Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Strength log for Tuesday, August 19th

Well that almost felt like a waste of time.

My quads are so sore from yesterday's wall balls, DOMS like I don't remember ever having so bad.

I was even worried about rhabdo since my urine this morning was very dark.  Thankfully later it was pale and clear, so I'm just a wimp with DOMS.

Naturally I went to the gym.

Hopped on the rower for an easy 1000m.

Then I rolled around on the orb, lower back and glutes, tight after yesterday's dead lifts.

Then Adam shows up to try the 20 rep challenge on the bench at 135#.

Naturally in his mind it wasn't a 20 rep challenge it was an as many reps as possible. So he makes it to 20, and keeps doing, failing at 28, so 27 complete reps.

Well I couldn't let that stand, so I warmed up to try and match that or beat it.

But no, I made 20 reps again, but that was all I had.

So, I tried to get some squats going, to loosen up my legs, did a few reps front squats at 115#, then decided to try some overhead squats, but it wasn't happening.

Then suddenly it was time to go.

Oh well, better than doing nothing.

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