Totally forgot to log this workout, even after remembering the strength workout from the day before, I still forgot this one. It wasn't until I was halfway through logging today's workout that it dawned on me, and I had to ask my crew to remind me what we did. It was completely gone from my brain.
I do remember that I slept in, and went to the 6:30 class instead, and thankfully it wasn't full. Close, but not quite full.
Thankfully Julien came through form me.
The workout was 4 rounds for time:
- 7 handstand push ups
- 10 dead lifts 225# (scaled to 205#, but really, I should have done 225#)
- 20 wall balls 20# med ball.
HSPU were supposed to be strict, but since I can't do that, I went with 1 abmat, which I occasionally do instead my usual two, I figured if it called for strict it's supposed to be challenging.
Middle of round 2 I got an extra abmat.
No idea what my time was. Likely dead last.
We followed that up with 5 rounds of alternating 5 strict press with toes to bar.
Pick a number of t2b you can maintain for 5 rounds. They went well, 8 or 9 reps unbroken. Looked like I knew what I was doing.
I did 105# for the presses. Made only 4 rounds, I had a plane to catch and round 4 was a struggle, especially after all those hspu!
Done it done. And now, thankfully it's logged.
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