Saturday, 20 September 2014

Crossfit log for Saturday, September 20th

Unscheduled Crossfit workout today, since Kiza is running the Army run tomorrow she opted out of her class, since someone had to bring Delilah to her Crossfit kids class, it made sense for me to do the workout.

Teams of four and as luck would have it the whole team from Brockville Team Challenge was present, so Maks, Natasha, Yvana and I reformed the team.

The WOD was share the work as you see fit:
250 chest to bar pull ups (scaled to regular pull ups)
250 kettle bell swings 24kg/16kg
250 double unders
250 overhead squats  95#/65# (scaled to 55# for everyone)

I did more than my share of pull ups and worked way harder on the kettle bell swings because Maks kept doing sets of 20, so I had to keep up to save face.

Double unders were mostly the girls. Natasha is really good at them, she do stretches of 30 or so, I'd so 6 to give a break, then Yvana would do 10 or 15.  Maks can only do singles.  At some point he did 100 singles which counted for 50 reps.  I think I did like 20 reps total.  Granted I had my lifting shoes, which may have hampered my performance.

Then, the part we all dreaded, the overhead squats.  I don't know where they came from but I was a OHS machine. Granted it was only 55#, but my position was rock solid.  Shoulders stable and externally rotated, deep squats, up and down.  I was stunned.

I did 3 sets of 15 unbroken and one set of 10.  Even the coach was stunned.  I wonder if the physio is actually helping.

Really glad I went.

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