Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Power log for Tuesday, March 24th

I failed to log a workout.

I don't remember when it was, but it looks like it must've been Thrusday at lunch.  All I remember is I did max height box jumps.  40"

Failed at 42".

Today I had a short workout.  I need to stop cutting my non-running workouts short, but so far I've had no choice.

I did cleans.  Had to wait for a good bar, so I did some power cleans from the hang and some front squats with a crummy bar, up to 135#

Then when the guy on bench was done using the Olympic lifting bar (gah!) I was good to go.

Did a triple at 135#, the jumped to 185# and did a triple there too.

Put 205# on the bar and hit a single.  Was really happy to hit my current PR, I hadn't cleaned that heavy since the comp in December.

It went up pretty good, so I tried 215#, almost got under it once.  Got some pointers from Dave, but it was too late, I had lost my mojo.

Peeled off to 185# and did a couple from the hang with his pointers and that went well, but by then I was done and had to go to a meeting at work. 

Good workout.  Next time jerks, from the rack. I have to go see physio for my elbow before I do any more snatch work.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Running log for Monday, March 23rd

Finally a 45 minute run in the books.

4.57 miles

So the pace isn't bugging me, after 20 minutes at 6:13/km, I upped it to 6:00/km, no difference, then I upped it to 5:45/km, still no difference.

My foot went numb again, just before the 35 minute mark, this time.  So I stopped for 2 minutes to stretch out the calf on the right side.

After that I only had 8 minutes, so I just pushed through the discomfort.  There was no way I was bailing.

Spent a few minutes stretching the crap out of my calves afterwards before hitting the steam room.

Probably wise not to go to Crossfit this morning.  I needed a success on this one. Mission accomplished. 

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Crossfit log for Saturday, March 21st - Open WOD 15.4

I feel disappointed with this one.

I set a very conservative goal of making it through two rounds, and I couldn't even pull that off.

The WOD was an 8 minute AMRAP (which goes by really fast when you are struggling and takes forever when you are hurting, I was struggling)

- 3 handstand push ups
- 3 cleans @ 185#
- 6 handstant push ups
- 3 cleans
- 9 hspu
- 3 cleans
- 12 hspu
- 6 cleans... etc

So hspu increase by 3 every round, cleans increase by 3 every 3rd round.

I can do hspu, just not a ton, I can clean 185#, just not at infinitum. So I figured I could clean 185# 6 times at least, and 9 hspu, that should be doable. Maybe a couple more in round 3. I didn't expect to get back to the barbell  third time.

Well I didn't get back to it a second time.  First round went okay.  3 hspu, no problemo, power clean 185#, yeah, no.  The first one went up barely, the 3 fails. Finally realized I'd have to squat clean it, then I go the last 2 in a row. Back to the wall.  First 3 of 6 went okay, a couple of no reps because I came off the wall, but got through them, fought a bit for 4 and 5, but number six was not happening.  I tried and tried and tried, took short breaks, took long breaks, kipped hard, really hard, nothing, fought for at least 3 full minutes on that last hspu of round 2 and couldn't do it.

11 reps.

At least it was Rx and not scaled.  I'll have to be happy with that. Just a bit maddening.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Running and Skill log for Friday, March 20th

Well at least that didn't suck.

30 minute at 6mph (6:13/km) for 3 miles.  Kept the incline at 0% to help ensure success.  Still, I was happy when it was over.

I sped up a bit from 17:00 to 25:00  (6.2mph or 6:00/km).

Then I setup and did my rings workout.  Minus the dips, since tomorrow's 15.4 will rely on my triceps for the handstand push ups. And I only did one set of L-sits, just because I was running out of time.

Went way better than last time.  Perhaps I was more rested.

Both the reverse row sit backs and the pull ups were solid.  And I made all three sets of 3 on the pull ups this time.  Progress.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, March 19th

Two days of no Crossfit, I finally felt well enough last night to commit to going this morning.

It was a rough one.  Didn't make it to the end. (Which allowed me to claim Rx on the score board).

Started with overhead squat, 3 rep max.

I really cannot get cocky with OHS.  I can do them, but it takes me a long time to warm up.

Even as I warmed up, I had trouble maintaining position.  When I got heavy, (for me) I'm starting to develop enough strength to hold the weight in a bad position.

