Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Accessory log for Wednesday, March 30th
Started with foam roller on my lats/back and ribs/intercostals.
Then I did some land mine rows, 8 reps at 25# on the bar, 6 reps at 50#.
Then I tried some 1 arm dead lifts with 135#. That was hard, hard to balance, hard to grip, hard to lift. Got easier with every try. Did 3 sets of singles then two sets of doubles.
Followed that with RDLs 8 at 135# and 2 sets of 5 at 185#. That might hurt over the next few days, haven't done those since before the Open.
Finally, I did some hamstring streches, to hopefully stave off the worst of the soreness from the RDLs.
Good workout.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, March 30th
Almost didn't go this morning, felt exhausted and fell back to sleep after my alarm, but I woke up in time and since there are only 4 days this week I figured I should get moving.
Missed part of the warm up: 3 rounds of 10 good mornings, 9 alternating jumping lunges, 8 push ups. Got almost 2 rounds done.
Started with a 10 minute EMOM of 4 dead lifts, 3 hang power cleans, 2 push jerks. Couldn't let go of the bar the entire complex.
Warm up at 95# was okay but still felt heavy. Tried with Justin's bar at 135# and that was a nope. Settled on 115# and that was a good choice. Kept the bar moving fast, done in 20 seconds each time.
WOD was 3 rounds for time of:
- 12 front squats 115#/75#
- 21 box jumps overs 24"/20"
- 12 handstand push ups.
So Women's Rx doesn't help much on the HSPU. But I did 75# (for which I was glad) and used a 20" box (for which I was also glad), but the HSPU were a fail.
I went out hot and was winded getting to the wall. My plan to see how many I could get unbroken and using that number went out the window when I managed only 3 reps. Ended round 1 there.
Round 2 I put my knees on the 20" box did push ups with hip elevated, 12 were too easy.
So for round 3, I flipped the box to 30", put my feet on it and struggle through 5 reps, flipped it again to 24", with feet on it and got 4 more, leaving the box as is, but knees on it and managed to squeeze out the last 3 reps.
9:50. Still last but closer than usual. Triceps are still sore from the last Open workout with all those burpees and thrusters.
Still a good workoutl.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Accessory log for Tuesday, March 29th
Did some of my drills for thoracic mobility and rolled out my glutes and hips.
Then did the Strongfit tricep opener (which is really a lat opener) and then some one-arm-overhead carries, one lap with a 16kg kettle bell and 2 laps with a 20kg kettle bell.
Then I did farmer dumbbell carries with 2 85# dumbbells, followed that up with suitcase carries with one 85# dumbbell.
Good hard work.
Crossfit log for Tuesday, March 29th
It was not a fun workout.
Warm up was a shuttle run, 10 bar rows and 10 air squats for like 3 rounds.
Then for strength work we did 3 sets of 3 front squats. Did 225#, 245# 255#
Followed that up with 3 sets of 8 bent over barbell rows, did the first set subinated, much to the protests of my coach, so the 2 other sets I went pronated.
135#, 135#, 145#. I'm not nearly as bent over as I feel.
The horrible WOD was an increasing rep scheme couplet:
9-15-21 of
- power snatch 95#/65#
- row for calories
Should have done women's Rx, but did 75# instead. First round was a dream, flew through it. Back to the snatches after the row was not so fun. Made it to 9 before dropping, but that was a fight.
Third set of snatches was supposed to be 7-7-7, but ended up 7-7-4-3.
And that last row was just dismal.
Oh well, back at it.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Crossfit log for Friday, March 25th: 16.5 one and done
16.5 was a repeat WOD. We revisited 14.5
- thrusters 95#/65#
- bar facing burpees
84 reps of each. It was horrible 2 years ago, it was horrible in November 2014 when we revisited it, and it was horrible this time.
March 28th, 2014 - 26:59
November 7th, 2014 - 24:32
Today: 23:06
Improvement is improvement. Might have gotten closer to Kamil (21 and change) if I hadn't given blood on Tuesday.
Burpees are horrible. Bar facing are worse The thrusters got hard in the last half, but for me it was a burpees workout and an exercise in not blowing up.
My goal was to keep moving, and for the most part i succeeded.
Some of those burpees took a long time to get off the ground, and a few time I took a while to address the bar, but mostly I kept moving.
