Monday, 31 August 2015
Accessory log for Monday, August 31st
First is hamstrings. Mine are weak, short and tight, but stretching them isn't the answer, as that will leave them weak, long and loose.
Started good mornings on the side. Thankfully we've been doing these at Crossfit over the last few weeks so the initial soreness is out of the way. I also threw in a few Romanian Deadlifts.
Good mornings I did 3 sets of 5 at 95# and the RDL were 2 sets of 5 at 115#.
Second was pulls in the lateral plane. I did some supinated bent over barbell rows.
I did a warm up set at 95# and 1 working set at 145# for 6 reps. I'll need to build that up to 50% of my deadlift.
The other option is one armed neutral grip dumbbell rows, which I may try next time.
I also did some shoulder external rotation drills and a set of Z Presses at 25#. I'll wait until my hams are bit longer as it' s currently really hard to sit with legs straight and torso 90° to the floor.
I may be sore tomorrow.
Crossfit log for Mondauy, August 31st
Workout wasn't bad.
Started with banded monster walk which killed my medial glutes and TFLs
The I did 2 of the 3 rounds of 15 second handstand holds and 10 wall balls.
The strength work was my favourite, back squats and strict press. 5 sets of 5 at 77% for both.
Rounded down to 240# from 242# for the back squats. Could have gone heavier. Went really well, no need for a spotter.
Wanted to do 105# for the presses, but didn't think I'd make the volume. So I started with 100# for the first two sets and went up to 105# for the last three.
This worked well until the last set, made 3 reps at 105# then failed on #4. Would have been fine if I'd stayed at 100#. Can't know you limits unless you are willing to go beyond them.
The WOD was a short 6 minute AMRAP of
- 3 snatches 155#/105#
- 6 handstand push ups.
My plan to do women's Rx was shaken by my first few warm up snatches, so I dropped to 95#, I had one abmat out and would scale to 4 reps instead of 6 (did 5 the first round, but it was rough after all the shoulder work we'd already done).
After the first set of snatches, I realized 95# was too light, and quickly added back the 10# I'd peeled off.
Managed 3 full rounds plus 1 snatch in the 6 minute time limit.
Friday, 28 August 2015
Crossfit log for Friday, August 28th
I should have stayed in bed.
Warm was fine. 5 minutes of 15 box jump (step down) and 5 strict pull ups.
The 1 rep max low hang clean + jerk. The clean was doable, but the jerk was too hard on my wrist.
After 135# I just did the cleans. Managed 155#, but that was the end, I tried 185# twice and was slower than molasses in November getting under it. So called it quits and moved on to the back squats.
Goal was 3 sets of 3 at 90% of max, which is 299lbs, using my PR from March.
Since Kamil was doing 240#, I just added a couple of 25# plates for 290# and that went well. The second rep stuck a bit in the middle but I managed all three.
So I upped the next set to 295# and was only able to get two good lifts, Kamil had to help me through the middle on the last one.
So instead of going to 300# I went back down to 290# and still only managed 2 reps and the second was such a struggle that I didn't even attempt a 3rd.
Then, the WOD, which was thankfully only 8 minutes was a disaster.
8 minute AMRAP of:
- 6 deadlifts 315#/225#
- 8 handstand push ups
- 4 ring dips.
Ugh. Was going to go with 275#, but Kamil was aiming for 225#, so I figured why not go with Women's Rx again.
I used 1 abmat for the HSPU and did dips on the rings. I started on the hspu, but I wish I had stuck with my original plan of following right behind Kamil.
First round went really well. 8 HSPU unbroken and quick. Dips were quick. Deadlifts were good.
Second round, not so much HSPU took more time between reps and came off the wall after 7. Had to go back up to finish. Dips were a lot harder. Triceps were getting wrecked.
Dead lifts were okay.
Third round arms were toast. Struggled through 3 reps, then went to paralette push ups, which was worse on my triceps.
The dips weren't happening. As soon as I start to drop into the dip, I crumble. I moved to the bar dips station. same deal. I was done.
But there was over a minute to go, so I just skipped that went back to the bar and did 6 more deadlifts to finish off.
