Friday, 4 March 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, March 4th 16.2 Take one.

Crossfit Open 16.2.  A complicated workout

- 25 toe to bar
- 50 double unders
- 15, 13, 11, 9, 7 squat cleans at 135#, 185#, 225#, 275#, 315#

Each round starts with 25 T2B and 50 DU.

You have to finish the 15 cleans at 135# of round 1 before the 4 minute mark to buy yourself another 4 minutes. You can start round 2 right away to bank time for later.  Then you have to finish the 13 cleans at 185# before the 8 minute mark, and so on and so forth.

My goal was to get past round 1 into round 2 and with any luck at 1 clean 185#.

It needed to be better than 16.1.

Kamil and I did the math, cleans take a long time.  Even with an average of 5 seconds per clean that 1:15. When we tested drop and go Kamil, fresh, averaged 9 seconds per.  He did 5 cleans and took 45 seconds.  That's a whopping 2:15 for 15 reps.  Leaving only 1:45 for the T2B and DUs.

There would be no chance of getting through round 2.

Let just say I'll be trying again on Monday.  Coach even said that today's performance was not a fair assessment of my work capacity.

First mistake: grips.   I don't know why I imagined they would help this time.  Lost time ripping them off my hands for the double unders.

Second mistake: not practising T2B before the WOD. Got flustered at the start and couldn't string any together, it was a mess.

Double unders were all over the place, which might not have been so bad if the T2B hadn't been a disaster.

Got to the barbell with less than 20 seconds.  Did 3 touch and go, then dropped with 6 seconds, no will to pick it up again.

I'll rest up and hit this again on Monday.  At least it was only 4 minutes!

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