Went to bed later than I wanted to, after a busy father's day of crepes, swimming lessons, a movie with my whole family, ham and egg crepe wraps for lunch, a road trip to Prehistoric World in Morrisburg, and group bath with the little kids in the big tub.
Somehow still managed to get out of be and to the box for the 5:30am class.
Started with back squats (5x5 @ 67%) and (strict press 5x5 @ 80%)
2 thirds of my back squat is 210#, but I settled for 205#, didn't want to bother with fractional plates. That went well.
Before hitting the 80% I wanted to do a heavy single or double. Planned on a double at 125#, but it wasn't happening. Got an ugly single. Decided to use 135# as my max until I actually hit heavier.
Even then, I did the first set at 105# and it was rough. So I dropped to 95# and had to fight for the fifth, each set. I really need to work my overhead.
The WOD looked worse than it was.
3 rounds of 4 minute AMRAP on 2 minutes rest.
- 10 calorie row
- 10 burpees
- 7 chest to bar pull ups.
Continue where you left off.
For all but the last two rounds I did one or two ctb first and the rest as regular pull ups.
Burpees killed me.
You didn't get very far in 4 minutes, so it wasn't so bad. Managed only 5 rounds.
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