Thursday, 16 October 2014

Crossfit log for Thursday, October 16th

Oh boy, am I going to be sore tomorrow.

Started with a clean and push press complex that I got wrong until the last set.

Was supposed to be 1 power clean + 4 push press, + 4 hang power clean. Choose a weight that is heavy but allows for explosiveness throughout.

I totally missed the "4" in front of "push press"  I did 1 + 1 + 4 until I realized others were doing 4 push press.

Settled on 125#. Went well aside from my error.

Followed that up with max reps pull ups, chest to bar if you could.  I only got to 17 regular. Can't string CTB. We've done so many pull ups this week, plus toes to bar that my lats and shoulder muscles are tight and sore and not up to the challenge.

The WOD was a chipper that I really didn't enjoy, for time:
- 750m row
- 100ft axle front rack walking lunges  110# (scaled to 95#)
- 30 toes to bar
- 30 wall balls
- 30 burpees.

I wasn't looking forward to the burpees this time.  Ugh.

The row was fine, the lunges were hard, but my groin held up nicely.

T2B almost killed me. As mentioned above, the number of pull ups and T2B we've done this week made kipping these really hard.  Took a lot out of me.

The wall balls were okay, but the burpees sucked.  Took me forever to finish them.

17:57  ugh.

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