Yuck. Should've stayed in bed.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Strength log for Thursday, August 27th
Went to the Y and did the strength work from this morning.
Bench press 5 sets of 5 at 75%
Did 170#. Rough. Got through it though.
Tried to do some push press (which was in the WOD today) and my wrist just couldn't manage.
I can get into a fairly comfortable front rack, but not completely comfortable. I can press from a lower elbow front rack with full grip. But going from one to the other is not fun at all.
In fact, I can only hold the front rack while standing, front squats aren't fun either.
Still have a couple of week before my next physio, I'll try to keep it mobile until then.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Running log for Wednesday, August 26th
Better than zero I suppose.
Route was same as last time, just over 4km
Took nearly 2 minutes off our time. Lack of sun and pacing with only one other runner no doubt contributed to that. Time was 24:44
Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 26th
No Crossfit on Monday, you would think I wouldn't be so tired on a Wednesday. You'd be wrong.
I am wiped.
I only managed to drag myself out of bed because I have run club at lunch and wouldn't be able to make up the strength work.
Warm up considered I'd named monster walk and band pull aparts. Tedious.
Strength work was heavy back squats. 4 sets of 4 at 85%.
Started at 275#for the sake of barbell math, but that was really hard and a full 7 lbs over my 85%. So for sets 2 and 3I went 3 lbs below at 265#. Much more manageable. Tried the last set at 275#, should have stayed at 265#. First one was fine, second one I had to take a step forward and too the right to save it and the third Kamil had to ball me out. Stopped there.
Oh well, you won't know your limits unless you are willing to try to go beyond them.
The 10 minute EMOM of 3 strict press at 65% went well.
And finally the WOD
4 rounds for time with a 15 minute cap
- 20 kettle bell swings 32/24
- 15 toes to bar
- 10 calorie row
Scaled well. Women Rx on the kettle bell, dropped the t2b to 12 and was on track to beat the cap at the end of round 3.
But round 4 really fell apart on the t2b. Managed to get back to the rower for a single calorie.
Good enough.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Skill log for Tuesday, August 25th
Did strict dips, 8 sets of 5. I need to change this up. Maybe just to 50 reps for time and try to improve that. This going to failure depends on the day before and the length of break between sets. Without a time component, I don't think it's very useful.
Anyway, then I did some sit back rows. 3 sets of 5. These suck so bad. Lats, biceps, shoulders, the works. I'm going to be so sore.
Given these sore arms the ring pull ups were 3 set of 3 only. That's all I could muster.
Wow. That was hard work for so little work.
Crossfit log for Tuiesday, August 25th
The part I expected to struggle with went well and the part I expected to do well was pretty horrible.
I think this was a good lesson in expectation management.
Warm up was a rushed 2 rounds of 200m row, 10 overhead squats and 10 snatch grip Romanian deadlifts. Empty bar, but still. OHS went really well.
Then we jumped into the "pause power position" snatches. These went shockingly well. Board said 3 singles at 90%, 95% and 100% of max of this movement (not of regular snatch). I don't have a max I just kept going up until it got dicey, which was 115#, which I did twice.
We followed that up with low hang snatch, from just below the knee. Also went well. Peeled back to 95# then up to 115#, and 125#. I caught 125# but felt really slow. Decided to try 135#. I figured, why not? But the slowness didn't help, there was no way I was getting under it, so called it a day.
This allowed me to get started on the regular deadlifts, work up to 1 heavy set of 5.
I did 275#. Planned on trying 315# but 275# was solid and time was short. Happy with that. I need to rebuild my deadlift, so going to heavy now would have been counter productive.
The WOD sucked.
6 minute AMRAP of
- 10 thrusters 95#/65#
- 8 box jump overs 24"/ 20"
- 6 deficit handstand push ups 4"/3"
I tried an hspu with 2" plates and was successful, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do 6, I just went flat, no plates, no abmat. Even that proved a challenge.
The trusters, even scaled at 75# were murder on my wrist. Only the box jump overs went well, and even then, there weren't great.
