Friday, 28 October 2016

CrossFit log for Friday, October 28th

Thankfully lower volume today, but it looked way easier on the board than in real life.

Warm-up:  2-4-6-8-10
Squats, push-ups, kettle bell swing.

I kicked up into s handstand against the wall again leading with my right and it was okay again.  Still afraid to lead with my left.   Held it longer than usual.

First part was hang power clean + power clean, for 1 rep max. 135# was easy, so was 155#. 165# was less easy and 175# was hard.

First attempt at 185# failed. Second attempt i caught the hang power clean, but didn't have enough from the floor. Oh well, I'll take the 175#

The WOD was 3 rounds for time:
- 30 ab mat sit-ups
- 10 clean& jerks 185#/135#

Did women's Rx and even that was brutal.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Strength and mobility log for Thursday, October 27th

Went to the Y at lunch and did my mobility as usual.

I don't log those, but since I also did some squats, it warrants a blog post.

I did my archer post with the band and weighted bretzel then the two variations of the "triangle pose" with a kettle bell.  One kneeling and one standing.

Kinda like this:

Then I did some back squats.

3 sets of 5 at 245# 

After a warm up with empty bar, 135#, 185# and 225#

Crossfit log for Thursday, October 27th

Another successful workout, no back issues, which is pretty good if you consider my injury was 3 days ago.

Partner WOD and partner warm-up.

While partner if rowing 250m do burpees, switch, then switch and do lunges, switch again.

Dynamic stretching. I kick up to a handstand against the wall, leading with my right foot instead of left, no problem, the wall may have helped. Did 2 holds for 10ish seconds.

Worked with new guy Ralph.

For time, share the work:
-150 cal row
-125 burpees
-100 power snatch 75#/55#
-75 toes to bar

We split the row by time 1:00 each, bring a bit taller and more experienced, had we dive equal calories, he would have gotten way less break, do tune made now sense, and we weren't that far off calorie-wise.

Burpees with did 80, 4 sets of 10 each, except the last one i did 12, leaving him 8. He was starting to hurt. His 2 first rounds were to fast and he was paying the price. Lesson learned.

Power snatch at 55#, i did 12 he did 8, third set, I was starting to hurt, and we had only 6 or 7 minutes before the cap, so we decided 80 troops would be enough.

We finished off with the 75 knees to chest with less than 2 minutes left.

It was good. Ralph worked really hard.


Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 26th

So Monday I did go to Crossfit, but I didn't make it past the warm up.

Kicking up into a handstand after the dynamic stretching, i tweaked my back.

Seems that going for flexion to extension can jam my L5-S1.

Luckily I got in to see Rob the same day, before my back got site from compensating, mobilized the joint and got me upright again. Took Tuesday off and was back at it today.

It was a good workout to come back to. Low volume, hardly any flexion except the pull ups (which gravity is not compressing the spine) and no load.

Warm-up was squats, box step ups and kettle bell settings for 5 minutes, and dynamic stretching, which went okay. Didn't even try a handstand.

Did some great pull up drills. Started with Hollie hold then arch hold, then alternating then killing.

After that we did the 1 pull up 1 kip drill. For this I tried doing 1 butterfly/1 kip and it went really well. Even coach Alex said so.

The wood was a15 minute AMRAP
- 10 pull ups
- 10 wall balls 20#/14#
- 10 box jumps 24"/20"

I decided to make it about the pull ups, did women's Rx, for the med ball and the box. Still used the 10' target though.

Did the same as the drills at first 1 butterfly/1 kip until I got 10 butterfly, and it went remarkably well. This may be my new goto.

Went unbroken the first 4 round, round 5 had to break them in two, the switched to regular kip do I could resume unbroken, last round had to break the regular kip. Getting tired.

Wall balls were all unbroken, box jumps were mostly step down with a few jump down. Some were step up. I was a bit nervous for my back on these.

Did 6 full rounds, plus pull ups and 5 wall balls.

Very happy with that.

No issues with my back.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, October 21st

What a week.

Arms were still sore from Mondays push-ups. Hammies were still tight from Tuesdays today and RDLs, and I didn't get to the gym since.

Finally made it this morning despite the drinks and pub food and the late appointment with the social worker.

After the 5 minute warm-up of burpees and wall balls, the dynamic stretch was okay, but the handstand work was a bit scary the way my stomach felt. But I survived

Part 1 find 1 rep max thruster, 12 minutes

3 minutes rest/out you extra weights away.

