Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 12th

Finally felt well enough to go to Crossfit this morning.

The new programming is very high volume.  So much so we rarely have time to finish each part.

Started with a warm up of 5 rounds of 10 calorie row, 15 hollow rocks and 8 thrusters with an empty bar. 

Made 2 rounds plus the row before back squats started.

4 sets of 4 at 80%, which is around 250# for me, planned on 255#, but working with Pat and Kamil the barbell math worked better at 245# (adding 15# plates to their 215#).

But we had to cut that short too, did only 3 sets after a brief warm up.

Then 10 minute EMOM was the first uninterrupted segment of the program.

10 minute EMOM 3 strict press at 60%.  Did 85#.  Went really well, no fatigue, no wrist issues.

Finally the WOD. A kind of chipper.  Once through:
- 1 mile run
- 20 toes to bar
- 60 double unders
- 15 t2b
- 40 du
- 10 t2b
- 20 du

ran the mile in my crocs, since it was wet out, you couldn't run in the same shoes at the rest of the workout.

Mile took me 8:30.  I need to map the course to get an accurate distance.

Didn't bother to put shoes on, did the rest in my socks.

First 20 t2b went well. 6, 6, 4, 4.  Double unders went to 39 first try. then struggled to finish the next 20.

Took the time to get my grips on for the rest,  actually I think I put them on after the first 6 reps of the 20....

Anyway, struggled a bit with the 15, I think I did like 4, 4, 3, 2, 2. but with short breaks.

40 DU unbroken, after two false starts.  Sweet.

last 10 t2b, did 5, 3, 2.  And 20 DU unbroken.

Total time 18:48.  Happy with that.

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