Friday, 6 March 2015

Crossfit log for Friday, March 6th

Clarisse came with me to Crossfit this morning.  She failed to sign up for last night's class and didn't want to miss 2 days in a row, so she slept over and was up at 5 like a trooper.

15.2 was announced last night.

It is the same as Open Workout 14.2
In 3 minutes perform 2 rounds of
- 10 overhead squats @ 95#
- 10 chest to bar pull ups.
At the end of 3:00 if you have finished the 2 rounds you have 3 minutes to do 2 rounds of
- 12 overhead squats @ 95#
- 12 chest to bar pull ups

keep adding 2 reps per 3:00 successfully completed.  If you finish before the 3:00, rest until the 3:00 is up.

So we were surprise that the workout didn't include anything on the pull up bar and no snatch or overhead squat work.

Coach said save your arms for tomorrow, you're gonna need them.

Okay.  So we did 2 short workouts that were 4 rounds of 2:00 AMRAP + 1 min rest

The first was
- 9 box jumps
- 7 burpees
- 5 wall balls
- resume where you left off after each 1:00 rest.

we rested 5 minutes between to set up
The second was:
-2 shuttle runs
-7 thrusters
-5 bar facing burpees

I did 24" box, Clarisse did 20"  as prescribed.  I used the 20# med ball for the wall ball, Clarisse I'm not sure.  For the thrusters I used 65# instead of the prescribed 75# and Clarisse did 35# instead of 45#.

She kept up with me the whole time. It was pretty impressive.  We didn't really keep track of rounds, that wasn't the point.

Afterward we did an easy 1000m row to flush out the system.

Ready for tomorrow!

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