After a stressful and exhausting weekend, I somehow managed to get out of bed this morning (perhaps helped by Dexter 4:30 wake up).
Workout wasn't bad.
Started with banded monster walk which killed my medial glutes and TFLs
The I did 2 of the 3 rounds of 15 second handstand holds and 10 wall balls.
The strength work was my favourite, back squats and strict press. 5 sets of 5 at 77% for both.
Rounded down to 240# from 242# for the back squats. Could have gone heavier. Went really well, no need for a spotter.
Wanted to do 105# for the presses, but didn't think I'd make the volume. So I started with 100# for the first two sets and went up to 105# for the last three.
This worked well until the last set, made 3 reps at 105# then failed on #4. Would have been fine if I'd stayed at 100#. Can't know you limits unless you are willing to go beyond them.
The WOD was a short 6 minute AMRAP of
- 3 snatches 155#/105#
- 6 handstand push ups.
My plan to do women's Rx was shaken by my first few warm up snatches, so I dropped to 95#, I had one abmat out and would scale to 4 reps instead of 6 (did 5 the first round, but it was rough after all the shoulder work we'd already done).
After the first set of snatches, I realized 95# was too light, and quickly added back the 10# I'd peeled off.
Managed 3 full rounds plus 1 snatch in the 6 minute time limit.
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