When it got really heavy (for me), I couldn't to that any more. My first attempt at 125# was unsuccessful

I reworked my squat position without the bar, wider stance, more upright torso, working my adductors and tried again.

Night and day.  3 reps at 125#.  But at this point I was smoked from the effort of the bad reps. So called it successful and set up for the WOD.

The WOD was a 16 min AMRAP chipper of:
- 5 rope climbs 15' rope
- 40 box jumps  24" box
- 30 overhead squats 75# barbell
- 30 power cleans 75# barbell
- 20 wall balls 20# med ball
- 20 dumbbell snatches alternating arms 70#

Technically did this Rx, wouldn't have survive the 70# dumbbell snatches, but I didn't make it that far.

115 reps, so 10 wall balls.  The rope climbs took longer that expected.  I really made up ground on the box jumps, getting good at those, but the ohs slowed me down again.

The power cleans were surprisingly hard, did those in sets of 5, then with less than a minute to go did as many wall balls as I could and settled for 10.

Didn't expect to make it to the snatches, and I was right. Thankfully.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Running and Skill log for Wednesday, March 18th

Well thankfully that went way better than yesterday.

15 minute run at 5:44/km (aka 6.5mph) for 1.6 miles.  Didn't suck. No perceivable tightness in the right calf or achilles. Although I watched the clock often during the last 5 minutes.

Then I did my rings workout (minus the L-sits, which I forgot)

Wow, that was rough. Way better than yesterday, but still rough.

It's really hard to do thing in a public venue that you suck at.  But if you never did them, you'd suck at them forever.

I may not be a great athlete, but I like this feeling of being on the right path.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Power and skill log for Tuesday, March 17th

Rather unsuccessful workout at lunch.

Plan was to workout so some heavy snatch balance and maybe do some of the rings work from Gold Medal Bodies.

Legs were still sore from 15.3, shoulders too.  Snatch balance were horrible.

Rings work was horrible, did some top position holds and some reverse row sit backs.  Horrible. 

Since the snatch balance wasn't happening, I decided to do some power cleans from blocks. Did triples at 95#, 125# and 135#.

Then I was done.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Running log for Monday, March 16th

Well that sucked.  I didn't even make it the full 45 minutes.  Bailed at 35.

Was it 15.3 and all the wall balls?  Was it increasing running time too quickly?  Is treadmill running harder on the calves and achilles than outdoor?

I don't know.  But even with slowing down to a pedestrian 6:13/km I still needed a walk break at 10 minutes.  My right calve was ridiculously tight, and my foot started to feel numb.  So much so that at 26 minutes I stopped to loosen my shoe and stretch out my calves.

So afterwards I stretched the crap out of my calves and achilles and sat in the steam room for a while.

Plan going forward, well keep going forward.  Wednesday's plan was to cycle back to workout #1, 15 minutes.  I'll do that, then Friday 30min and see how next Monday goes.

I'll take at least 4 to 6 weeks to get back up to running comfortably again, there is no rush. 

Once I'm comfortable I'll integrate the intensity slowly, over the span of 3 or 4 weeks.

Rest time.  Maybe even take tomorrow morning off Crossfit.

Crossfit log for Monday, March 16th

Leg are still sore from Saturday, but felt compelled to go this morning.  The run I have scheduled at noon should work out those kinks. (And replace them with a new set of kinks).

We started with 4 sets of 5 clean and jerk touch and go at 50-55% of max vs strict pull ups on 1:00 rest.

Did 95#, 105#, 105#, 130# and did 4 pull ups per round except the last I did 6.

The WOD was no fun.

16 minute AMRAP
-400m row
-12 hang power cleans 135# (scaled to 115#)
-15 alternating pistols (scaled to 30 air squats)
-18 dead lifts same bar
-21 double unders.

Kamil and I started with the double unders. The Row sucked the second time through.  Double unders were spotty.  Dead lifts were fine at that weight. Clean were challenging.  The air squats were torture. My legs not being fully recovered.

Made 2 rounds plus the double unders of round 3.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Crossfit log for Saturday, March 14th - Open WOD 15.3

15.3 was a bit of a slap in the face to the vast majority of the Crossfit community.

