I feel disappointed with this one.
I set a very conservative goal of making it through two rounds, and I couldn't even pull that off.
The WOD was an 8 minute AMRAP (which goes by really fast when you are struggling and takes forever when you are hurting, I was struggling)
- 3 handstand push ups
- 3 cleans @ 185#
- 6 handstant push ups
- 3 cleans
- 9 hspu
- 3 cleans
- 12 hspu
- 6 cleans... etc
So hspu increase by 3 every round, cleans increase by 3 every 3rd round.
I can do hspu, just not a ton, I can clean 185#, just not at infinitum. So I figured I could clean 185# 6 times at least, and 9 hspu, that should be doable. Maybe a couple more in round 3. I didn't expect to get back to the barbell third time.
Well I didn't get back to it a second time. First round went okay. 3 hspu, no problemo, power clean 185#, yeah, no. The first one went up barely, the 3 fails. Finally realized I'd have to squat clean it, then I go the last 2 in a row. Back to the wall. First 3 of 6 went okay, a couple of no reps because I came off the wall, but got through them, fought a bit for 4 and 5, but number six was not happening. I tried and tried and tried, took short breaks, took long breaks, kipped hard, really hard, nothing, fought for at least 3 full minutes on that last hspu of round 2 and couldn't do it.
11 reps.
At least it was Rx and not scaled. I'll have to be happy with that. Just a bit maddening.
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