I'm happy with my result, but even happier that the Open is over and I can go back to my regular routine.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
Olympic lifting log for Thursday, March 24th
Didn't want to do anything too taxing since the last Open workout is tomorrow.
Just worked up to some heavy singles.
Must still be low on blood after Tuesday's donation, like yesterday, I was out of breath for seemingly little effort.
Landed 215# twice, but three failed attempts at 225# and I called it a day.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Mobility and Olympic Lifting log for Wednesday, March 23rd
Started with mobility and physio drills, for my intercostals, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders.
Did some overhead squats with light weights for reps, position was okay but not great. Did a few sets with empty bar, 65# and one at 95#. The last set at 65# was the best one, 95# wasn't great but I wasn't planning to go very heavy with the snatches so that was fine.
Started with empty bar from the hang and it was not pretty. Took 5 or 6 tries before it started to gel.
Put 65# on and the first couple didn't go, but I just going no pause until I landed one. And then another.
I think I did 4 good reps and then I bumped it up to 85#. PR was 75#, no sense wasting time there.
85# didn't get it. Tried again, nothing. Walked away, tried again, no go. Walked away again, tried and couldn't catch it.
Finally I power snatched it and held it there to get a feel for what I was looking for in the catch.
Tried one more time and nailed it. PR. Did it a couple more time just to be sure. Once I caught it was easy to stabilize in the bottom and stand it up. The trick is catching it right.
So then I had to try 95#. I was getting tired but I had to know.
Set it up and first attempt BAM! Nailed it. Even better than any of the reps at 85#.
Was going to leave then but went to get my phone and asked Stephanie to film one last attempt.
I got it but not as nice as the first one.
As I posted on Facebook: Lots of room for improvement, need to catch way lower, and I'm sinking on the right side. But for something I was physically unable to do 3 weeks ago, and after nearly 4 years of physio and mobility work, it's a pretty good start.
Pretty stoked about this.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Crossfit log for Tuesday, March 22nd
I was looking forward to the back squat, but not the dumbbell presses or the WOD.
Strength was 5 sets of backsquats 3 reps + dumbbell strict press 8 reps.
Ended up counting my last warm up set at 225# as a working set. The other 4 sets I did 255# and used 35# dumbbells. As Kiza pointed out, 8 is a lot.
Coach Connor teased Justin and Martin, that I was showing them up, as they only had 245# on their bar. The extra 10# showed up quickly after that.
The WOD was no fun.
For time:
- 15 front squats 135#/95#
- 30 burpees
- 90 double unders
- 30 box jumps
- 15 front squats
After the back squats, the 135# felt light, but 15 is a lot of reps. But I went unbroken.
Man I hate burpees. Double unders sucked until I hit 45, then it came together.
Box jumps just tedious.
Last 15 front squats were 10 and 5. Finished in 11:32. Dead last, thanks to burpees and double unders.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Crossfit log for Monday, March 21st: 16.4 take two
After seeing everyone do the WOD on Saturday, I knew I wouldn't be happy with Friday's performance, I had to give it another go.
I wasn't looking forward to those deadlifts, so given how good I felt after rolling out my hip and glute on Friday, I rolled the crap out of everything Saturday and Sunday.
I followed Kiza's advice and did triples. Hoping to get to at least 36 before resorting to singles.
Well that worked, I braced for every rep and did triples right to the end.
Finished them in 6:48, got through the wall balls in, 10-10-10-5-8-7-5, and hopped on the rower.
Made it to 30 calories.
Man that was hard, but I'm really glad I did it.
Now I feel I can hold my head high.
Score: 140. I'll take it.
Went to physio afterwards and at the end he needled my back, hips and glutes and he was amazed, there was almost nothing there. It was the best he'd ever seen my posterior chain in all the times he's seen me in nearly 4 years!
I must be doing something right!
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Crossfit log for Friday, March 18th 16.4
-55 deadlifts 225#/155#
-55 wallballs 20#/14#
-55 calorie row
-55 handstand push ups.
Didn't expect to make it to the hspu.
Didn't expect to not make it to the row.
The deadlifts were really heavy. I've been having trouble with them lately too. Like putting out my back type of trouble.
