Thursday, 19 March 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, March 19th

Two days of no Crossfit, I finally felt well enough last night to commit to going this morning.

It was a rough one.  Didn't make it to the end. (Which allowed me to claim Rx on the score board).

Started with overhead squat, 3 rep max.

I really cannot get cocky with OHS.  I can do them, but it takes me a long time to warm up.

Even as I warmed up, I had trouble maintaining position.  When I got heavy, (for me) I'm starting to develop enough strength to hold the weight in a bad position.

When it got really heavy (for me), I couldn't to that any more. My first attempt at 125# was unsuccessful

I reworked my squat position without the bar, wider stance, more upright torso, working my adductors and tried again.

Night and day.  3 reps at 125#.  But at this point I was smoked from the effort of the bad reps. So called it successful and set up for the WOD.

The WOD was a 16 min AMRAP chipper of:
- 5 rope climbs 15' rope
- 40 box jumps  24" box
- 30 overhead squats 75# barbell
- 30 power cleans 75# barbell
- 20 wall balls 20# med ball
- 20 dumbbell snatches alternating arms 70#

Technically did this Rx, wouldn't have survive the 70# dumbbell snatches, but I didn't make it that far.

115 reps, so 10 wall balls.  The rope climbs took longer that expected.  I really made up ground on the box jumps, getting good at those, but the ohs slowed me down again.

The power cleans were surprisingly hard, did those in sets of 5, then with less than a minute to go did as many wall balls as I could and settled for 10.

Didn't expect to make it to the snatches, and I was right. Thankfully.

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