Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Mobility and Olympic Lifting log for Wednesday, March 23rd

Went to the Y with snatches on my mind.

Started with mobility and physio drills, for my intercostals, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders.

Did some overhead squats with light weights for reps, position was okay but not great.  Did a few sets with empty bar, 65# and one at 95#.  The last set at 65# was the best one, 95# wasn't great but I wasn't planning to go very heavy with the snatches so that was fine.

Started with empty bar from the hang and it was not pretty.  Took 5 or 6 tries before it started to gel.

Put 65# on and the first couple didn't go, but I just going no pause until I landed one.  And then another.  

I think I did 4 good reps and then I bumped it up to 85#.  PR was 75#, no sense wasting time there.

85# didn't get it.  Tried again, nothing.  Walked away, tried again, no go. Walked away again, tried and couldn't catch it.

Finally I power snatched it and held it there to get a feel for what I was looking for in the catch.

Tried one more time and nailed it.  PR.  Did it a couple more time just to be sure.  Once I caught it was easy to stabilize in the bottom and stand it up.  The trick is catching it right.

So then I had to try 95#.  I was getting tired but I had to know.  

Set it up and first attempt BAM!  Nailed it. Even better than any of the reps at 85#.

Was going to leave then but went to get my phone and asked Stephanie to film one last attempt. 

I got it but not as nice as the first one. 

As I posted on Facebook: Lots of room for improvement, need to catch way lower, and I'm sinking on the right side. But for something I was physically unable to do 3 weeks ago, and after nearly 4 years of physio and mobility work, it's a pretty good start.

Pretty stoked about this.

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