3 rounds for time
- 80-60-40 double-unders
- 20-15-10 thrusters 115#/75#

Hit 165# no problem, jumped to 185#. No go. Clean was off and didn't have good position for the push press. Still front racked, tried to square and go again, but no.

Tried again. Better position but still no. With time running out i peeled back to 175#. Couldn't lock it out


WOD went well.

For the double-unders, which I've been struggling with I abandoned the numbers, I planned to go to failure 4 times in the first round, 3 in the second and 2 in the last wherever that got me.

First round I got like 19, then 18, not even half way of well. Third attempt I made it to like 67, then made it to 80. Sweet. 

Used women's weight, 75#, did 10 and 10

Round 2 Dane deal. Third attempt took me to 60 double-unders.  Thrusters were 10 and 5.

Round three again, made 40 in two tries.  And 10 unbroken.

I'll take it.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Yoga and strength at the Y for Tuesday, October 18th

Forgot my gym clothes again.  Gah.

So I left early, went to Winners and bought some lame capris, they had no shorts (WTF) and a t-shirt.

Arrived earlier than expected at the Y had half an hour before the yoga class, so I did my physio homework and mobilized my hips and stretched my hamstrings in anticipation of the class.

Went way better than last time.  For one I wasn't rushing to catch up, as I arrived on time.  I was limber, thanks to the early arrival.  I used a block to improve my position on the trickier poses.

All added up to better mobilization of hips/thorax/shoulders.

Afterwards I did some side sits to mobilize my hips, a couple of minutes each side.

Then I did some RDL's to further murder my hammies.  Next couple of days may suck.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, October 18th

I was kinda hoping for another heavy day like last Tuesday, but it was not to be.

I was also expecting more leg intensive after all those push-ups yesterday. Wrong again.

After the 6 minute warm-up of box step ups, hanging leg raises and shuttle runs we did a less than fun WOD

7 rounds
- 7 hang per cleans 135#/95#
- 7 handstand push-ups

So much for leg day.

Women's Rx, bear push-ups.


After that we did bench. 15-15-10-10

Worked with John. We did 75#-85#-95#-105#

Last few reps sucked each time. So i guess we got it right

Monday, 17 October 2016

CrossFit log for Monday. October 17th

Woke up at 2am and took forever to fall back to sleep.

5am rolled around to quickly. And I'm sure that glass of wine didn't help one bit.

But I managed to roll it is bed.

Kept it simple this morning, which doesn't equate to eat by any measure.

Warm-up: 10 side lunges, 10 burpees, 10 kettle bell swings.  For 6 minutes.

Then the WOD:
4 rounds for time
-20 push-ups
-15 front squats 115#/75#
-15 push press 115#/75#
-20 sit-ups

So a push-up workout. Did women's Rx, no sense killing myself on the rest, it was all about the push-ups. Even splitting the difference at 95# was appealing, but I wisely decided against it.


Push ups feel apart at the end of round 2, then it was chip away until the end.

Front squats were easily unbroken. Push press were two sets each time.

Sit-ups were sit-ups.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Mobility and strength at the Y log for Thursday, October 13th

Quick session at the Y.

Did my physio homework, tomorrow's my appointment, so gotta cram.

Then did strict press  3 sets of 5 at 115#  Rough.  Just like in October 2014 in the middle of strength development.

So good.  Feel like I'm on track

Did some door stretch on my hammies,  progress being made there too.

Crossfit log for Thursday, October 13th

Interesting workout.

Warm up was partner rows 250m while you do burpees, switch, then partner rows 250m while you do sure squats, switch.  Not bad

Hamstring/adductor on the right felt tight.

WOD was teams of three, one at each station, advance only when all 3 are finished.

For time- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
- hang power clean 75#/55#
- row for calories
- wall balls 20#/14#

Worked with Heidi and Sawyer. We all used the same equipment, only difference was i hit the 10' target on the wall balls.

Turned out we were pretty evenly matched that way. Every round we waited for whoever was on the rower. I never felt like I was holding them back and i never felt held back.

Finished in 19:57. Can't complain one bit.

It was good.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Yoga, mobility and Strength at the Y log for Tuesday, October 11th

A yoga instructor at the Y has been pestering my to try her class, so today I finally did, a bit late, but I went in.

