Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Crossfit log for Tuiesday, August 25th

A mixed bag this morning.

The part I expected to struggle with went well and the part I expected to do well was pretty horrible.

I think this was a good lesson in expectation management.

Warm up was a rushed 2 rounds of 200m row, 10 overhead squats and 10 snatch grip Romanian deadlifts.  Empty bar, but still. OHS went really well.

Then we jumped into the "pause power position" snatches.   These went shockingly well. Board said 3 singles at 90%, 95% and 100% of max of this movement (not of regular snatch).  I don't have a max I just kept going up until it got dicey, which was 115#, which I did twice.

We followed that up with low hang snatch, from just below the knee.  Also went well.  Peeled back to 95# then up to 115#, and 125#.  I caught 125# but felt really slow.  Decided to try 135#.  I figured, why not? But the slowness didn't help, there was no way I was getting under it, so called it a day.

This allowed me to get started on the regular deadlifts, work up to 1 heavy set of 5.

I did 275#.  Planned on trying 315# but 275# was solid and time was short.  Happy with that. I need to rebuild my deadlift, so going to heavy now would have been counter productive.

The WOD sucked.

6 minute AMRAP of
- 10 thrusters  95#/65#
- 8 box jump overs  24"/ 20"
- 6 deficit handstand push ups  4"/3"

I tried an hspu with 2" plates and was successful, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do 6, I just went flat, no plates, no abmat. Even that proved a challenge.

The trusters, even scaled at 75# were murder on my wrist. Only the box jump overs went well, and even then, there weren't great.

I only managed 1 round + 7 thrusters.  Ugh.  Oh well.

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