Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, June 17th

So last night I went to see Jurassic World with Caleb and Clarisse and company, so it was a very late night and I was already incredibly tired.

So I slept in, took the morning off work and went to the 10am MET CON class.

Was still able to do the regular workout, the MET CON just scale it differently.

Strength work was dead lift  3 sets of 3.  I did as the regular class did, 85% of max.  310#, but I wasn't going to fiddle around with tiny plates so I went with 315#, three big wheels.  That was harder then I expected.  I really need to start using 345# instead of 365# to calculate my percentages. It's more realistic.

For the WOD we did:
- 3 rounds of 9-6-3 for time of
 - front squats  185#/125#
 - burpee muscle ups (scaled to burpee box jumps)
-rest 2:00
- 3 rounds of 12-9-6 for time of
 - front squats 165#/110#
-rest 2:00
- 3 rounds of 15-12-9 for time of
 - front squats 135#/95#

Used women's Rx for the weights (except round 2 115# was easier barbell math)
and did the box jumps, of course.

The MET CON class did 12-9-6 for all three parts and used the same weight on the front squats.

I was perfectly happy to have fewer burpees in exchange for more pull ups.

Took it way easy on the first round, damn burpees.  They still took their toll.

The second part went better because: dips. But the squats were getting really tough.

The last part should've been a cake walk, but the other parts had taken their toll

Finished in 22:47 Ugh.

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