Anyone who cannot do a muscle up.  Thanks the scaled division and scaled versions of the workouts, for the first time the put muscle ups at the beginning of the workout.

The scale version offered no challenge whatsoever.

The WOD was a 14 minute AMRAP
7 muscle ups
50 wall balls shots
100 double unders

50 wall ball shots
200 skips.


I was under the delusion that I could get my first muscle up today.  I tried some ring muscle ups in warm up and came within centimetres of getting my first bar muscle up. But, with each attempt I got further and further from the desired outcome. I came to the conclusion that I was lying to myself and accepted that there would be no Rx score of 1 for me today.

Once I accepted that I would be doing scaled, the workout was far more interesting. It was a pure cardio workout. Heart rate through the roof from the get go.

I managed 3 rounds plus 50 wall balls and 44 skips.  That was what I had in me today. I hope never to do it again, ever.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Power log for Friday, March 13th


I postponed my 45min run to Monday, after the Open and with a few extra recovery days.  My calves and achilles are still sore and the last thing I need is an injury.

This is still the acclimation phase, so it's no big deal really.  Thing will find their groove once the Open is over.

Sadly, my alternate plan was foiled by someone hogging the rack.

My plan was to do jerks from the rack, but the one rack I can do overhead with was taken by "long workout guy".  I shouldn't complain, I've had long workouts on the rack myself, but I'm always on the lookout for anyone wanting to use it and offer to work together.

Anyway, I still wanted to do some jerk work, so I set up on the floor and just had to clean the weight first.

Did a 1 clean + 3 jerks complex at 95# for a couple of sets, then up to 135#.

Switched to 1 clean+2jerks at 155# for 2 sets and 185# for a set.  This was as heavy as I dared to go.  It was getting hard to put the weight down gently, since I wasn't on the platform, dropping would shake the entire floor, and the yogis really don't like that.

Gave up the multiple jerks at that point and did a couple of clean and jerk at 185# for good measure.

As I was packing up, the rack freed up. So I decided to set up and try for heavier.  Didn't go so well, I guess I was fatigued.  Wasn't happy.  If I'd started from the rack it would've been a different story.

Maybe next time I'll go later.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, March 12th

Hard one this morning

Started with 5 sets of 3 push press.

I figured my usual workout would call for 85% of max for this rep scheme, which would be 155#. I then considered that I haven't tested my push press max in a while, so went with 165#. Roughly 90% of current max.

That was rough.  But I made it through all 5 sets.  My second rep of each set was my best.

Then we did a short heavy chipper for time:
- 20 front squats 205#/145# from the floor (scaled to 185#)
- 30 box jumps 30"/ 24"
- 40 kettle bell swings 24kg/ 16kg
- 50 wall balls 20#/14#

I could have handled the squats at 205#, but not cleaning that weight more than once, so unless I went unbroken that wasn't happening. Even 185# was really heavy.  Did 10, 6 and 4. The last clean was horrendous, but I did it.

Box jumps were okay after the first few of wobbly legs.

KB swings were okay, did 13, 13 and 14

Wall balls were rough, at the end like that, did 4 sets of 10.

Finished last in 14:05, I figure if I'm not last, I scaled too much. So good workout.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Running log for Wednesday, March 11th

Day two of running.  Still sucks.  I figure it'll likely suck for a couple of weeks.

Went for 30 minutes this time.  Slowed the pace a bit to 5:45/km instead of the 5:20/km I did last time.

I ended up slowing the pace to 10:00/km for a 40 second stretch at the 13 minute mark.  My right calf/achilles was really tight.

Then I just hunkered down and pushed through to the end.

Just over 5km in 30 minutes.

Plan is to go 45:00 on Friday. We'll see.  I may either repeat the 30 or postpone to Monday after the Open.  We'll see how I feel Friday.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Crossfit log for Tuesday, March 10th

We started with snatch grip dead lifts at 130% of max, I did 185#.  Didn't have straps so hook grip sucked on the thumbs. Gotta get used to it I guess.

