Hope I feel better tomorrow.

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