After light dead lifts, (light by personal preference as prescribe by my physio)
3 sets of 3 heavy and 3 sets of 8 lighter.
Only did, 185# and 135#. Even that felt tight, despite a longer than usual warm up, since I arrived a bit early. Even with bretzels and rolling and some lazy push ups. No pain, or discomfort, but I could feel it.
Then we tackled "Jackie"
-1000m row
-50 thrusters @ 45#
-30 pull ups.
Plan was: Break 10 minutes. Go easy on the row, don't put down the bar, rest for 5 deep breaths after every 10 reps for the thrusters, hammer the pull ups.
Averaged 2:15ish/500m on the row until the last 100m, then took it below 2:00/500m
Finished in around 4:18 I think. Winded but feeling fresh.
First 10 thrusters were fast, got to 11 before I remembered to break and breathe. Rested in the front rack position. 5 breaths started again.
Second 10 got harder, shoulders starting to burn. Resting in the front rack was getting uncomfortable. 10 more reps, shoulders are on fire.
I lower the bar to the hang, but it feels heavy in my hands. Hook grip solved that problem. 10 breaths maybe more, but now I have to clean it.
Fourth 10 was hard, rest at the hang again. Break seems longer, thinking I'll 5 and 5. Start again, get to 5 and I want to stop, but I keep going only 5 left, come on, just finish them!
Done. Off to the pull ups bar. Winded, shoulders on fire. Chalk my hands and jump on for 10 pull ups. Wasn't too bad. More chalk. Clock is at 8 minutes and change. 10 more pull ups. That sucked. Need to 10 more and the clock is ticking. coming up on 9:30 and I have 10 left.
At 9:30 I jump on the bar and put everything into the last 10 pull ups. Drop off the bar at 9:50.
Finally. Finally broke 10:00.
My new "Jackie" PR is 9:50
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