Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, March 30th

Women's Rx is the way to go for me, but even then sometimes it still sucks.

Almost didn't go this morning, felt exhausted and fell back to sleep after my alarm, but I woke up in time and since there are only 4 days this week I figured I should get moving.

Missed part of the warm up: 3 rounds of 10 good mornings, 9 alternating jumping lunges, 8 push ups. Got almost 2 rounds done.

Started with a 10 minute EMOM of 4 dead lifts, 3 hang power cleans, 2 push jerks.  Couldn't let go of the bar the entire complex.

Warm up at 95# was okay but still felt heavy.  Tried with Justin's bar at 135# and that was a nope.  Settled on 115# and that was a good choice.  Kept the bar moving fast, done in 20 seconds each time.

WOD was 3 rounds for time of:
- 12 front squats  115#/75#
- 21 box jumps overs  24"/20"
- 12 handstand push ups.

So Women's Rx doesn't help much on the HSPU.  But I did 75# (for which I was glad) and used a 20" box (for which I was also glad), but the HSPU were a fail.

I went out hot and was winded getting to the wall.  My plan to see how many I could get unbroken and using that number went out the window when I managed only 3 reps.  Ended round 1 there.

Round 2 I put my knees on the 20" box did push ups with hip elevated, 12 were too easy.

So for round 3, I flipped the box to 30", put my feet on it and struggle through 5 reps, flipped it again to 24", with feet on it and got 4 more,  leaving the box as is, but knees on it and managed to squeeze out the last 3 reps.

9:50.  Still last but closer than usual.  Triceps are still sore from the last Open workout with all those burpees and thrusters.

Still a good workoutl.

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