Once again we revisited the 50s workout (reduce to 25s for us mortals). Last time I did this was November 27th and May 20th

Last time I knew I had scaled it, so I did the same this time. Except the WOD was already at what I'd scaled it to last time, so I ended up scaling even further . I remembered that last time Coach went on about how Games athletes were doing Rx, so scale appropriately.  So last time the board said 185#, so I scaled to 155#. This time they must've taken this into account, because the board said 155#,  so again being the smart person I am, I went with 135#.  So now I can't really compare with either previous performances. Gah!

Chipper for time:
-50 calorie row
-25 over the box jumps
-25 dead lifts  155#  (stupidly scaled to 135#)
-25 wall balls 20# ball
-25 ring dips
-25 wall balls
-25 dead lifts
-25 over the box jumps

Row sucked because my rower decided to stop counting calories at 22, played with the controls and got going again up to 41, someone just finished so I switched rowers for 9 calories.  Oh well.

Box jumps went really well, I've got the bounce back down to a science.  Dead lifts were fine, they were only 135#!  Wall balls weren't bad.  Dips went well, set the rings high so I could kip, and did 5 sets of 5.

The way back was harder, but you know, you just do the work.

Finished in 19:14   now I'm left to wonder what an extra 20# on the deadlifts would've cost me.  Last time was 21:36, but the box jumps sucked and I had a harder time on the dips.  I guess I'll never know.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Running log for Monday, March 9th

Does that say "running log"?

Ugh.  Today is the first day of my new training regimen: 15 minute run.

Wow.  That was a lot of suck.

In order to get ready for the high intensity coming my way with these run workouts, my plan is to run the prescribed length of time for each workout at a moderate pace, until I find my running legs again.

Starting running sucks.  I haven't run since the Wellness challenge 5km that turned in to 9km. And before that I ran for 10 minutes on  March 17th and 15 minutes on March 10th. Add to that the 9km I ran with my buddy Mark on January 26th of LAST YEAR, I haven't done a whole lot of running since Goofy in January 2013.

I know it'll get better, it doesn't take long for the body to adapt.  The mental aspect will be harder I suspect. 

So today I ran for 15 minutes at 7.0mph which it turns out to be  5:20/km.

Happy with that.  Wednesday I'll do 30 minutes.  And Friday, 45 minutes. 

Crossfit log for Monday, March 9th

With the time change and only 1 day of rest I wasn't keen on going to Crossfit, but Delilah is sick and I didn't expect to go to at lunch.

So I crawled out of bed and got ready.

We did back squats vs handstand push ups.   4 sets of 5 back squats @ 70% and max hspu.

I did 225# for my  squats and 4 hspu.  Was happy with that.

The WODs was called "coach hates James".

10 minute AMRAP
- 15 burpees
- 12 pistols (scaled to 24 air squats)
- 40 double unders

Burpees weren't too bad actually.  The squats after the heavy back squats sucked. The double unders were as usual, unpredictable.

Made 2 rounds plus 47 reps (8 double unders) on round 3

For that workout, I'll take it.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Crossfit log for Saturday, March 7th - Open WOD 15.2

Crossfit Open 15.2

It is the same as Open Workout 14.2
In 3 minutes perform 2 rounds of
- 10 overhead squats @ 95#
- 10 chest to bar pull ups.
At the end of 3:00 if you have finished the 2 rounds you have 3 minutes to do 2 rounds of
- 12 overhead squats @ 95#
- 12 chest to bar pull ups

keep adding 2 reps per 3:00 successfully completed.  If you finish before the 3:00, rest until the 3:00 is up.

My goal for this was petty simple, get through two rounds before the 3:00 cap.

I started my warm up at home.  Stretched my back, hips and shoulders before we left.

We got there early this time, I watch Clarisse go in heat 2 and I was booked in heat 3.  I warmed up a bit more, practised some overhead squats and a few pull ups. I used some homemade grips, which I didn't really notice.  I guess that means they worked, I didn't notice my hands. They were really comfortable on the overhead squat.

So then it was my turn.  Kiza was my judge.

After stabilizing in the overhead position, I did my 10 overhead squats unbroken.  Got to the pull up bar and chained 3 chest to bars (a record I think) and did 2 more before letting go.

My plan was get through the first round as quickly as possible and then fight for the rest of the 3 minutes to try and finish round 2.

