Really struggled to get out of bed this morning. Kids were up in the night, I had a couple of drinks over supper and I was in bed at like 11pm. Granted I'd had a good nap that afternoon, but when my alarm went off at 4:50am, I promptly fell back to sleep.
I woke with a start at 5:03. Still plenty of time to get ready, I just had to convince myself to go. Finally I just rolled out of bed and went into autopilot mode.
I'm glad I a did. Had one of my best workouts in a long time.
Started with back squats, 5x5 at 75%, unlike last week I stayed at 75% (235#) I was working with Kamil and he was doing 185#. I felt bad enough adding 50# to mine, (I know he doesn't care, he a big boy and can handle his own ego, but still) adding another 20# for the last 2 sets wouldn't have felt right.
And really 235# is heavy. I was getting pretty tired at the end of the 4th set and still had another set of 5 to go.
The we switched to strict press for 5 sets of 3 at 80%, which for me was 105#. I asked Kamil what he had in mind and he said 110# ish, I said "perfect"!
Over head is so much weaker than my squat, I really need to work on that.
Finally the WOD was 6 rounds!
- 10 thrusters at 105#/75#
- 5 muscle ups
Scaled the weight to 95#, and the muscle ups to chest to bar pull ups.
This went really well. Don't know if the knee sleeves help, or what but I really nailed the thrusters.
Struggled in the middle rounds with the CTB.
Was right behind both Matt and Kamil on round 5, went strait to the bar and did 6 thrusters, then a short break and the last 4. Was at the pull up bar first and went as quick as I could, doing singles, and jumping right back up on the bar.
Finishin in 12:33, 5 seconds ahead of Kamil and 25 seconds ahead of Matt. Felt good to finish strong like that.
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