Thursday, 4 June 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, June 4th

Rough time getting out of bed.  Too many things going on, I mustn't be sleeping soundly.

Managed to get there in time for the 3 WOD special.  No strength, no skills, just work.

For time:
3 rounds of:
- 10 Toes-to-bars
- 10 Front Squats, 155/105 lbs (scaled to 115#)

-- then --
Rest 2 mins
-- then --

3 rounds of:
- 5 Muscle-ups (scaled to ring dips)
- 25 Air Squats
- 7 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 155/105 lbs (scaled to 115#)

-- then --
Rest 2 mins
-- then --

3 rounds of:
- 15 Kettlebell Swings, 24/16 kg (scaled to 20kg)
- 10 Burpees


Toes to bar killed me off the bat.  Front squats were fine until round 3, at 115# it was manageable.  Finishe at 5:52, a full minute after everyone else.

2:00 break, started up at 7:52

Dips and air squats are strengths, go through them fast, made up some time
but then legs were fried, so no drive in the push press, and arms were fried so no push left in the arms.  Needless to say the STO was murder, even if it was only 7 reps.  Finished at 16:06,  so just over 8 minutes

2:00 break, started at 18:08

Thought I was smart and broke up the rep scheme, did 7 kb swings + 5 burpees + 8 kb swings + 5 burpees.

Didn't help.  I was still half dead.  Did the last two rounds as laid out on the board 15 and 10. Took forever.

Finished in 26:00 flat.  (so 8 minutes for the last part).  

Dripping sweat, dead tired.  Glad that's over.

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