I miss read the clock after I finished the first round I thought I gone over a minute 30, but I had 1:40 left not 1:20.  So I got back to the bar and quickly did another 10 overhead squats. Got back to the bar and started doing chest to bars I had one left with 7 seconds to go, jumped up and finished the round with 5 seconds to spare.

Coach Isabelle nearly lost her shit when she saw me doing overhead squats.

Having met my goal, I had really no plan for the next 3 minutes.  I caught my breath for a good 30 seconds before trying more overhead squats, I did 4, then 3 then 3 then 2.  Leaving me only a few seconds to get 2 chest to bar pull ups.

Last year I fought for 3 minutes to get 3 overhead squats.

This year I met my goal of getting through the first 3 minutes: 2 rounds of 10 overhead squats and 10 chest to bar pull ups, with 5 seconds to spare. Followed that up with another 12 overhead squats and 2 chest to bar for a total of 54 reps, including 32 overhead squats. I still can't believe it.

What a difference a year can make.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Crossfit log for Friday, March 6th

Clarisse came with me to Crossfit this morning.  She failed to sign up for last night's class and didn't want to miss 2 days in a row, so she slept over and was up at 5 like a trooper.

15.2 was announced last night.

It is the same as Open Workout 14.2
In 3 minutes perform 2 rounds of
- 10 overhead squats @ 95#
- 10 chest to bar pull ups.
At the end of 3:00 if you have finished the 2 rounds you have 3 minutes to do 2 rounds of
- 12 overhead squats @ 95#
- 12 chest to bar pull ups

keep adding 2 reps per 3:00 successfully completed.  If you finish before the 3:00, rest until the 3:00 is up.

So we were surprise that the workout didn't include anything on the pull up bar and no snatch or overhead squat work.

Coach said save your arms for tomorrow, you're gonna need them.

Okay.  So we did 2 short workouts that were 4 rounds of 2:00 AMRAP + 1 min rest

The first was
- 9 box jumps
- 7 burpees
- 5 wall balls
- resume where you left off after each 1:00 rest.

we rested 5 minutes between to set up
The second was:
-2 shuttle runs
-7 thrusters
-5 bar facing burpees

I did 24" box, Clarisse did 20"  as prescribed.  I used the 20# med ball for the wall ball, Clarisse I'm not sure.  For the thrusters I used 65# instead of the prescribed 75# and Clarisse did 35# instead of 45#.

She kept up with me the whole time. It was pretty impressive.  We didn't really keep track of rounds, that wasn't the point.

Afterward we did an easy 1000m row to flush out the system.

Ready for tomorrow!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Olympic lifting log for Thursday, March 5th

Okay, so a plan is starting to formulate in my grey matter.

The running plan is simple:  3 workout cycle a. tabata (15min), b. progression (30min), c. intervals (45min).  Runs are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  The 3 week cycle will repeat Friday's workout on Monday, so as not to always do the same workout the same day of the week as follows: a, b, c, c, a, b, b, c, a.

Tuesdays and Thursday will be Olympic lifting by default.

Then I'll add skill work on the rings, jump rope and bar as I can.

On the days of the tabata run I'll have time to work in some skill training.  I may even be able to do some on the progression run day too.  Keeping in mind that this supplementary work to regular Crossfit which will also work skills and Olympic lifting.

Today I did some snatch work.  Just split snatch, 4 double at 95#, 4 singles at 115#, 2 singles at 135# and 2 failed attempts at 145#.

Should have tried 140# to be sure.  But 135# is my best, I'll use that for my training plan, once I find one.

Crossfit log for Thursday, March 5th

Once again I was glad I went despite not wanting to get out of bed this morning.

We started with a hang clean front squat complex of

2 hang squat clean + 2 front squats  on 2:00 rest

Did 155#, 165#, 185#, 185#

155# felt light.  165# too, but the second clean was harder than the first.

So I went big with 185# and managed quite well.  Coach Connor was impressed with my pull, so that made me happy since it's been the weak link in my clean.

Second clean was not so nice, so on the final set I really focused on the second rep making sure I had a good pull and got under it quickly.  It was really good.  Coach even said so.

The WOD was a 12 min AMRAP:
- 30 double unders
- 15 push press 115#/75#  (did 95#)
- 12 front squats same weight
- 9 dead lifts same weight
- 7 muscle ups (scaled to ring dips)

double under went surprisingly well,  second round a had more than a few false starts but but managed it in 3 sets of around 10.