It was okay,  maybe once this round of mobility is done and I spend a bit of time on my hamstrings it'll be better.

Some of the poses I did really well at, thanks to all the thoracic rotation I've been doing no doubt.  Others weren't so great, most thanks to my tight hammies and what's left of my shoulder/thoracic end range limitations.

After words I did some of my physio homework and enjoy 5 glorious sets of 5 back squats at 225#.

I think, I'm back at it.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, October 11th

Heavy day.

After a 5 minute warm up is 10 squats, 5 burpees, 5 pull ups and 30 double unders we did clean and jerk

2 sets of 3 c&j @ 70%
2 sets of 2 c&j @ 75%
3 sets is 1  c&j @ 80%

4 singles heaviest weight for each

Wasn't stellar, but i haven't worked heavy in s long time.

145# for triples was okay. Got better with each set.
155# doubles was solid
165# singles were okay, jerks were wobbly.

Hit 185#. Clean was sold, jerk was very wobbly. Stopped there. No point hurting myself and we still had deadlifts to go.

Deadlifts, 6 sets of doubles at 70%

Felt good to lift heavy.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Crossfit log for Saturday, October 8th

With only 2 workouts this week, I negotiated a Saturday WOD.

It was pretty good to.

Warm up was half Jackie,  500m row, 25 thrusters, 15 pull ups.

That was awesome,  made the dynamic stretching feel way different.

WOD was from the Team Series so require 4 participants.  We were 5.

So the three better athletes went as a unit and Linda and I were the other pair.

20 minute AMRAP
5 partner clean and jerk (not synchro but together)  185#/135#
10 synchro toes to bar.

Linda did 105#, her daughter Katrina did 135#, not sure what the other guy did, but one did Rx.

I started at 115# (the official scale) because that's what John did and at the end it wasn't looking fun. 

It was clearly too little and after 2 rounds I went to 125#, then 135# the round after that.  Women's Rx.  I should have known better.

We also did knees to chest instead of t2b. 

It was a good workout, we got through 6 rounds. 

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Strength and mobility log for Thursday, October 6th

I may be starting my strength cycle. 

I've done two sessions of strict press, last week and this week, but I didn't log either.  First one was 5 sets of 5 at 95# and Tuesday was 4 sets of 5 at 105# and one set of 5 at 95#

Today, after doing my physio homework, I did 5 sets of 5 front squats at 185#.

Thought that was closer to 75% of my 1 rep max, but I guess my current max isn't 285#.  So I'll take what I can get for now and see how things shake out in a couple of weeks.   Because I sure wasn't easy.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 5th

Took the morning off to deal with stuff so I went to the 10am class.

Ironically, two of the four others were from my usual 5:30am class.  Weird.

Warm up was 3 rounds of Cindy.   Dynamic stretching and some handstand work.

Skills was power snatch  10min EMOM  2 touch and go at 70%  (I did 95#,  round 4 I tried 115# which went up okay but was just too heavy for consistency).

WOD was hard.  Looked okay on the board, but wow, rough.

"Jackies evil twin sister"

1000m row
35 power snatches  75#/55#
7 rope climbs

Row was okay, just under 4:00

Snatches got hard fast.  I did Rx which is usually a mistake but John's score said 11:36 Rx.  (Maybe it was a different John)

7 rope climbs is apparently a lot.   

Was glad when it was over.

15:01 Rx.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, October 3rd

Really didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

Got to bed late, had a couple of beers in the evening, woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep.

But with Kiza away this might be my only workout this week so I couldn't miss it.

Warm up was 5 pull ups, 10 wall balls, 15 air squats.  for 5 minutes.

The usual dynamic stretching

WOD was
3 rounds for time:
- 35 sit ups
- 30 box jump overs
- 25 pull ups.

Finished round 1 in 4:54, could have gone faster on the box jumps, but it would have been too expensive.  Did the pull ups in 10-10-5

Round 2 finished at 11:35 so 6:40ish.  Sit ups were slower, box jumps were slower and pull ups were 10-8-7

Round 3 took me to 18:58 so 7:23.  Yeah.  Sit ups were a grind, box jumps were sad.  And pull ups were 10-5-2-5-3. 

At least it was Rx. 

18:58.  Done.

After that we did 4 sets of 10 bench.

Did 95#, 115#, 125# and 130#(6)