I honestly don't know how I got out of bed this morning.
I should have stayed in bed.
Warm was fine. 5 minutes of 15 box jump (step down) and 5 strict pull ups.
The 1 rep max low hang clean + jerk. The clean was doable, but the jerk was too hard on my wrist.
After 135# I just did the cleans. Managed 155#, but that was the end, I tried 185# twice and was slower than molasses in November getting under it. So called it quits and moved on to the back squats.
Goal was 3 sets of 3 at 90% of max, which is 299lbs, using my PR from March.
Since Kamil was doing 240#, I just added a couple of 25# plates for 290# and that went well. The second rep stuck a bit in the middle but I managed all three.
So I upped the next set to 295# and was only able to get two good lifts, Kamil had to help me through the middle on the last one.
So instead of going to 300# I went back down to 290# and still only managed 2 reps and the second was such a struggle that I didn't even attempt a 3rd.
Then, the WOD, which was thankfully only 8 minutes was a disaster.
8 minute AMRAP of:
- 6 deadlifts 315#/225#
- 8 handstand push ups
- 4 ring dips.
Ugh. Was going to go with 275#, but Kamil was aiming for 225#, so I figured why not go with Women's Rx again.
I used 1 abmat for the HSPU and did dips on the rings. I started on the hspu, but I wish I had stuck with my original plan of following right behind Kamil.
First round went really well. 8 HSPU unbroken and quick. Dips were quick. Deadlifts were good.
Second round, not so much HSPU took more time between reps and came off the wall after 7. Had to go back up to finish. Dips were a lot harder. Triceps were getting wrecked.
Dead lifts were okay.
Third round arms were toast. Struggled through 3 reps, then went to paralette push ups, which was worse on my triceps.
The dips weren't happening. As soon as I start to drop into the dip, I crumble. I moved to the bar dips station. same deal. I was done.
But there was over a minute to go, so I just skipped that went back to the bar and did 6 more deadlifts to finish off.
Yuck. Should've stayed in bed.
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