Going back to the bar after the ring dips was rough.  My first round was stellar, I was ahead of everyone, but the other caught up during round 2.

Round three was really rough.  DUs went okay, push press was torture.  Front squat took 3 sets (2 right off the last push press, plus 2 sets of 5).  Got one dead lift at the buzzer.

So 2 rounds + 58 reps.  Happy with that.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Workout log for Tuesday, March 3rd


Going to the gym without a plan or a goal isn't very productive.

Started with some back and shoulder mobility.  Moved on to hamstrings and squat position.

Did a couple of pistol drills.

Set up the rings with no real plan in mind.  Did some dips and some rows. And that was it.

I need a plan.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, March 3rd

Coach Alex showed up today.  He apologized for sleeping in and got out is old loud and annoying alarm clock to ensure it won't happen again.

He also bought some coffee for everyone as a peace offering.

Apology accepted coach.

We started with a snatch + 2 overhead squat combo  for 4 sets.

Took a while to get warmed up so I counted my two last warm up sets as working sets and did 95#-95#-105#-105#

On the last one I sat in the bottom for several seconds getting as deep as possible.  Coach was happy with my depth.

Then we moved on to Front squats vs pull ups.

- pull ups 6-9-12-15
- front squats 3 sets of 4 at 80%  (did 215#)

Squats were hard after yesterdays effort.

The WOD was killer.

11 minutes:
- 40 bar facing burpees
-- 9 thrusters 95#
-- 15 box jumps
-- 42 double unders

Got through 1 round plus 24 (thrusters and box jumps)

Double unders were a struggle again.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Strength log for Monday, March 2nd

Finally hit 315# back squat.  Even got it on video.  The culmination of 14 months of training.

I worked up with 95#, 135# and 185# for 5, and a double at 225#.  Got out my belt and hit 285# for a single then loaded up 3 big plates on each side.

I was so nervous.  I recruited Adam to be my camera man and when he gave me the go ahead, a unracked it and got to work.

It goes by so fast in the video, it seemed like I was stuck for a lot longer during the lift.

In fact, watching the video my upward motion never actually stops.  It slows a lot in the middle as I squeeze and tighten different core muscles to find another gear, but it keeps going up. 

Didn't feel that way at the time. 

Really stoked about this lift. It's been a long time in coming.

Progress update.

New Back Squat PR. 

Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 315# March 2, 2015 (up from 305#)
Front Squat: 275# February 26, 2015 (up from 265#)
Overhead squat: 145# February 19, 2015 (up from 125#x4)

Power Clean: 195# Nov 25, 2014 (up from 185#)
Power snatch:  140# Dec 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# Sept 15, 2014 (up from 175#)
Clean: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 191#)
Jerk: 205#  Dec 13, 2014 (up from 185#)
Snatch: 135# Nov 21, 2014 (up from 130#)
Clean and Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 175#)

Year of Strength comes to an end, mission accomplished.

After having spent nearly a year and a half working on mobility at the Y during my lunch hour, 14 months ago I changed gears away from mobility to strength development.

This has been the two first steps in systematically and relentlessly tackling my weaknesses. Instead of rolling, stretching or mobilizing a body part I'd be doing back squats, front squats, shoulder press, bench press or dead lifts every lunch hour.

My programming was rudimentary.  Much like a Running Room marathon training plan, an advanced athlete likely wouldn't use my plan, but I'm at the early enough stages of my development that any strength specific work will show results.

I'm glad I have the experience of running in this regard, I know the risk of assuming that what worked in the past will always work.  The truth is, as you evolve as an athlete, the strategies used in your early days won't always work.  Eventually you'll have to learn new strategies if you don't want to plateau.

My programming followed a basic 6 week program, based on percentages of max weight.
- Week one was 5 sets of 5 reps at 75% of max.
- Week two, 3 sets of 5 at 80%
- Week three, 5 sets of 3 at 85%
- Week four, 3 sets of 3 at 90%
- Week five, 3 singles or 1 double at 95%
- Week six, retest.

Sometimes I'd take a week off, sometimes my timetable got interrupted by life. I didn't worry about it, I'd either start over, or step back by 2 weeks keep going from there, depending where I was in the program.

