Saturdays they usually do a team WOD. The tricky part is teaming up with someone of similar skill level. I was going to ask Jodi, she's stronger than I am, but I'm faster at some things, but she got snatched up by another team. So I volunteer to partner up with Nathalie Connors, one of our top female athletes. I'm not too far behind her in terms of weight I can lift, but she's speedier and more intense than I'll likely ever be.
Well let me tell you, I've never worked so hard in a workout in my life. It was a great workout. When you team up with someone like Nat, you don't want to let her down, so you give as much as you've got and more.
The workouts was four separate five minute AMRAP workouts strung together. Each started with a 400m run (more like 350m, but no matter, we all did the same distance) and with whatever time you had remaining in the 5 minutes you had to do as many reps as possible of the exercise portion.
Both team members do the run, and you can't start the other exercise until both team members are back from the run (some teams had three members so all three had finish the run before they could start the next part). When not running, only one team member works at a time. This was to the advantage of the three member teams as they had more rest time while one of the other two was working. For Nat and me, it meant that if Nat wasn't working, I was.
The four workouts were:
1: 400m run + bear complex (power clean + front squat + push press + back squat + push press = 1 rep). 85lbs.
2: 400m run + rope climb 15'
3: 400m run + Turkish get ups, 16kg kettle bell
4: 400m run + farmer
Holy Hannah! Bear complex was doable at 85lbs (but in hind sight, 95lbs would've been also doable). We took turns doing two reps each (once you had some momentum, doing the second one was easier and quicker than taking the time to switching team members). We did eight each for sixteen reps.
Rope climbs, I just learned to do these, we both did great. We managed ten climbs alternating one at a time.
Turkish get ups suck, no matter how you spell it. We alternated doing two reps, one each hand before switching, she did six, I did five.
Running with a 24kg kettle bell in each hand is not fun or easy. Each rep was one way from the door to the next building (approx 50m away), if you only had two team members, you had to follow each other to take over at each end. We really didn't consider doing two reps each, it was too hard at that point of the WOD, I think. We managed fifteen reps.
Score was 52.
The best part was I never felt like I was holding her back, I pulled my weight. (and I climbed that damn rope like a champ)!
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