Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Crossfit log for Tuesday, October 21st

So behind the neck push press and a reflex to push you head back during push press equals what could've been a mild concussion.  Thankfully it was on the last set, so I just called it quits. Sadly the before last set wasn't very good.

It was 3 sets of 3 and 2 sets of 2, heavy.

Did the triples at 145# and the doubles (which turned out to be on rep, at 155#).

WOD was a team WOD, once again with a new (relatively new, not a regular morning) guy, Darryl.  Again wasn't sure what his abilities were, but he is still recovering from a dislocated elbow (ouch).

Lana was shadowing me, since there were 5 of us.

12 minute AMRAP
-27 hang power snatch 75#/55# bar can't touch the ground has to be passed off
-18 wall balls 20#/14#
-9 pull ups

We should've gone with women's weight. Darryl was weak on the wall balls, so we did sets of 6, giving him the last three snatches, I'd the first and last 6 wall balls, leaving him only 6 in the middle.  Then I'd let him do as many pull ups as he could and I'd finish them off.

He started to fade on the snatches on round 2.  So we shortened our sets and I still managed to get him on the last few snatches so I could move to the wall balls with Lana.

We lost a ton of time on transitions, and 75# got heavy real quick, leaving the shoulders dead for the wall balls.

We managed 2 full rounds plus 26 snatches.

I worked really hard, so I'm happy with that.

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