I only managed 1 round + 7 thrusters. Ugh. Oh well.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Strength log for Monday, August 24th
I did back squat and strict press, 5 sets of 5 at 75% (So bascially week 1 of my strength program).
Did 235# for the back squats after easily hitting a single at 295#
Did 100# for the presses. Seem like the first time in forever I was able to complete 5 sets of 5 anywhere near 75%.
That'll do.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Strength log for Friday, August 21st
So I did the strength work at the Y at lunch.
Backsquats 3 sets of 3 at 87% of max, so 275#. Went well.
Then bench press, 5 sets of 5 at 72%, so 165#. Hard. Did it.
I can remember when that was my 1 rep max! So no so bad after all.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Crossfit log for Thursday, August 20th
Luckly it was a fairly light day. No heavy lifting.
Started with 2:00 of banded monster walk, to fire up the medial glutes followed by a warm up circuit.
4 rounds of:
- 6 glute bridges
- 9 calorie row
- 12 band pull aparts
Then on to the WOD, a hero workout named "Nate"
20 minute AMRAP of:
- 2 muscle ups (scaled to 4 chest to bar pull ups)
- 4 unbroken handstand push ups
- 8 kettle bell swing 32kg/24kg
I once again used women's weight with the green kettle bell and just took my time moving from station to station.
Was 3 kettle bell swings short of 8 rounds.
On the fourth round I failed the last hspu, so added an abmat and was good after that.
HSPUs are getting pretty good despite my wrist.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Running log for Wednesday, August 19th
Better than one or zero I suppose.
Route was just over 4km
Time was 26:28
Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 19th
Starting to feel it. Really didn't want to get out of bed, but I committed to running at lunch, and wouldn't have been able to to the squats then, and since we are squatting again on Friday, doing them tomorrow wouldn't be a good idea either.
So I rolled out of bed and got to it.
Another high volume day.
Started with 4 sets of alternating 8 good mornings vs 2 rope climbs. Nobody was going the 1 min rest, and they were apparently justified, I got cut off at rope climb #5 of 8, so no fourth set and only 1 rope climb on the third. Good enough, it was just a warm up.
Then we started back squats. 4x4 at 82% (I used 265#) which got really hard by the last set. Ended up counting my last warm up set at 245# as the first working set, so only 3 sets of 4 at 265#. That'll do.
We had to hurry in to the 10 minute EMOM of 3 strict presses at 62% of max, I just used Kamil's bar and went right after him for the EMOM, at 87.5#.
That went well. Wrist didn't bother me, but my round 8 I was getting fatigued. Spent the "rest" time putting plates away.
Then it was the WOD. Had to scale the overhead squats, they just weren't happening.
15 minute AMRAP:
- 250m row
- 10 overhead squats 135#/95#
- 10 chest to bar pull ups.
I started on the squats, which I planned to do overhead squats at women's Rx, but it just wasn't happening. Between my wrist any my lack of practice, my mobility wasn't enough to make it happen, so I did front squats at 115#. I couldn't even do the Rx weight, thanks to my wrist.
It took me several tries to find a position comfortable enough to get them done.
Scaled the pull ups to regular kipping pull ups and was glad for it.
Finished in the mix with 3 full rounds plus 10 front squats. Happy with that.
It was a sweatfest. My shirt was so wet I drove home topless! I need to bring a towel and a spare shirt during this humid weather.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Strength log for Tuesday, August 18th
Decided to put my wrist to the test with some heavy push press.
That was a lot of suck.
Started feeling uncomfortable at 135#, but didn't really get worse as I went up.
Still struggled at only 175#, first two attempts failed. Walked away, put weight belt on, then I got it. Not really happy with that.
So I dropped it to 155# with plan of 3 sets of 5, but 5 wasn't happening. So like the deadlifts from yesterday, I went with 5 sets of 3.
Didn't love it, but I got it done.
Wrist doesn't seem any worse for wear.
It'll do.
Crossfit log for Tuesday, August 18th
Rolled around a bit once I got there, rolled lower back and medial glutes. Seemed to help.