In the second half of the year I added an interesting twist.  I'd work up to a heavy single before peeling back to do my reps.  This would be between 95% and 105% of my current max. If it felt good I'd push, if it didn't I'd peel back sooner, if it really didn't feel good, I call it a day before hitting my reps.

This made the first set of reps feel way easier, and the last set way harder.  The opposite of starting reps right after warm up.

Somewhere along the way I set a goal of 315# back squat by year's end.  Wherever the other lifts were at that point, so be it.

Christmas came around and I was still at 295#, so I figured since my "year of mobility" went 4 months over there's no reason not to continue my "year of strength" for at least one more 6 week cycle.

Today marks the last day of that cycle and here are the results.

LiftStarting weight (12/26/14)Ending weight (03/03/2015)Difference in lbs% of increase
Dead lift2853658028.07%
Back squat2453157028.57%
Front squat2152756027.91%
Overhead Squat951455052.63%

In terms of percentages, the biggest gain was my Overhead squat, which more due to mobility improvements than strength development (I did continue mobility work, but it was not my focus).

My dead lift was also a huge gain, but I don't think the 285lbs starting weight was really my best at the time.

My back squat and front squat are where I really made a difference, in large part due to the improved mobility, but also sheer hard work.

I am really happy with the result of the phase, except my bench and overhead didn't thrive in the second half the way my squats did.  I may spend more time on them even as I change my focus.

Since it is time to change gears again and focus on power, endurance and some gymnastics skills to be a more well rounded athlete, I need to work out my new plan which will include running 3 times per week and more Olympic lifting.

I'll give myself the week to sort out the details and start next Monday.

I am a little bit worried I'll fall into a funk after hitting a goal I've been working towards for so long.  I mean all that work for essentially 18 seconds of accomplishment. 

I think since I have more goals already lined up and this was just a stepping stone, that I'll be okay. 

Enjoy the journey I guess.  Or as I've been saying all along just lay the bricks, the rest will take care of itself.

Crossfit log for Saturday, February 28th - Open WOD 15.1

Spent the day at the box watching the entire community throw down for 15.1

Nerves building minute by minute.

I was in heat 9 of 11 going about every half hour.  So it was a long day.

I ended up having to go to the corner store to get some calories.

I watched Clarisse do her workout.  She did amazingly.  I can't remember how many rounds she went for the first part, but she clean and jerked 95#!

Then I watched Kiza, I think she got 3 rounds + 8 reps. And clean and jerked 127# (I think a PR or within 3#).

Kiza was in heat 5.  So I still had too much time left.

Finally heat 8 starts so I begin my warm up. Kamil is in the same heat so we work together, I even gave him some gatoraid for some quick liquid calories as he too underestimate how long we'd be waiting before the workout.

So 15.1 is in two parts, first 9:00 AMRAP of:
- 15 toes to bar
- 10 dead lifts  115#
- 5 snatches 115#
immediately followed by 6:00 to establish
- 1 rep max clean and jerk

I completely screwed up my plan for this workout.  Not that I would've done much better if I hadn't but my mental place was one of confusion and frustration as a result.

My estimates were based on the practice WOD from Friday, but I had completely discarded the fact that we did fewer reps (9-6-3 intead of 15-10-5).  Having done 4 rounds in 10:12 with 2 minutes rest, I felt confident I could do 4 rounds with lest rest. Didn't account for more reps. 

Then I miscalculated my  plates for the second part.   I wanted to do 3 lifts. 175# which I knew I could do.  195# which I thought I could do and 215# which I hoped I could do.

But adding two 25# plates to 115# doesn't make 175#, so I had to add 5# but then I only had one set of 10# plates which got me to 195# but then I was out of plates I didn't even have enough for 205# (my current PR), Julie, my judge ran to get some plates, coming back with 2.5#  for 200#, I gave it a try but ran out of time after failing the clean the first attempt. Oh well.

The snatches were hard but the toes to bar were my limiter.

Managed 3 rounds a 1 toes to bar for 91 and 195# clean and jerk.

I'm still satisfied with my score, but it was frustrating nonetheless

Tempted to try the scaled version to see what I could muster.