Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 19th

It's been a while since I've done Crossfit three days in a row.

Starting to feel it.  Really didn't want to get out of bed, but I committed to running at lunch, and wouldn't have been able to to the squats then, and since we are squatting again on Friday, doing them tomorrow wouldn't be a good idea either.

So I rolled out of bed and got to it.

Another high volume day.

Started with 4 sets of alternating 8 good mornings vs 2 rope climbs.  Nobody was going the 1 min rest, and they were apparently justified, I got cut off at rope climb #5 of 8, so no fourth set and only 1 rope climb on the third.  Good enough, it was just a warm up.

Then we started back squats.  4x4 at 82% (I used 265#) which got really hard by the last set. Ended up counting my last warm up set at 245# as the first working set, so only 3 sets of 4 at 265#.  That'll do.

We had to hurry in to the 10 minute EMOM of 3 strict presses at 62% of max, I just used Kamil's bar and went right after him for the EMOM, at 87.5#.

That went well.  Wrist didn't bother me, but my round 8 I was getting fatigued.  Spent the "rest" time putting plates away.

Then it was the WOD.  Had to scale the overhead squats, they just weren't happening. 

15 minute AMRAP:
- 250m row
- 10 overhead squats 135#/95#
- 10 chest to bar pull ups.

I started on the squats, which I planned to do overhead squats at women's Rx, but it just wasn't happening. Between my wrist any my lack of practice, my mobility wasn't enough to make it happen, so I did front squats at 115#.  I couldn't even do the Rx weight, thanks to my wrist. 

It took me several tries to find a position comfortable enough to get them done.

Scaled the pull ups to regular kipping pull ups and was glad for it.

Finished in the mix with 3 full rounds plus 10 front squats.   Happy with that.

It was a sweatfest.  My shirt was so wet I drove home topless!  I need to bring a towel and a spare shirt during this humid weather.

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