Thursday, 23 October 2014

Crossfit log for Thursday, October 23rd

In an effort to return to normalcy after yesterday's tragic shooting I went to Crossfit this morning despite being tired and a bit sore from the dead lifts and lack of mobility work (since the Y was closed as part of the lockdown in the downtown core).

Today had a bit of everything:

We started with power cleans, 4 sets of 4.  Worked up to a pretty heavy 165# (90% of max) and managed to hit all 16 reps.   I may have to retest this soon.

Then we did 5 sets of 7 back squats vs 5 sets of 5 strict handstand push ups.

Settle on 185# but ended up counting my last warmup set at 165# since I ran out of time.

For the hspu I tried with two abmats and was only able to get 2 strict.  One scaling option was kip the pull up and slowly lower on the negative. Managed 3 of those on round two. Tried the strict again this time not releasing the tension from the lowering and manged to get on like that.  Man that was a lot of work.

Ended up with only 4 sets of back squats including the last warm up, and 3 sets of incomplete hspu.


WOD was a cornicopia:  10 minute cap:
21 pistols
3 rope climbs
With remaining time AMRAP:
-15 double unders (unbroken)
-9 burpees
-6 squat cleans 115# (scaled to 95#)

Pistol scaling option was on a box so you didn't have to keep the other leg aloft. First time I've ever done this and it was quite a breakthrough, but discovered a drastic imbalance.  Left leg was gold, I was able to get right down and back up without issue, better than I ever expected, right leg, as soon as I got close to parallel I  buckled.  Next weakness to tackle at physio I guess.

Took me a full 4 minutes to get through the pistols and rope climbs, only to face the double unders.  Struggled a lot, got 7, then 4, then refocused and managed 12 unbroken.  That would do. 

Burpees sucked after 6 reps.

Cleans were really tough, even at 95#.

Did 7 and 8 for the double unders and sets of 3 with quick breaks for the burpees.  Manged to get 5 cleans before the buzzer.

DFL again, but I was too happy about the pistols to worry about it.

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