Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 29th

So the second day of my 45th year started pretty much the same as the first, with me lying on the floor of the gym gasping for breath, leaving a sweat angel in my wake.

After the back squats  8-6-4-2 progressively heavier (185#, 205#, 225#, 245#) we set up for Team Fight Gone Bad.

We were only 4 so a waterfall start with only one team didn't make sense, so we did teams of 2, but start together, no member can advance until both are finished their current station.

3 rounds:
- 20 wall balls 20#/14#
- 20 sumo dead lift high pull  75#/55#
- 20 box jumps 20" box
- 20 push press 75#/55#
- 20 calorie row

Teamed up with Natasha, so we did women's Rx (except I used a 20# medicine ball). It made sense if I wanted to keep up with her.

It was just hard.  For the most part we finished at the same time, but on the third round it was harder to keep up.  She started on the wall balls and I on the sumo dead lift high pulls so she finished with the row and I with the wall balls.

She was done and I had 5 wall balls to go.

Our time was 22:47.

Team WOD really make you work hard.

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