Started with a crazy warm up again:
4 rounds for time of:
- Run, 200m
- 10 Romanian Deadlifts, 0.5x bodyweight
- 7 Unbroken Handstand Push Ups
Did 105# or 100# for the RDLs ( depending on who's bar I used, Kamil or Pat).
Used only 1 abmat for the HSPUs.
Since it was only warm up, I was dead last, shoulders were starting to fatigue and it was still warm up, and my wrist is still in recover, I didn't do the last round of HSPU, 3 was enough.
The we did the Pause Power Position Snatch for 5 sets of 2 at 85% 1RM (as tested previously, which I was absent for so I had to guess) I ended up doing 85#
This was cut short because time was running out.
The part I was least looking forward to:
Monday, 17 August 2015
Strength log for Monday, August 17th
Worked up the deadlift to 275# then went to do the math using 355# as 1 rep max.
75% would be 265#, and 80% is 285#. Since I'd already passed 265# I went with 285#.
Now 80% would normallly be 3 sets of 5, but 5 reps wasn't feeling great. So I decide to swap it and do 5 sets of 3. The only problem is that 5 sets of 3 is normally done at 85% not 80%, according to my old program, but since it's been neglected of late, I felt justified in my choice.
I did super sets with 5 sets of 5 pull ups.
Good workout. Seb totally saved me with his chalk. It was so humid, the bar was slipping out of my hands during the warm up.
Crossfit log for Monday, August 17th
It was a hot sweaty mess, right from the get go.
Warm up was: as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
- 10 calorie row
- 10 Kettlebell Swing (Russian)
- 7 burpee 6" target.
I think I did 3 rounds. Meh.
Strength work, the usual Monday affair
Back Squat 5x5 at 72% of 1 rep max
followed by
Strict Press 5x5 at 72% of 1 rep max
Did 225# for the squats and 95# for the presses.
Time was getting tight, so I rushed on the last set, only made 2 reps.
And finally the WOD.For time:
- 21 Dumbbell Thrusters, 35/25 lbs
- 5 Ring Dips
- 5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
- 15 Dumbbell Thrusters, 35/25 lbs
- 5 Ring Dips
- 5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
- 9 Dumbbell Thrusters, 35/25 lbs
- 5 Ring Dips
- 5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Scaled to women's Rx. Wise move. Still took nearly 8 minutes. Had to climb a box for the ring dips. the lower rings are too close to the ground for kipping.
Thruster were pretty rough. I should have done regular pull ups, would've saved me a ton of time.
Oh well. What's done is done.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Strength log for Friday, August 14th
Haven't done that in ages. Figured I'd do 5 sets of 5 at some reasonable percentage of a reasonable estimate of my 1 rep max.
I settled on 225# as an estimated 1 rep max and although in my mind I planned 75%, I did the math for 60% (135#), so I did 5 reps of that, and then realized it was only 60%.
So I did the math for 70% and 75% (157 and 168# respectively) and decided to play it safe and go with 155#, just under 70%.
It was a good choice. Challenging, but no need for a spotter (although 3 people offered).
Good workout.
Crossfit log for Friday, August 14th
Had a bit of trouble getting out of bed, thanks to a glass of wine after supper. But eventually managed to get moving.
Another big volume day.
Started with 3 sets of 15 good mornings with empty bar. Followed by 2:00 of banded monster walks, standing on a band, feet wide, lots of tension in the band, stepping wider then bringing other foot in a bit. Rough on the hip flexors and medial glutes.
Then the strength work. 3 sets of 3 back squats at 85#. Did 265#, 270#, 270#.
Wasn't sure if I wanted to round up or down, started down, it went well, so decided to round up for the last 2 sets. It was good. I love squats.
The WOD was okay, despite a coughing fit to clear some residual congestion at the end of round 1 and throughout round 2.
5 rounds for time of
- 5 power snatch 135#/95#
- 10 box jumps 24"/20"
Did women's Rx for the weight, the coughing slowed me down. Finished in 7:57.
Finally we ended with 10 rounds of rowing 1 minute on, 1 minute off. Cut it short because transitions between wave 1 and 2 took time and the next class was starting. Did 8 rounds.
Skills/Strength work for Thursday, August 12th
Did the same rings workout as I did at Loon Lake. Sets of 5 for max number of sets.
