Not a great morning.
Somehow my 3 year old got a hold of my alarm clock and unbeknownst to me, change the alarm time to 3:00am instead of 5:00am.
I didn't realize this until after 10 minutes of self-talk to get my ass out of bed, whereupon I noticed and cursed and flopped back into bed to try fruitlessly to fall back to sleep.
Now when 5:00am rolls around, the self-talk is trickier, since now I have the added disincentive of lack of sleep to counter argue.
Based on the title of the blog we can safely assume that I managed to talk myself into getting up.
Strength work was front squats. 4 sets of 2, just above max clean and jerk. Fast out of the bottom.
Used 205#, lighter than last week, where I felt slow coming up. Went okay
Then 6 cleans at 80% of max (did 165#), need to work on the pop at the end of the second pull. Was pretty good at getting under the bar.
The WOD was burtal:
"Unbroken 2"
7 rounds for time 15 minute cap (yes, 7 rounds)
- 4 handstand push ups (scaled to one abmat)
- 5 cleans touch and go 135# (scaled to 115#, thankfully)
- 6 chest to bar pull ups
- 7 kettle bell swing (I don't know how heavy the red kettle bell is, but I scaled to green: 24kg)
Yeah, nowhere near 7 rounds, made 4 plus 9 reps.
HSPU went really well (except on the last round I lost balance and briefly came off the wall on the 3rd rep, and technically should've started over, but I bounced right back up and did the last rep).
The cleans were rough, even at 115#, glad I scaled.
Chest to bar were okay, not strung together, but I never came off the bar.
Kettle wasn't an issue, might have been able to handle the red devil, but it would've make the rest worse.
Glad it's done.
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