Thursday, 25 September 2014

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 25th

I was glad I didn't go yesterday. Kiza went last night and told me it had pistols, handstand push ups and heavy dumbbell snatches, ugh.

But when I saw today's WOD, I thought yesterday's didn't seem so bad.

Started with three heavy doubles on front squat, I did 225#, so I guess I don't have to do front squat at the Y today.

Then we got everything ready for the WOD.

Chipper for time:
-1000m row
-100 double unders
-50 wall balls
-30 pull ups
-50 box jumps
-30 burpees
-30 toes to bar

We started at 6:00 so the implied time cap was 30 minutes.  Wasn't sure I'd make it.  Probably wouldn't have if I'd done 100 double unders instead of scaling to 50.

Row was fine, but my mouth was really parched at the end of it. Double unders were stupid, but the wall balls went really well. Did 10, 15, 10 15.

Pull ups were a snap, 15, 10, 5, no sense killing myself with so much work left to do.

Box jumps were tedious.  Burpees were, well, burpees.  And finally the t2b, broke them up in sets of 5, first one, I couldn't find a rhythm, 2nd one was nice.

The third one I managed only 3, but stepped through the rig and jump on the other bar for 2 more.  I'd wait until the top of the minute or at xx:30 to start again and did this 3 + step through + 2 for the rest, except the last were I managed 5 in a row.

Finished it 27:47   Tired, but happy I finished before time ran out.

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