By 15 reps I knew I was in trouble, it was hurting to lower myself to the bar. I fought through resorting to singles and dropping, bracing tightly for each rep.
Finally finished and the wall balls were a bit better, but I could still feel my back.
Finished with 11 seconds left, only to find I wasn't done, only 54, so I ran back for number 55 and the buzzer went.
I rolled out my glute and hip for like 15-20 minutes and then I was fine. I thought I'd be hobbled for days, but I have no discomfort at all.
I'm going to roll it out all weekend and try again on Monday, I have to get to the rower. If it starts to fall apart, I'll bail, I already have a score
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Crossfit log for Thursday, March 17th
Go there early. Started rolling my ribs and back, dug into my lats and worked the bottom of my squat.
My position is much better than even a few weeks ago, so I was hoping for some big things to happen.
We were working up to a heavy set of 5.
Started with empty bar and 65# to get a feel for the position. 95# and 135# to get a feel for the weight.
Put 155#, my 1 rep max and couldn't stabilize the shoulders. It was not smart but I felt like it could happen. 145# likely would have been fine. But instead of trying that, I added 2.5# plates for 160# and went for a single.
It was so slow going down, fighting to keep the shoulders stable, but inch by inch I finally bottomed out and standing it up was the easy part. So yay, new 1 rep max OHS, but once I'm happy with my should position, I'll have to work on shoulder stability.
The WOD was horrible.
For time:
- 1000m row
followed by 3 rounds of :
- 14 alternating dumbbell snatches 70#/50#
- 2 rope climbs
- 7 handstand push ups.
Should have done women's Rx. The 60# snatches were rough and slowed me down a lot. Rope climbs were okay until the last round when I was spent. I almost scaled the HSPU to parallette push ups, but there were some spots with an abmat so I did that and I'm glad I did, it was the easiest part of the workout.
17:21 I think, 17 something anyway. It was rough.
Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 315# March 2, 2015 (up from 305#)
Front Squat: 280# September 29, 2015 (up from 275#)
Overhead squat: 160# September 22, 2015 (up from 155#)
Power Clean: 205# July 4, 2015 (up from 195#)
Power snatch: 140# Dec 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# Sept 15, 2014 (up from 175#)
Clean: 225# Dec 31, 2015 (up from 215#)
Jerk: 220# Jan 5th, 2016 (up from 205#)
Snatch: 145# Feb 25, 2015 (up from 145# but not really)
Clean and Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 175#)
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Crossfit log for Wednesday, March 16th
Warm up was 6 minutes of 6 push ups, 9 lateral lunges, 12 sit ups.
Strength/skill was 5 sets of 3 front squats + 1 jerk.
Did empty bar, 95#, 135#, 155#, 165#, 185# and 205# (but failed the jerk).
WOD was not fun.
15 minute EMOM 40 seconds on 20 seconds off, alternating:
- push jerks for max reps 135#/95#
- burpee box jumps for max reps
- deadlifts for max reps, same bar.
Did women's Rx
15, 7, 17
12, 5, 15
10, 4, 12
10, 4, 12
10, 4, 15
152 reps. Burpees suck.
Monday, 14 March 2016
Crossfit log for Friday evening, March 11th: 16.3 take two
So i went back to Crossfit for the 4pm class. Kiza was doing 16.3 and i was going to judge her. So i figure since i wouldn't be doing any Crossfit until Wednesday, i should give it one more go.
Everyone was practicing, trying to get a bad muscle up. So i started stretching and rolling my lats, then doing some kip swings to loosen things up.
Then i started trying. Coming really close. Coach gave me some new pointers: the covers strike, basically, at the point of full extension on the forward swing, collapse into hollow body and push down on the bar really fast, like a cobra strike, then transition over the bar. The other pointer i for from the video on the Crossfit site was top stay tight in the kip.
Having all those people cheering and watching must have made a difference. I suddenly found myself onto of the bar, with my first ever muscle up, but ironically, nobody noticed, 20 some people, and they were all looking away at that moment.
It was my best one too, as i went on to get a few more, those were all one arm first, or chicken leg, as they call them, but they still counted
Finally after getting 2 in practice i just started the WOD. We had an ongoing timer and at 31 minutes i told Kiza i was starting, i did my 10 snatches and proceeded to work on getting 3 muscle ups. Took a lot of work but at 6 minutes and 7 seconds in, i got my third, ran to the bar for 10 more snatches, and with 15 seconds to go, i somehow managed 1 final muscle up.
