Not my favourite but it was a good workout
Started with snatch work.
6 singles at 80%. on 90 seconds rest.
Takes me a long time to warm up, so most of my singles were undre 80%, I think I did 3 at 105#
Then 3 sets of 3 hang snatches at 65%. This was much better. Easier to commit, easier to get deep at 85#
The WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP:
6 burpees over bar
12 deadlifts at 185#
24 wall balls w/ 20# med ball
48 double unders (scaled to 96 singles)
I really need to practice my double unders, this is getting ridiculous.
I started thinking it was 12 burpees, but once I got to 9 and everyone was doing dead lifts I clued in.
Deads were fine. Wall balls really took a lot out of me. Then after 5 attempts to get past 10 double unders I broke down and switched to singles.
I only managed 2 full rounds and 6 burpees + 7 dead lifts.
Whatever. Heart rate was through the roof form the get go.
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