I failed on the 35th rep at Loon, today I made it through 44 and failed on the 45th. Not a bad improvement. I'll try again next week see if I can hit my completely arbitrary goal of 50 reps.
Then I did some ring rows, at maybe 30 degree angle to the floor, maybe less. Did 3 sets of 7. No idea why, that's just what felt right.
Also did some wrist exercises that Dwayne was showing me. Mostly curls and twists with a 5# dumbbell. Felt good on my injured wrist.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Crossfit log for Thursday, August 13th
Coach Connor was a bit late, but we still managed to get all the work done.
Warm up was 3 rounds of 15 push press, empty bar, 10 kettle bell swings, 24kg for Pat and I and 16kg for Clarisse, plus 3 shuttle runs. It said 5, but Connor thought one length was 1 rep, but shuttle runs are there and back per rep. I didn't have the heart to tell him, so saved ourselves a bit of running ;)
The WOD was a partner WOD. Connor went with Pat and I went with Clarisse.
18 minute AMRAP share the work:
- 30 air squats
- 15 handstand push ups
- 12 pull ups
- 9 hang power cleans 135#/ 95# (we did 115# and 55#)
- 6 push press
- 300ft farmer walk with heavy kettle bells (red for boys, Clarisse did purple)
300 ft worked out to 1 "shuttle run" each, the length of the gym is 75', so there and back is 150' each.
We managed 4 rounds plus 2 air squats. I can't say what was the worst. The farmer carry wasn't fun. The hspu kinda hurt my wrist, the cleans were hard.
I think we did pretty well.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 12th
The new programming is very high volume. So much so we rarely have time to finish each part.
Started with a warm up of 5 rounds of 10 calorie row, 15 hollow rocks and 8 thrusters with an empty bar.
Made 2 rounds plus the row before back squats started.
4 sets of 4 at 80%, which is around 250# for me, planned on 255#, but working with Pat and Kamil the barbell math worked better at 245# (adding 15# plates to their 215#).
But we had to cut that short too, did only 3 sets after a brief warm up.
Then 10 minute EMOM was the first uninterrupted segment of the program.
10 minute EMOM 3 strict press at 60%. Did 85#. Went really well, no fatigue, no wrist issues.
Finally the WOD. A kind of chipper. Once through:
- 1 mile run
- 20 toes to bar
- 60 double unders
- 15 t2b
- 40 du
- 10 t2b
- 20 du
ran the mile in my crocs, since it was wet out, you couldn't run in the same shoes at the rest of the workout.
Mile took me 8:30. I need to map the course to get an accurate distance.
Didn't bother to put shoes on, did the rest in my socks.
First 20 t2b went well. 6, 6, 4, 4. Double unders went to 39 first try. then struggled to finish the next 20.
Took the time to get my grips on for the rest, actually I think I put them on after the first 6 reps of the 20....
Anyway, struggled a bit with the 15, I think I did like 4, 4, 3, 2, 2. but with short breaks.
40 DU unbroken, after two false starts. Sweet.
last 10 t2b, did 5, 3, 2. And 20 DU unbroken.
Total time 18:48. Happy with that.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Strength log for Monday, August 10th
Last night I started to feel some congestion in my upper respiratory tract and it was rather late once we'd unpacked and fed, bathed and go the kids to bed, so I turned off my alarm and slept in.
I ended up going to the Y to do the strength component of this morning's workout:
3 sets of 15 Good Mornings, empty bar. Sucked.
Followed that up with, 5 sets of 5 back squats at 70% (225#) after hitting a max lift of 295#.
Felt good, although the max lift was way harder than it should've been.
Finally, did 5 sets of 5 strict press at 70% (95#) after hitting 125# for a heavy single. Wrist held up fairly well. No significant pain.
They don't do the heavy single at Crossfit, but I find if you don't it makes first harder, and they get progressively easier, where as when you do, the first sets seem way easier, but the last few get really hard as fatigue sets in. Better results IHO, but they are pressed for time, and I wasn't doing the WOD.
Good workout. I may be sore tomorrow.