I was pretty stoked. I'd been so close for so long.
Final score: 24.
They need work, but i got them.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Crossfit log for Friday, March 11th: 16.3
Kamil, Jocelyn and I did the Open workout, Erin did a modified version since she wasn't doing the Open. None of us had ever done a bar muscle up.
16.3 is a 7 minute AMRAP of
- 10 snatches 75#/55#
- 3 bar muscle ups
We warmed up for quite a while and finally when Jocelyn started trying to get a muscle up coach said he'd start the time, everyone just do the 10 snatches and we'll take our time trying to get a muscle up, if you get one then we'll count it. We can try again after a 5-10 minute rest if you want.
So that's what we did. After several attempts Jocelyn finally got one and after a few tries got 3 done and went back to the bar.
Kamil managed to get one but that was it.
I tried and tried but it wasn't happening. So my score is 10.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Crossfit log for Thursday, March 10th
Warm up was 9 jumping lunges, 7 wall balls, 5 pull ups.
Worked on my butterfly kip, got a rhythm a couple of times. Still needs work.
Strength work was front squats:
Was planning on starting at 185#, but chickened out and started at 165#, adding 20# each round, so 165#, 185#, 205#, 225# and 245#
Afterwards I felt starting at 185# would have been fine.
The WOD was the partner part I had already agreed to do with Kamil.
4 rounds for time
2 rope climbs (1 each)
20 clean and jerks (135#/95#)
2 rope climbs
20 burpees onto plate (alternating)
We decided to do women's Rx it that was a good thing. Finally go to do rope climbs with my new shoes, and they work perfectly.
Burpees suck.
4th round sucked. Kamil had way more in the tank. Dammit.
Fun workout though. Finished in 18:04.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Strength and mobility log for Tuesday, March 8th
I wanted to ride the snatch success from this morning with some overhead squats at lunch.
I spent a good half hour doing mobility: rolling my lats, pecks, upper back, ribs on both sides an front. I did my physio homework and worked my hips with the orb and rocking and swaying around in a deep squat.
Did the same as this morning. 10 reps empty bar for two sets. Then started loading the bar.
I did 6 reps at 65#, the dropped to sets of 3 at 95# and 115#.
The second set of 10 at 45# and the sets at 65# and 95#, my position felt awesome. Just like this morning.
115# though, I don't know, maybe fatigue form this morning and the mobility work, it just didn't feel right.
Oh well. At least my position was good at the beginning. I'll take that as a win.
Crossfit log for Tuesday, March 8th: Snatch Day
I arrived early at Crossift, and since it was Coach Connor the doors were open. Knowing it was snatch day, I immediately started mobility work.
I used the orb on my pecks, I used a foam roller on my rib cage, intercostals, sat in a deep squat and shifted my weight from foot to foot stretching the hip.
The warm up was 10 empty bar overhead squats and 10 burpees and 2 shuttle runs for 4 minutes.
The first set of OHS was same as always, tough and tight, maybe a bit better the normal. But the second set felt really good. My position felt really solid. Focused on spreading the bar and it really helped.
Part two was a 10 minute EMOM of snatches. Minutes 1-3, 3 touch and go, minutes 4-6, 2 touch and go, the last 4 minutes heavy singles.
During warm up I decided to try a squat snatch. I try every once in a while. First attempt was a typical fail, but I notices I wasn't spreading the bar when I was catching it. So I tried again.
Bam. I totally landed a snatch in a squat with an empty bar from the hang.
After nearly 5 years of physio and mobility work, it finally happened.
Tried again, and got it again.
Well now, I went and got some plates to try from the ground. At 65# I totally nailed it. Twice.
Upped it to 75# missed one, nailed one. I was pretty stoked.
As the EMOM was starting I put 95# on and reverted to split snatch, but I had to try one squat snatch at 95# but it was too much. Baby steps.
So I did the EMOM split style at 95# for the first 3, 115# for the next 3 and 125#, 125#, 135# for minutes 7, 8 and 9. The last round I bumped it to 155# which would have been a 10# PR, I was still high from the squat snatches. But it was too much.
I quickly peeled of 10# to 145# and had a great pull but just didn't commit to getting under it. Meh. Still feel great!
The WOD was a gasser,
3 rounds for time:
- 10 thrusters 115#/ 75#
- 15 calorie row
- 20 wall balls.
Holy hip extensions Batman! Split the difference on the barbell and went with 95#.
Did the first round unbroken in 2:45. Then died.
Finished in 11:28. That last row and the last 20 wall balls were torture.
Happy day.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Olympic lifting and mobility log for Monday, March 7th
So I worked on clean and jerk, hitting a couple of solid reps in the mid 100s (165#, 185#) then I decide to push it a bit and see if I could hit over 205#.
205# itself was good. 215# wasn't a pretty clean and total failed jerk, but it was worth a try. Focus more on that after the Open.
Then I did my physio homework and hit the steam room. That'll do.
Crossfit log for Monday, March 7th: 16.2 Take two
- 25 toe to bar
- 50 double unders
- 15 squat cleans at 135#
Since I didn't finish this in the 4:00 cap, there is no need to explain further.
Much better showing than last time. Used a pull up bar with tape instead of those useless leather grips. Hands didn't rip at all.
Did the toes to bar in sets of 5 until 15 then a variety of triples, doubles and singles for the last 10.
Double unders went better too. 3 or 4 sets. Was headed to the barbell at 3:00 instead of the lousy 3:40 from Friday
Did the first 3 touch and go, and should have done more that way. The seconds just bleed at that point, every rep is like 8 seconds. So my extra 40 seconds bought me exactly 5 extra reps. 7 short of round 2.
Not very happy with it, but that's was as well executed as I could. I look forward to hitting it again next year to see if I can improve.
Toes to bar were the weak link for sure. Might have saved a bit on the double unders, but not much.
Oh well, done is done. On to 16.3
Friday, 4 March 2016
Crossfit log for Friday, March 4th 16.2 Take one.
- 25 toe to bar
- 50 double unders
- 15, 13, 11, 9, 7 squat cleans at 135#, 185#, 225#, 275#, 315#
Each round starts with 25 T2B and 50 DU.
You have to finish the 15 cleans at 135# of round 1 before the 4 minute mark to buy yourself another 4 minutes. You can start round 2 right away to bank time for later. Then you have to finish the 13 cleans at 185# before the 8 minute mark, and so on and so forth.
My goal was to get past round 1 into round 2 and with any luck at 1 clean 185#.
It needed to be better than 16.1.
Kamil and I did the math, cleans take a long time. Even with an average of 5 seconds per clean that 1:15. When we tested drop and go Kamil, fresh, averaged 9 seconds per. He did 5 cleans and took 45 seconds. That's a whopping 2:15 for 15 reps. Leaving only 1:45 for the T2B and DUs.
There would be no chance of getting through round 2.
Let just say I'll be trying again on Monday. Coach even said that today's performance was not a fair assessment of my work capacity.
First mistake: grips. I don't know why I imagined they would help this time. Lost time ripping them off my hands for the double unders.
Second mistake: not practising T2B before the WOD. Got flustered at the start and couldn't string any together, it was a mess.
Double unders were all over the place, which might not have been so bad if the T2B hadn't been a disaster.
Got to the barbell with less than 20 seconds. Did 3 touch and go, then dropped with 6 seconds, no will to pick it up again.
I'll rest up and hit this again on Monday. At least it was only 4 minutes!
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Mobility and accessory log for Thursday, March 3rd
Started with some thoracic mobility drills with the foam roller called t-spine smash with overhead extension bias, using a foam roller as a pivot point and a kettle bell instead of a barbell as counter balance, plus I added a resistance band around my elbows to help keep them locked out.
Rolled my ribs and lats, then did my dumbbell/bretzel drill, on the first try I just couldn't find the floor so I lifted my knees just to see how far I was, and hit the floor right away, I was like a quarter inche from touching before giving up.
The next four reps I was able to touch the ground no problem.
After that I did some one handed carries with the kettle bell, man that sucks so bad.
Dave and I also did a couple of handstand drill for fun.
That was enough for mobility. Then I did some rows on the pulley machine, 8 at 75#, 8 at 135# and 6 at 150#.
And to close out I did some wrist roller, two sets at 17.5# and 3 at 25#.
My forearms were toast after that.
Hit the steam room and a quick shower and was out of there.
Good stuff.
Crossfit log for Thursday, March 3rd
Glad I went. Felt energized afterwards, was missing that feeling.
Granted it was horrible, but it was gratifying.
Started with 5 x 500m row on 2:00 rest (or as long as it took the guy you were sharing the rower with to finish).
First two were good, but started to hurt the biceps. Switched my grip to full hand instead of just fingers and recruited my lats more than biceps and got another good round in.
Round 4 I thought had to be our last, I was running out of steam so I sand bagged it only to find I had another round to go. Gah!
Round 5 was better than round 4 but not as good as the first three.
Hard work.
The WOD was interesting, 15 minute AMRAP:
- 1 round of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
- 1 hang clean + jerk
start with empty bar, add weight each round.
I had a brilliant plan, hat utterly failed me. Or rather I poorly executed it.
The plan was to increment by 5# per round until the last round and throw as much weight as possible into the last clean and jerk, since only the last weight would be recorded and the lower weight earlier would make more rounds possible.
Well the first part worked beautifully, did 45#, 65#, 75#, 95#, 105#, 115#, 135# getting through 7 rounds. Started round 7 with 3:00 left on the clock, hurried through, put 185# on the bar, hurried through Cindy round 8, 30 seconds left. I noticed Kamil get his belt for the last lift.
Thought that was a good idea, but it cost me too much time, got the belt on dead lifted the bar to the hang, went to clean it and BEEEEEEP, time's up!
I should have gone heavy instead of 135# and just held on for dear life after that. But alas. My score was 7 rounds + 30 reps and max weight of 135#.
At least I beat Kamil on rounds, but his C&J was 205#!!!
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Accessory and strength log for Wednesday, March 2nd
Went to the Y at lunch and kicked the pants out of my shoulders.
Did stretching and rolling, on my armpits, intercostals, pecs, lats, everything.
Then I did my super bretzel thing. Can't find any videos, I may have to make on of my own. Basically, lying on my side, knees and hips bent at 90 degrees, like sitting, dumbbell in hand extended towards the ceiling. Bring elbow to ribs and lower behind twisting thoracic spine, keep knees stacked on floor, rotate to end range, trying to touch elbow to floor. Took me 3 reps to get contact this time (took me 5 reps at physio). Progress.
Then I did some back squats, after a couple of overhead squats to see if the work helps. Too early to tell.
Did 3 triples at 255#.
Before I left I did some 1 arm overhead carries with a 16kg kettle bell. Trying to pull my ribs down with my obliques, and trying to stay locked out overhead.
Man that was hard! I guess that's the point.
Attacking the weaknesses.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Crossfit log for Tuesday, March 1st
Got some new drills and stretches. Also abandon the shoulder stability drills with the overhead hanging kettle bell carries in favour of one arm overhead carries, locked out with rib cage pulled down.
Focus on position first, stability later.
I got a new version of bretzel with dumbbell. It's a killer.
So I'll work on that for the foreseeable future, unless something else breaks.
Today again, I seem to have forgotten to set my alarm but thankfully woke up with barely enough time to make it to the gym.
It was a pretty good workout. I missed the warm up and jumped right in to the thrusters.
5 sets of 10. Ugh. Started with 95# which I wasn't going to count, but ended up counting. Then 105#, 115# and 125#. After that I was spent, so even with the 95# it was still only 4 sets. Meh.
Quads were not happy, still recovering from the lunges I guess.
The WOD was 3 rounds for time of :
- row 250m
- 21 box jumps
- 15 push ups
- 9 toes to bar
Started on the box jumps since there weren't enough rowers, so go to finish with a row. Yay.
Did the box jumps systematically, with a few step ups in there when fatigued, to get things going.
Push ups I broke up 5, 5, 5 the first round, 8, 5, 2 the second and 9, 6 the last.
Toes to bar, I strung 5 reps then staying on the bar, reset my hands and did the last 4. Second round I did 7 before losing the kip and resetting, still stayed on the bar. Last round I came of the bar at 5 and the did 4.
The row sucked. Kept running out of steam at 200m and coasted most of the last 50.
Finished in 14:19. Meh. It was okay.